Chapter 2650 Finale ([-])

Xi Guangfeng thought about it seriously, and felt that he himself did not speak clearly and was too impatient, which caused the previous defeat.

Didn't He Hongjin say that that girl doesn't like to socialize with others and has a withdrawn personality, so she probably didn't hear about the deeds of the Duke, so she refused without hesitation.

Just think about it, how can there be a woman in this world who does not worship heroes?
If she knew the prestige of the Duke, she would definitely fall in love with the Duke like other women.

Yes, it is like that.

Xi Guangfeng straightened out his thoughts quickly, and self-reflected. He was too impatient before, which made things stiff.

Oops, it shouldn't be.

Why should he be angry with a yellow-haired girl when he is half a hundred people? How can a wild child in the country know any rules?

This time he had to talk to her well.

The leader of the guards was very speechless when he heard his thoughts, "Instead of thinking about how to persuade her, sir, you might as well think about how to kill the dog."

"You mean she won't listen to me?"

"Isn't that obvious?"

Xi Guangfeng bowed his head in thought for a moment and said, "Then change someone."

Both of them started fighting before, and it was indeed difficult to sit down and talk calmly.

So he asked people to invite the most eloquent iceman in Lin'an County to go to the mountain to persuade He Xiner.

In the end, the iceman was driven off the mountain without seeing He Xiner's face.

The leader of the guards said quietly, "I knew it."

Xi Guangfeng had a gut feeling that his face was dull, but he still insisted, "Master He said that the woman was stubborn, and she was really stubborn.

But when she knows the prestige of the Duke, she will definitely change her mind. "

The leader of the guards rolled his eyes, "Then let's divide the troops into two groups. Sir, continue to ask people to persuade, and we will try to get rid of that obtrusive beast."


Xi Guangfeng nodded.

It is very necessary to get rid of that dog, otherwise the backyard of the Duke's Mansion will become a mess in the future.

After discussing this matter, the two immediately split up and acted. Xi Guangfeng continued to ask the Iceman to go up the mountain to persuade He Xiner, while the head of the guards sneaked into the mountain with some guards, intending to poison Dabai quietly.

As a result, three days later, they still got nothing.

Xi Guangfeng's eyes turned red with anxiety.

The general's order is about to expire, so how can we not be in a hurry.

"It seems that the dog can recognize the medicine, so it won't die from the poison."

The leader of the guards gritted his teeth and said, "I think it's better to let the general send the Divine Arrow Battalion to shoot it to death with random arrows."


"If you send the Divine Arrow Battalion, there will be too much movement."

It's too embarrassing to ask the general for help if you can't even take down a little yellow-haired girl.

Besides, it's not a rebellion, so it would be too exaggerated to use the Shenjian Battalion. If it gets out, it's not a matter of robbing women.

The leader of the guards was a little annoyed, "This will not work, and that will not work, when the general asks, what shall we do?"

Xi Guangfeng frowned and said in a deep voice, "I'll go, I'll tell her myself, I don't believe I can't convince her."

"It's too dangerous for Mr. Xi to go alone."

"It's okay, no matter how powerful a yellow-haired girl is, she won't dare to disregard human life. As long as I reveal my identity, she will always have scruples."

Having said that, when thinking of Dabai's toughness, Xi Guangfeng's legs softened a little. Before going up the mountain, he cheered himself up again and again, and then he mustered up his energy to meet He Xiner.

Facts have proved that as long as he doesn't take the initiative to cause trouble, Dabai doesn't even bother to talk to him.

So he was relieved.

Xi Guangfeng secretly rejoiced, as long as the dog doesn't make trouble, his eloquence can be displayed.

With his ability, it is easy to take down a wild girl with little knowledge.

In the end, what he didn't expect was that He Xiner, who He Hongjin said was not good at getting along with people, had a withdrawn, straightforward and clumsy personality, almost made him doubt his life.

"Blessing? You should leave this kind of blessing to your granddaughter. The little girl has no virtue and talent, so she can't afford to enjoy it."

"Great heroes protect the weak. How could they do such evil deeds of robbing civilian women? Could it be that you were the one who committed crimes in the name of Duke Fu?"

"Sure enough, people can't be judged by their appearance. I thought you were a refined old scholar with your face and demeanor, but in the end...

