Chapter 2645 Finale ([-])

In order to appease the matter and show his sincerity, He Hongjin first beat his two sons half to death, then knelt down to plead guilty, and finally paid 20 taels of money as compensation.

Mrs. Zhou is quite satisfied.

As for Yongchang Bonan Gong Yaoting, he was embarrassed by his actions. He felt that his family was taking advantage of the fire, and he was really sorry in his heart, so he forgot to be angry with He Xiner, and instead comforted He Hongjin. The matter will not affect the relationship between the two of them.

The two big brothers are willing to reconcile, and the others have no objections.

After all, the charm of 20 taels of silver bills is still very great.

With this huge sum of money, they will be able to enter Beijing in style.

When they took root in the capital, and then relied on the Dongfeng Fuyun of Fukang Princess to jump straight up and become a first-class family, who would dare to show them face.

The gossip outside is only temporary, and it won't hurt them anything, let them go, there are times when they are shy and fawning.

Moreover, after the news spread that Nangong Han and Princess Fukang were married by the queen mother, those who originally wanted to watch the excitement immediately flattered them, and none of them dared to speak harshly in person. Feel dull.

But compared with the face, 20 huge sums of money are simply not too sweet.

So in this way, they made a profit.

Thinking of the 20 vain silver, the big guy's resentment has long since drifted away with which wind, so hello, me, everyone, get well again.

The Nangong Yaoting brothers are still in harmony with the He Hongjin brothers, as if the previous incident never happened.

Seeing it in his eyes, Yun was furious in his heart, wishing to slap Nangong Yaoting to death.

See the money eye opener!
For a little money, the dignity of the son and the dignity of the uncle's house are all gone, which is really shameful.

Having said that, in fact, as the head of the family, Yun knows exactly what 20 taels of silver means to the vain Bofu.

To be honest, the moment she learned that He Hongjin had entered the mansion, she subconsciously thought about money, and also guessed how much sincerity He Hongjin would show in order to continue pampering the uncle's mansion.

But I didn't expect him to be so generous this time.

She couldn't believe her ears at the time.

In fact, in this family, if you have ten taels of silver in deposit, you are a wealthy household, and 20 taels of silver is simply a huge number.

You must know that she has been in charge of Zhongfu for many years, and when she was the most affluent, she was only a mere ten thousand taels of silver.

She was pleasantly surprised, her first thought was that she could finally breathe a sigh of relief, and no longer have to live her life tightly.

So she shouldn't have any resentment.

But as soon as she thought of her haggard and decadent son, she couldn't help but feel angry, she would rather not have a tael of silver, throwing the banknote in He Hongjin's face, but also pinching He Xiner in her hands.


Xiao Wu didn't dislike her vulgarity at all, so why did she treat him like that? !

Yun Shi was indignant and unwilling.

It's just that Mrs. Zhou is suppressing her, so she can't let her temper go.

And as the head of the family in charge of Zhongfu, she really doesn't have the confidence to be lofty.

So she was even more unwilling.

As the wife of an aristocratic family, she has nothing to do with a mere lowly businessman, which is simply a shame and a great shame.

Surnamed He!
Let's wait and see, this account will be settled sooner or later.

He Hongjin was as keen as a fox, and he knew Yun's personality, so he had already seen her dissatisfaction, but he just pretended not to know.

My aunt and cousin have already expressed their views, so what other people think is not important.

He just wanted to maintain the relationship between the two families and not fall out.

As for that boy Nangong Han, he can only miss it now.

Originally, he really liked this son-in-law...

After comforting the Nangong family, He Hongjin hurried back with his two injured sons.

There is still a mess at home, and I can't let it go.

"Miss Fourth, she..."

He Hongjin sent someone to call He Xiner, ready to have a proper talk with her, but the housekeeper stammered, "Miss Si went to Ciguang Temple again."

After running around for a whole day and spending all his time dealing with people, He Hongjin was exhausted, and he really didn't have the energy to spend any more time. The reason why he insisted on seeing He Xiner was just to make her feel guilty.

In the end, she was lucky, after messing up the Nangong family and the He family, she left without caring!
He Hongjin was so angry that his temples thumped and throbbed, which made him have a splitting headache.

Cold-hearted stuff!
In vain he thought it was a good one.


He Hongjin slammed the table violently, and the loud noise frightened Manager He into a wit, "Master?"

"Don't worry about her, since she likes the cleanness in the mountains, let her be clean with the cold wind."

He didn't believe that without the money, those fat monks would entertain her well.

Earlier, He Xiner gave him a sum of money, a total of 5 taels, but he was quite shocked, but also because the amount was too large, he became suspicious.

No matter how capable she is as a little girl, she can't make so much money.

So he thought the money was given by the Ye family.

After all, the Ye family loves her so much, so it's not surprising that they gave her all the property of the second room.

But now the head of the house, no matter how much he loves her, it is impossible to give her any more money.

It is not so comfortable to rely only on the monthly money in the mansion.

But that girl is as stubborn as a donkey, I'm afraid she won't give in easily.

He Hongjin pinched his brows with a headache and thought for a while, "Sir girl is certainly at fault for this matter, but Jia Heng's fault is even greater.

As an elder brother, he didn't know how to dissuade his sister when she was wayward, but he even went along with her and did such a shocking thing, which damaged the reputation of the He family..."

Manager He's eyes widened in surprise, is the master going to take the young master under the knife?

"...In order to warn the clansmen, the patriarch decided to drive him out of the house and exterminate the clan."

Manager He suddenly raised his head, and asked in disbelief, "Master, you want to expel Eldest Young Master?"

"Yes! Eliminate the family!"

"Ah? Eldest Young Master still has injuries on his body, no one can take care of him, besides, it's so cold outside, sleeping on the street will kill people..."

"Stop rambling, go now."

"But, but it's going to be dark soon, where can he go alone with his injuries?"

He Hongjin said flatly, "This is his business."

He has been in charge of Dingfuju for many years, if he doesn't even have a friend, wouldn't it be a waste of time.

He Hongjin's attitude was firm, and Director He had no choice but to resign himself to making arrangements.

What surprised him was that He Jiaheng was very calm, and left the He mansion dragging his body full of pain without saying a word.

Jiang Shi knew nothing about it.

It wasn't until the next morning when I went to pay my respects to the old lady that I learned that he was not only injured, but also kicked out of the house.

She was horrified.

He was afraid that He Hongjin would catch up with her in his anger.

(End of this chapter)

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