Liu Shi's words woke up the others, and Jiang Shi immediately yelled crazily, saying that her husband is no longer from the He family, and she is not, so she can't be punished accordingly.

Speaking of which, He Jiaheng was kicked out of the He family a long time ago, and their husband-wife relationship was broken long ago. If it is true, she is indeed not a member of the He family.

It's just that she has always occupied the position of the eldest mistress of the He family, and now she should accept the fate arrangement with the He family.

No one sympathized with her.

After Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Jiang started yelling, several female relatives of the third and fourth bedrooms also called for reconciliation, and He Jiayu and He Jiaxuan stayed for a while and then yelled, "We are also divorced, and the children don't want to be divorced." gone."

The old lady and He Hongjin both raised their heads and looked at Zhang Tieniu together.

Zhang Tieniu sneered coldly, "My children are very distressed, when girl Xin was forced to be a concubine, why didn't you see you stand up for her?
Could it be that she is not the blood of the He family? "

He Jiayu and He Jiaxuan were so stunned that they had nothing to say. They were indeed the ones who were cowardly. They chose to protect themselves wisely for their own safety. They watched Gu Mingde kidnap He Xiner.

But they never admitted it.

In order to save face, the He family only said to the public that the father-in-law of Fuguo had welcomed He Xin'er into the mansion as a concubine, and also intended to publicize the importance that Gu Mingde attached to her, as if this was really a good marriage that you love and I want.

They never thought deeply about how painful it was for He Xiner, who was as arrogant as He Xiner, to be forced to be a concubine.

Looking back now, how disappointed the fourth younger sister must have been at that time. In such a big family, except for the fourth child, no one was willing to stand by her side.

Now that the people in prison are replaced by them, they can experience the helplessness and despair.

The reincarnation of the heavens, the retribution is not good, it is true, and now I can't blame others.

"take away!"

With a wave of Zhang Tieniu's hand, the guards stopped being polite, and directly waved their whips to drive the He family members who were crying for their fathers and mothers to go out. When they saw anyone who was dishonest, they would just whip them up without saying anything. After a few whips, no one dared to make trouble anymore. up.

But Mrs. Liu is not reconciled, she doesn't dare to complain anymore, but it doesn't prevent her from calling her son, "Jiajie, hurry up and beg mother!"

He Jiajie sighed helplessly. It is stipulated by the court law that one person commits a crime and the whole family sits together. What can he do?

Furthermore, the second family can live a good life thanks to the eldest family's blessing, and it is not wronged to be implicated now.

Originally, since we share blessings, we must share difficulties.

This is the duty.

So they have nothing to be wronged.

"Most of the He family's money is earned by the uncle. Since the source is not clean, he copied it, but the fourth sister's things are all brought by herself..."

"Good boy!"

Zhang Tieniu slapped him on the shoulder fiercely, with such strength that half of his body was crooked, and he almost fell down on the spot. If it wasn't for the fear of embarrassing He Xiner and Zhang Tieniu's identity, he really couldn't bear it. Stop jumping and scolding your mother.

"Don't worry, I've arranged everything."

He Jiajie noticed just now that all the servants in the mansion were there just now, except for those who live in Qingxin and seclusion.

None of Xiao Xing and Xiao Ju showed up, presumably the military marshal had already made arrangements.

That's it.

"At the beginning, the fourth sister confessed that all her personal belongings would be given to the cousin of the Wang family, but only when she is old enough."

Zhang Tieniu nodded, "In this way, I will ask someone to send the things to Ye's house first."

He Jiajie still wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything. He looked around everything around him complicatedly, as if he wanted to burn every plant and tree here deeply into his mind.

When the last batch of servants of the He family were also taken away, he didn't hesitate, just strode up and walked away without looking back.

They didn't even say hello to Zhang Tieniu.

But Zhang Tieniu didn't think he was being rude, on the contrary he admired him quite a lot.

He is a responsible kid.

Zhang Tieniu took the people away after tidying up the He family. He received Ye Xusheng's letter on the way back to the imperial court. After learning what happened to He Xiner, he and Zhu Hua were very angry, wishing to chop Gu Mingde into pieces.

However, Gu Mingde's power is huge, and it's not easy to overthrow him. It needs a long-term plan and a slow plan.

Gu Mingde can't move for now, but the He family can.

It's okay to take them to Xu Sheng first to vent his anger.

So Zhang Tieniu took some people and killed them directly back to Lin'an County.

He still wanted to join the army, and he didn't stop after the matter was completed. He walked very simply, but he completely wiped out the people in Lin'an County.

The county magistrate was dumbfounded.

Today's He family is not an ordinary merchant, it is Fu Guogong's Yue family, which was uprooted overnight.

What's happening here?
At the same time, people in the entire county were puzzled as to why something happened to the He family with so many connections.

All of a sudden, there were rumors everywhere.

When Wei Shaoxuan returned from a trip, there were already N versions of the story.

He struggled for a while, and finally decided to tell He Jiaheng.

He knows better than anyone else what kind of temper his old friend has. The He family can abandon him, but he won't leave the He family alone.

I hope this incident will not affect the relationship between Jiaheng and Miss Ye's family.

At that time, He Jiaheng had been living in Yejia Village for four or five months as the son-in-law of the Ye family. Because he was not yet married, he did not live in Ye Shitian's house, but stayed in Ye Dahe's house.

After Ye's workshop and charcoal kiln were reopened, everyone in Yejia Village became busy. Ye Shitian and Ye Laijin, who were the owners, were even more busy. It's getting busier and busier, and it's almost turning into a spinning top.

They are all simple and capable, and they are not afraid of hard work, but they are most afraid of managing accounts. They have never had to worry about these things about Xiuyuan before, but he is not here, and they are worried about asking others for money matters, so they have full authority to teach them. Giving it to He Jiaheng can be said to entrust him with a heavy responsibility.

Also really believe him.

Don't treat him as an outsider.

He Jiaheng also lived up to their trust. Not only did he clear up the accounts of the workshop and the carbon kiln, but he also gave them a lot of advice in terms of management and operation. Ye Laijin benefited a lot.

In short, he helped Mrs. Ye a lot, and his business ability was so strong that even Ye Mancang, who was bent on finding fault, had to be convinced.

Ye Shitian and his wife were also very satisfied with him, Bai also specially asked the eminent monk to choose a good date for him and Ye Yuanyuan, and set a wedding date.

May [-]th was the day they got married, less than a month ago.

Although He Jiaheng is in Yejia Village, he doesn't see Ye Yuanyuan every day, but he can keep his good mood for a long time by seeing her from a distance occasionally, so he is full of energy and radiant every day , This is a state that has never been seen in the past 20 years.

In his daily spare time, he would chat with Ye Dahe, teach Ye Laijin to keep accounts, read to Xiao Xuyang, and when he had time, he would go hunting with Jia Fang and the others. His life was indescribably fulfilling.

Such a carefree time was so beautiful that it was unreal. He felt extremely happy, but he still greedily hoped that the days would pass faster, faster.

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