Chapter 2651 Finale ([-])

If He Hongjin had to choose between the whole family and He Xiner, it would undoubtedly be the former.

After all, it was dozens of lives, so he didn't dare to bet.

As for that girl...

Thinking of He Xiner's actions, He Hongjin's teeth itch with hatred. If she could be obedient and marry Nangong Han earlier, how could there be such a disaster?

Call ~
It's too late to say anything now, let's think of a way to persuade her.

Gu Mingde is a hero, and it is not a loss to follow him.

But that girl would rather give up than give in, she will definitely not listen to him, this time I am afraid that she will really turn her face.

He Hongjin had a headache.

What a sin!

He Hongjin locked himself in the study for a whole day, and finally made up his mind.

Things have come to this point, he has no choice but to do so.

Now that he had made up his mind, he didn't hesitate any longer, and asked He Da to be summoned, ordered him like this, and then repeatedly told him to be careful, "If it doesn't work, come back quickly."


Seeing He Da's figure disappear before his eyes, He Hongjin took a deep breath.

If possible, he didn't want to force her.

He Da came back very quickly, and He Hongjin couldn't help but wonder, "Did you really succeed?"

"The little girl found out that the little girl was no longer in Ye's house, so she went directly to Wang's house..."

With a proud face, He Da smiled and said, "It took a lot of effort to take people away without anyone noticing, but it turned out to be a coincidence, when we brothers were looking for a place to hide, we ran into the wife of the second room of the Wang family.

It turned out that she had been holding grudges since she was divorced by the Wang family, and wanted to take revenge on the Wang family, so she and a few gangsters wanted to kidnap that little girl...

Our brothers hid aside and watched them toss, and then directly grabbed the ready-made ones. "

He Hongjin looked solemn, "Hide him well, don't let Dabai find out."

He Da smiled, and said solemnly, "I understand."

Before Xi Guangfeng appeared, Luo Huayuan was still thinking of persuading He Xiner to return home for the New Year, but after these things happened, she had already given up on the idea.

Although those people didn't come again, no one knew if they would suddenly appear again, so it's better to be cautious.

The young lady has said that she has left the clan, so she still has to do what she looks like.

And she always felt that staying in Ciguang Temple was safer than staying in the mansion.

So be it, it's not like I haven't spent the New Year in the mountains.

Anyway, they have long been used to life in the mountains, so they don't feel anything bad.

Thinking of this, Luohua made a fuss about buying new year's goods.

The Chinese New Year in the mountains is also very lively. Those young monks who are still young at heart always come quietly to beg for candy from them, and they blush when they are teased lightly, but they are still reluctant to leave.

So cute.

Luo Hua and Xiao Xing got busy like hardworking bees, moving things into the yard bit by bit, He Xiner couldn't help but laugh at her, how old she is and still looking forward to the New Year.

But everyone was so busy with their work that she was too embarrassed to stay out of it.

Why don't you take Dabai to the foot of the mountain to catch the new year's fair?
"Miss, there is a letter from the house."

Just when He Xiner was hesitating whether to join in the fun and buy new year's goods, Xiaoju walked in with a letter with a strange expression on her face, "The person who delivered the letter put it down and left, saying that the elder asked the young lady to go back."

It said it was a letter, but she couldn't feel it.

He Xiner looked over, "Let me see."

As soon as she opened the envelope, He Xiner's face changed.

Looking at the red sandalwood safety sign poured out of the envelope, her brain exploded.

"This, isn't this the lady's safety card? How could it be..."

Xiaoju and the others didn't know, but Luo Hua did, "This is Miss Wang's Biao."

Both sisters' Ping'an plaques were made by Ye Xusheng, with the same material and workmanship, so they look exactly the same at first glance.

But He Xiner's Ping An card is Ping An on one side and a lotus flower on the other.

And Wang Jinling's Ping An card is safe on the one hand and wishful thinking on the other.

He Xiner shouted and stood up, "Borrow a carriage from the abbot, let's go back."

"Yes, maidservant is going now."

Renting a car at the foot of the mountain was too time-consuming, so she, who never bothered others, had to bother the abbot.

The abbot was very happy, and even the carriage and the groom were arranged for her very quickly.

Under the worried eyes of Tan Pozi and others, He Xiner took Dabai and Luohua away in a hurry.

"Miss Si, hey, Miss Si, you should be gentle and report..."

Hearing the noise outside, He Hongjin put down the account book in his hand unhurriedly, and waited for her quietly.

"Where did you hide my cousin?"

He Xiner came in angrily, "If you want to come at me, why are you touching my cousin?"

He Hongjin looked at her calmly, it turned out that she was not really cold-hearted and didn't care about anything.

"Sit down and say, don't worry."

He Xin'er looked sharply, "Aren't you in a hurry? Is Mr. He trying to test my patience?
It's freezing outside, my cousin doesn't know where she's going to suffer, and my grandma doesn't know how anxious she is, you tell me not to worry?
How can I not be in a hurry? ! "

He Hongjin said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, the little girl is fine. As for Mrs. Wang... Speaking of which, she should thank me. If I hadn't sent someone to pick up the little girl, she might die now." .”

"What do you mean?"

He Hongjin briefly said about Jiang's kidnapping of Wang Jinling, "So it's safer for her to be here than to be taken captive, and the people below will take good care of her, neither cold nor hungry... "

"So I should thank Mr. He?"

"Xin'er, I am your father." He Hongjin said forcefully with the air of the head of the family, "I am your biological father, how could I harm you..."

"Then may I ask, Mr. He, why did you take your cousin away?"

He Hongjin is so angry, why can't you sneer at Mr. He one by one.

At this moment, He Hongjin, who had a bad temper, was so angry that He Xiner was so angry that his hands were itchy, but from the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of Dabai who was looking at the tiger, and his whole body was more than half awake immediately. .

Forget it, it's not the first time I've called Mr. He, it's pointless to argue about it now.

After exhaling two breaths, He Hongjin finally calmed down, and said in a gentle voice, "I don't want you to come back like this, but you always like to wrestle with me, and I can't help it."

"...Xin'er, now that things have happened, I won't play tricks with you anymore.

Fu Guogong wants to take you as a concubine, and my father is not willing, but his arms can't twist his thighs. Our He family is just a merchant with a little money, and we can't compete with the dignitaries of the dynasty.

You offended Uncle Yongchang's house because of your waywardness before, but father can use the old friendship to talk nice things to them to make things smooth.

But that Gu Mingde is not the easy-talking Uncle Yongchang, he is the God of War of the Ming Dynasty, the most important subject of the Holy One, powerful and famous, father is not even qualified to speak in front of him, how can he deal with you... "

(End of this chapter)

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