Tsk, the little girl is quite knowledgeable. "

"The little girl dare not take the name of murdering an official. The eminent monk in the temple testified to the previous incident. It was not that I took the initiative to cause trouble, but I was forced to protect myself."

"If it weren't for Dabai's ability, we weak girls would have been killed by the sword, and we could only go to the palace of the king of hell to cry for grievances.

So I would like to ask you, sir, is the law you speak of protecting the people of this world, or those who commit crimes? "

"The official word is two words, you can say whatever you want, if you are charged with murdering an official, you will destroy the whole family, it is really a powerful official.

Fortunately, I am alone, with no clan, no family, no relatives, no reasons, no concerns, and nothing to be afraid of. At worst, you can just take this life. "


Xi Guangfeng went down the mountain in a daze, and the head of the guard hurried forward to support him, "How?"


Xi Guangfeng opened his mouth, but finally shook his head feebly.

The leader of the guards looked murderous, "Then arrest all the He family members, I don't believe that she can really ignore that big family."


"Hmph, how can a small businessman get into the eyes of Prince Ding, and he is not a wealthy imperial merchant. That old boy He Hongjin is just bluffing people with a big flag. If he can really climb up to the old prince, he can still use Nest in this small place?"

It makes sense.

Xi Guangfeng nodded.

"Then I'll let people surround the He family."

"Hey, hey, don't go yet, it won't be too late after I tell the general."

After much deliberation, Xi Guangfeng didn't dare to let them make troubles, because he was afraid that they would kill people if they didn't do it right, and it would not end well.

For the sake of caution, he wrote down everything that happened in the past few days in detail, and reported it to Hao Wanfeng.

After receiving the letter, Hao Wanfeng knew that the woman in the mountain was He Hongjin's daughter, "The old man didn't make it clear earlier, it would be a waste of effort."

Hao Wanfeng personally wrote a letter and asked the guards to hurry up and send it to He Hongjin.

The reason why He Hongjin was so tough this time was because he was worried that Gu Mingde didn't know about it, and it was all caused by the people below, and the second was that he had already shown his face in front of Prince Ding through the help of Yongchang Bernan Palace Yaoting.

He Dazao came back from the capital, and after he had the confirmed news, he prepared a big gift for Prince Ding according to his wishes, and then sent it to Prince Ding's Mansion together with the annual gift from Yongchangbo Mansion.

It is said that the prince liked it very much, and even asked the servants of the uncle's mansion to send a message to Nangong Yaoting, expressing that he recognized this relative of the He family.

Because of this sentence, He Hongjin showed full confidence when facing Xi Guangfeng.

However, Gu Mingde is now the most popular figure in the court, and the Gu family army is naturally in the limelight. Even with the backing of Prince Ding behind him, he dare not provoke him easily.

That's why in order to avoid confrontation, he lied that he had expelled He Xiner's family, so that the other party would feel that he was not giving face.

In the past few days, his people have been watching the Ciguang Temple all the time, and they have seen Xi Guangfeng's behavior. Now that they have finally calmed down, they still think they have given up.

He Hongjin secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and planned to go to Fucheng in person to discuss with Nangong Yaoting about going to Beijing with him to meet Prince Ding in the next year.

He wants to see the prince as soon as possible.

Only by completely clinging to the towering tree of Prince Ding's Mansion, will he not be afraid of those soldiers who will make trouble.

Hao Wanfeng's letter arrived at this time.

After reading the letter, He Hongjin felt like falling into an ice cave.

The one surnamed Hao still kept evidence of his collusion with the bandits.

Previously, Xi Guangfeng wanted to accuse He Xiner of murdering an official. After all, they were the first to commit the murder, and she was forced to fight back, so they are untenable.

In other places, maybe Gu Jiajun can cover the sky with one hand, no matter what the evidence is or not, he can be charged with whatever he wants.

But in Ciguang Temple, they couldn't do it.

On this point of cognition, He Hongjin and He Xiner had an amazing tacit understanding, so they didn't care about Xi Guangfeng's threats.

But now, if a charge of colluding with bandits to harm good people is charged, the entire He family will be wiped out.

He Hongjin couldn't help but care.

(End of this chapter)

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