Chapter 2644 Finale ([-])

He Hongjin instinctively felt that He Xiner had no good words.

"I invite myself out of the clan..."

Sure enough, he guessed it right.

"Rebellious girl!"

He Hongjin was so angry that he raised his hand to hit him, but in the end he raised his hand, Dabai suddenly stood upright and stood in front of He Xiner, staring at him.

Facing its cold gaze, even though He Hongjin's mental quality has always been strong, he couldn't help but feel a chill down his spine.

He could finally understand why his mother wanted to kill this bitch back then.

With it here, no one can touch this girl with a single finger.

It's really impossible to beat or scold or teach a lesson.

But this girl has her own ideas, and she has no feelings for this family or him, and she has no sense of not daring to disobey her parents' orders, and she only does everything according to her own temperament, without any regard for others.

He Hongjin glared at He Xiner angrily, with hatred in his heart.

When she wanted to come back, it wasn't because she was forced to do so, but because she wanted to break away from the cousin relationship with that brat Ye Xusheng.

From the very beginning, she didn't regard herself as the He family, let alone recognize her ancestors.

She never cared whether she had a family tree, and now she wants to leave the family without any hesitation.

The boy Ye Xusheng on the left and right is dead, so she no longer needs the status of the daughter of the He you mean this?

The more He Hongjin thought about it, the more angry he became, "Are you going to leave?"

He really wanted to cut this girl open to see if she really had a heart.

Anyway, her surname is also He, and she is not worried about the impact this incident will have on the entire He family, and she can't wait to get rid of them.

Really heartless!

Apart from being angry, He Hongjin was also a little bit disappointed.

He felt that he was kind to He Xiner, at least more than he was to He Laner, but in the end, she still didn't treat him as a family.

Not even a yell.

She only had the Ye family in her heart, and only the couple who died early.

If something happened to the Ye family, she was more anxious than anyone else, and even tried her best to rescue the Wang family when something happened, but the He family was in the fire and water.

It made him lose face even more.

Thinking of this, He Hongjin was so angry that his ribs hurt.

What made him even angrier was that there was nothing he could do about her.

The Ye family couldn't move, and the matter of the Wang family had just passed, if something happened again, she would inevitably be suspicious.

Thinking of this, He Hongjin became even angrier.

Rebellious woman!

"The Uncle Yongchang's mansion must hate the He family to death now, and they don't know how to retaliate in the future. My He family is about to lose, but the person who brought things to this point left this mess and said What is not implicated..."

He Hongjin looked at He Xiner coldly, "You think the He family is down, Qingqing girl, them, and them..."

He pointed to He Jiayu's son, He Yunwen, who was over two years old, and He Jiaxuan's daughter, He Sixuan, who was two years old, "Will there be a good life in the future?"

"Is this what you said about not getting involved?"

He was cursing emotionally, when He Jiaxuan suddenly lifted the corner of the door curtain and poked his head in, "That, that..."

Previously, He Hongjin failed to beat He Jiaheng, and he wanted to beat He Xiner, but he couldn't succeed. The fire hadn't even started yet. When he saw him, he picked up the things at hand and threw them over without thinking, "It's useless!" things! Get out of my way!"

He Jiaxuan swished his head back in fright, and said loudly through the curtain, "Nan Gongze is here, and now he is blocking the door of our house to control our dignitaries, saying that if he does not hand over his fourth sister, he will report to the officials.

He said he was going to sue us for a fraudulent marriage.

Dad, let's go and have a look. "

He Hongjin glared at He Xiner, "Look at what you've done!"

He Xiner said calmly, "I can't blame all this on me."


If possible, He Hongjin really wanted to give her a big blow.

But with Dabai watching covetously, he really didn't dare.

This dog thing is really beating people.

He didn't want to be photographed flying, he really couldn't afford to lose that person.

"You come with me."

He Hongjin called He Jiaheng angrily, and when he thought of facing the Nangong family, he felt a burning pain on his face, as if he had been beaten.

But no matter how unwilling he was, he had to come forward to clean up the mess.

Who told him to be the head of the family?

He Hongjin was about to throw the curtain away, and He Jiajie jumped in front of He Xiner, "Fourth Sister, are you alright?"

He Xiner shook her head, "I'm fine."

"You must be tired after tossing and tossing for so long. Go back and have a rest. Let's talk about tomorrow if you have anything to do."


He Xiner turned around.

Song's questioning voice came from behind, "Is it okay early in the morning, how can you change your mind? What are you doing for?"

When He Jiajie looked over, he saw that she was so shocked that she was almost unable to hold on anymore.

He frowned and turned to look at He Xiner, but he looked lonely, and He Xiner had already left with Dabai.

After returning to Fresh and Youju, she changed into casual clothes, and took the things Luo Hua had prepared to the front yard.

At this time, He Hongjin managed to coax Nan Gongze to wash up and rest, and he was sitting alone in front of the desk, sulking.

"what is this?"

Looking at the brocade box in front of him, He Hongjin's tone was extremely bad.

"Silver note."

He Hongjin was startled, and then accepted it unceremoniously.

This girl is too rich, so she doesn't care about the identity of the Fourth Miss of the He family. When she is in distress, she should know how to cherish it.

Before dawn the next day, He Hongjin set off with He Jiaheng and He Jiaxuan.

Accompanying him was Nangong Ze.

After waiting for a while at the north city gate, the city gate opened.

A group of people went out of the city in a mighty manner, and met Nangong Yaohui who was in a hurry to enter the city.

As a result, the team grew stronger.

As for the fact that He Xiner didn't go with her, Nangong and his nephew didn't ask about it.

Now, whether she marries or not is no longer important.

As early as yesterday, all the people in the Bo's residence had been lost, and now that she changed her mind, it would be difficult to regain the reputation of the Bo's residence.

So it's useless to say anything now.

He Hongjin's trip this time was nothing more than an apology.

Yes, He Hongjin went to make amends.

Not only did he make amends, He Jiaheng and He Jiaxuan also made amends.

In front of everyone in the Nangong family, he had someone severely punish the two of them, and within a short time the two were defeated. Seeing that Nangong Yaoting couldn't bear it, he hurriedly asked someone to stop him.

In this way, the two people would not die on the spot.

He himself knelt in front of Mrs. Zhou and said with red eyes, "Thousands of mistakes are all Hongjin's fault, and it's because I didn't fulfill my duty as a father and didn't teach her well, that's why..., old lady If you want to be punished or beaten, Hongjin will admit it, but please don't get angry because of that rebellious woman, old man."

Old Madam Zhou sighed, "I thought that girl was very good at first, but who knows that she has such a temperament, she is too disregarding the overall situation."

He Hongjin was terrified, "It's all because Hongjin is useless, because he didn't discipline her well."

"After all, she grew up in the country. It's normal for her to be wild. It's not your fault."

Although the old lady was as gentle and dignified as ever, He Hongjin did not dare to slack off in the slightest. He dealt with it carefully with all his energy, and it took him a long time to coax the old lady to smile.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the old lady is taken down, there is basically no problem with this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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