Chapter 2647 Finale ([-])

He Hongjin secretly thought that Gu Mingde did not instigate this matter. He is the Duke of the dynasty, and he doesn't have any kind of woman he wants, so why bother to come to a small place like Lin'an to ask for someone.

He didn't know that the glimpse back then had amazed Gu Mingde for several years, and he never forgot it until now.

It was precisely because of this reason that Vice General Hao kept it in his heart, so he prepared to surprise Gu Mingde.

Back then when Gu Mingde was ordered in danger, he only brought five hundred soldiers to the frontier to take over the mess, and was laughed at by the Nansang Kingdom. As a result, he took back all the lost cities in only three months.

Next, he beat Nansang's army to the point that they could not fight back. The opponent was forced to make peace and was willing to pay tribute. In the Nansang imperial city, the Nansang emperor and the prince were killed, completely annihilating the Nansang dynasty, and almost wiped out all the people of the Nansang country.

Since then, the territory of Nansang Kingdom has been formally incorporated into the Ming Dynasty.

Long Yan, the sage, was very happy, and said that when his teacher returns to the court, he will reward him well.

Since then, Gu Mingde has become famous all over the world, and is hailed as the contemporary god of war by the world.

But he was still not satisfied, thinking that defeating a small country in Nansang was really nothing, and the battle was over without much effort.

So he wrote to the emperor that there was a fish in the royal family of Nansang who slipped through the net and fled to Donghu.

Then it took him a year to bring the territory of Donghu into the Ming Dynasty.

When the good news came, the Holy Majesty happily said several good things one after another, and loudly praised him for his great talent, boldness and loyalty, for being a pillar minister and a livable assistant prime minister.

In recognition of his meritorious service, the emperor proclaimed him Duke Fu.

It just corresponds to the eight characters of the pillar minister and the livable assistant prime minister.

This is the matter of his return to court not long ago, so it hasn't been spread yet.

Now he is still in the capital, accepting congratulations from others in high spirits.

As one of his most capable generals, Vice General Hao will naturally follow by his side.They will also stay in the capital to work in the future, but their family members are still in Qingzhou, and they will have to come back to reunite with their families during the New Year's Eve.

Of course, there are also some meanings of returning home to show off.

Back then they stayed in Qingzhou for many years, this poor place was neither dead nor alive, even if they had all-powerful abilities, they couldn't use it, they were really useless, now they are finally proud, naturally they have to show it off.

Everything today was created by their corpses and blood, so why not.

The Vice-General Hao back then, now the first-rank Zhaowu General Hao Wanfeng is full of vigor and pride, and he feels that the hard times are over, and he should enjoy the glory and wealth in peace.

Of course, the one who deserves to enjoy wealth and honor the most is the Duke of the State.

Without him, veterans like them would not be where they are today.

The Duke of the State has been hiding his strengths and biding his time for many years, and he finally showed his reward. Of course, he should enjoy this hard-won respect.

But the old man lacked everything, and he really didn't want anything.

Except for the woman who caught a glimpse back then.

Hao Wanfeng secretly planned to prepare a big surprise for Gu Mingde, and today's event came about.

So He Hongjin guessed correctly, it was indeed not Gu Mingde's idea.

It's just He Wanfeng trying to please his boss.

He Hongjin thought over and over again, but finally he had the courage to reject Xi Guangfeng.

"Okay, a mere merchant dares to show the face of the Duke of the country. This is because he didn't take our Gu family army seriously, okay, okay.


Mr. He is so courageous, Xi admires it! "

Gu Jiajun is in the limelight now, even an unknown soldier would feel superior to others, let alone a person of Xi Guangfeng's level, he would feel that it was flattering to come to see He Hongjin, but in the end, he didn't appreciate it, and dared to disobey him Meaning, it just made him intolerable.

"Come on!"

When he was angry, he was about to turn his face on the spot, ready to teach the He family a lesson.

It's not for nothing that He Hongjin has been fooling around for so many years. He dared to refuse, of course he was on guard. Seeing him like this, he immediately took a step forward and whispered an explanation in his ear.

Xi Guangfeng's face changed slightly.

He has been in Qingzhou for many years, so he naturally knows the relationship between the He family and Uncle Yongchang's mansion, but because of Gu Jiajun's current status, the Uncle Yongchang's mansion, which has a false name, is not worthy of his fear at all, so he doesn't care much.

Furthermore, he thought that after He Xiner regretted her marriage, the Yongchang uncle's mansion would definitely turn against the He family, so he didn't have to worry about it.

But who would have thought that the two families did not become enemies because of this, but became closer, so he had to think about it.

The Yongchang Bo Mansion in the past was indeed not worth mentioning, but now they have climbed up to Princess Fukang and Prince Ding, and they are no longer kneading hollow pillows at will. It's really not good to make things too ugly.

But in a short time, Xi Guangfeng had already thought a lot, and he was hesitant for a while.

Just as he was struggling, He Hongjin's bank note had been stuffed into his hand without anyone noticing it.

"It's not that I don't know how to flatter you, it's that the girl is so vulgar, she's afraid that she will stain the eyes of the Duke..."

After He Hongjin finished his speech, Xi Guangfeng's face finally looked better. He secretly squeezed the bank note in his hand, and said in a deep thought, "That's it, then Xi can tell the truth to the Duke, and he can do it if he wants to." understand……"

"Then trouble Mr. Xi."

Xi Guangfeng is Hao Wanfeng's counselor, he is a literati, and he is somewhat pedantic and old-fashioned. He was very displeased with He Xiner after he heard about it, and thought she was not virtuous, not responsible, and a troublemaker.

If it wasn't for his good looks, he wouldn't be worthy of serving the Duke.

But well, as long as the concubine looks good, it doesn't matter if the Duke is very powerful, even if she is transformed into a goblin, she would not dare to be a demon under the Duke's nose.

But he didn't want to see this kind of woman in his heart, so when He Hongjin said that he was vulgar, he agreed very much, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that she was not qualified to serve the noble and extraordinary Gu Mingde.

With such thoughts in mind, he took the bank note and went back to pay the business with peace of mind.

I also feel that I have no selfish intentions, and I am all thinking of the Duke.

Unexpectedly, when he passed this word to Hao Wanfeng, the other party was furious and asked him to settle the matter as soon as possible, saying that the Duke of the State would arrive in Fucheng in five days, so he had to make sure to finish the matter before the Lord of the State arrived. People brought it to Qingzhou Prefecture.

Xi Guangfeng was impatient, so he had to visit the He family again.

This time He Hongjin was prepared, and of course he would not let him succeed.

Xi Guangfeng was so angry that he decided to attack He Xiner.

There are so many servants in the He residence, as long as they are willing to spend money, there will always be someone who can't resist the temptation to sell the seller, so he easily learned of He Xiner's whereabouts.

(End of this chapter)

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