Chapter 2648 Finale ([-])

Xi Guangfeng's people relied on Dabai's clues to determine that the person they were looking for was He Xiner's. After all, there are not many young women who raise large snow wolf dogs in Lin'an County.

Counting and counting, there is only one daughter of the richest man, the He family.

So he knew of Dabai's existence.

Knowing that the snow wolf dog is mighty, he is naturally well prepared.

Xi Guangfeng believed from the bottom of his heart that He Xiner was restless, she was not that kind of docile and virtuous woman, and she might not follow him obediently.

So just to be on the safe side, he brought twenty elite guards up the mountain.

If she really doesn't know how to praise, he will teach her to be a human being with his old bones.

She is just a wild girl who grew up in the countryside. Even if she was born better, she can't hide her vulgar nature. How can fish eyes become pearls, and stalks cannot become trees, such a woman will not be taken by the Duke of the country.

At best, try something new and throw it aside, it won't make a difference.

That's why he wasn't afraid of offending her.

The most important thing now is to complete the general's order.

With such thoughts in mind, Xi Guangfeng went up the mountain calmly. When he saw He Xiner, he was quite surprised.

It's really that this little girl's temperament is too good, too clean, cold and dusty without a trace of fireworks, she doesn't look like what should be in the world.

Sure enough, the businessman didn't say a word of truth.

If the little girl in front of me is said to be vulgar, then no woman in this world can be seen.

Xi Guangfeng thought to himself, no wonder the general asked him to do this.

In this way, the woman will surely fall into the eyes of the Duke.

Thinking of this, he subconsciously put away his contempt.

But when it's time to hold it, you still have to hold it.

No matter how favored a woman in the backyard is, she won't be able to shake his status, and she won't let him lower his figure to please her.

"Is there anything the old man wants from me?"

These days, He Xiner has been copying Buddhist scriptures, praying for Ye Xusheng, Ye Laiyin and his wife and Wei Yu.

The mountains are clean, and copying scriptures has the effect of meditation. Her tense heart gradually relaxes, and she becomes calm. Maybe she won't have nightmares for a long time.

At this moment, she had just finished writing a scripture, and was about to take Dabai out for a walk, when she just left the courtyard, she met the Zhike monk who brought someone over.

Hearing that the person came to look for her, she was slightly surprised, but she politely invited him in.

Xi Guangfeng met her clear eyes, and suddenly felt a little unspeakable when he was speaking confidently.

But thinking of Hao Wanfeng's severe reprimand, he instantly came back to his senses, "That's right, I was entrusted by Mr. He to pick up Miss He..."

He Xiner's eyes turned cold, "The kids won't believe this, so just tell me if you have anything to do."

Being slapped in the face by a junior who could be his granddaughter, Xi Guangfeng was secretly annoyed, this girl really did not follow etiquette, she was really uneducated.

Even so, he didn't need to be courteous to her, it was more serious to bring her back as soon as possible.

"Master He has already promised you to our Duke, you are now a member of our Duke's Fufu Mansion, now follow me to Fucheng to welcome the Duke..."

He Xin'er interrupted him coldly, "I have already left the He family, and I have nothing to do with the He family. Mr. He has no right to decide anything about me, so please go back."

When He Hongjin said that He Xiner had been expelled from the clan before, Xi Guangfeng still had some doubts, but now that He Xiner himself said so, he really believed it.

"You girl is so ignorant, Mr. He kicked you out of the clan just because you didn't follow the rules and act recklessly, and wanted to teach you a lesson, how can you really ignore you.

As long as you realize your mistake and sincerely kneel down and confess to him, he will definitely forgive you..."

He Xiner was speechless, "If the old man wants to teach someone a lesson, he should go home and find his grandson."


Xi Guangfeng said angrily, "It's really vulgar. If it weren't for this skin, it would be useless."

Luo Hua and Xiao Xing changed their faces together, "You old man must be sick, my lady has never provoked you or provoked you, why are you swearing?"

"Miss, leave him, this man is a lunatic, he speaks crazily without a single normal word."

He Xiner hummed softly, "Okay, if you know he's a lunatic, don't provoke him anymore. It's not easy when you're old, let's be the juniors and let him do it."


Xi Guangfeng's face turned red from being squeezed by the three of them, and he pointed at He Xiner with a trembling finger, "Old man, I kindly teach you the principles of life, it's fine if you're not grateful, but you speak rudely..."


"Bullshit truth!"

Xiao Xing gave him a vicious pooh, "What about my lady, who are you? You, we don't know you, what are you doing here?!"

Since Xi Guangfeng followed Hao Wanfeng, he has never been pointed and scolded by others, but now he is pointed and scolded by a little maid, which is a great shame to him.

"Come on! Take all these ignorant brats for me!"


The guards guarding outside Qiqi drew out their sabers and rushed in murderously, ready to wipe out He Xiner's master and servant, without any sympathy for them because they were women.


Dabai was furious, and slapped Xi Guangfeng away with one paw.

The murderous guards were swept away by his huge hidden weapon, half of them fell down in an instant, and their neat lineup was scattered, and there was no momentum to speak of.

"Don't kill people, Dabai, just drive them out."

He Xiner didn't want to cause trouble, so she didn't want to let it go to waste.

However, the other party didn't appreciate it at all, and instead became angry because of her contempt. The leader gave Dabai a look, and immediately everyone surrounded Dabai, wanting to kill him with a knife.

Tan Pozi and the others came out after hearing the movement, they surrounded He Xiner with Luohua Xiaoxing and hid in the wing room.

The leading guards didn't pay attention to them, they only focused on besieging and killing Dabai.

But Dabai's speed was really too fast, they couldn't stand it even though they tried their best, so they were inevitably a little impatient.

After He Xiner and his party entered the wing, Dabai suddenly changed his defense to attack and took the initiative to shoot them out one by one.

Not a single one was spared.

Two quarters of an hour later, the leader of the guards who woke up first woke up his subordinates, and then carried Xi Guangfeng, who had been unconscious all this time, down the mountain, and went to settle accounts with He Hongjin.

Hearing that He Xiner claimed to have left the clan, He Hongjin felt extremely complicated.

However, now is not the time to think about those things, let's get rid of the troubles in front of us first and then talk about other things.

"I said earlier that that girl refused to be disciplined and acted rebelliously, so in order not to be burdened by her misfortune, she was expelled from the family early on. Mr. Xi didn't believe it. This time, you know."

Xi Guangfeng said bitterly, "Murdering an official is equivalent to conspiring against the three clans..."

He Hongjin clenched his fist violently.

(End of this chapter)

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