Chapter 2672 Extra Story: ([-])
"Has something really happened to the He family?"

As early as when Zhang Tieniu's people brought He Xiner's items, He Jiaheng had guessed that he knew more about the grievances between the Ye family and the He family than others, so he thought that Ye Xusheng's master might have something against the He family. Action, but did not expect it to be so serious.

Copy home and exile.

The entire He family was taken over in one pot.

It seems that this person's power is not under Gu Mingde's.

He Jiaheng's face was calm, and he couldn't see any disturbance.

Wei Shaoxuan looked confused, "What are your plans?"


He Jiaheng didn't make a sound, and Wei Shaoxuan didn't care, and continued, "It's said that those people are quite powerful, and they didn't even say hello to the county magistrate, so they just..."

Having said that, he paused for a moment, then frowned and thought about it seriously, "I guess they might not know the relationship between the He family and the Fuguo Duke's Mansion, otherwise they wouldn't be so ruthless."

He Jiaheng remained silent.

"Why don't you write a book, and I'll go to the capital for you and give it to Fourth Miss He in person. I'm afraid that the gate of Fuguo Duke's Mansion will be difficult to enter, so you have to write a letter to Uncle Yongchang..."

In the early spring, the Nangong clan moved to the capital with their whole family, and had settled at the foot of the emperor for three or four months.

Wei Shaoxuan knew Nangong Yaoting, so it was easier to meet him, but Gu Mingde, in his capacity, was almost impossible to meet.

"No need..." He Jiaheng said in a hoarse voice, "You are already busy with the affairs of the Escort Bureau, and you have to deliver this batch of goods yourself, so you can't delay because of the He family's affairs.

Leave it alone. "

Wei Shaoxuan thought he wanted to go to the capital by himself, so he said, "Business matters can be handed over to the people below, but you can't find someone to replace you when you get married, so I'll go, don't argue."

The fastest way to get to the capital is by water, but it will take at least one and a half months to go back and forth. He is worried that He Jiaheng will not come back in time to get married.

He Jiaheng shook his head, "I'm not going to the capital."

Wei Shaoxuan sighed, "Are you afraid that Miss He Si will be in trouble? Then, I will go directly to see Fu Guogong. I think he can give Uncle Yongchang face. After all, there is Prince Ding behind Uncle, and the relationship between the two of you is his. She should also know that if the uncle wants to invite him, he will definitely not refuse.

When the time comes, I'll just tell him the truth about the He family, even for his own face, he won't just sit idly by. "

He Jiaheng shook his head again, "Gu Mingde is a bandit who robs people's daughters, not the son-in-law of the Gu family, and the affairs of the Gu family have nothing to do with him.

Besides, I am no longer from the He family, so why would I beg him for the He family's affairs? "

Wei Shaoxuan froze for a moment, then said happily, "It's fine if you can think about it, but I'm afraid that you'll admit death and sacrifice your good life for the sake of a ruthless person."

The ruthless person he mentioned naturally refers to He Hongjin, the person who didn't give He Jiaheng much love, but gave him endless pressure, and finally kicked him out of the house.

"Hey, I'm all to blame for my troublesome things. What do I tell you so much? Originally, you are not a family with them. What do they have to do with you..."

Wei Shaoxuan patted He Jiaheng hard, "The most important thing for you now is to get married smoothly, and then give birth to a big fat boy, and live a peaceful and beautiful life."

He confessed to He Jiaheng and left in peace, but he didn't know that after he left, He Jiaheng sat alone for the whole afternoon, motionless like an old monk, like a sculpture, if it wasn't for waiting left and right, he couldn't wait When Xiao Xuyang, who came home from him, finds him, he will continue to sit down.

He Jiaheng gently touched the little guy's head, "Xuyang, do Brother He a favor, okay?"

Xiao Xuyang nodded obediently. He still doesn't speak much now, but he can communicate with familiar people, nodding or shaking his head like this, giving a certain response.

Before, everyone thought that he was different from other children and couldn't read, but they didn't expect that he liked to listen to He Jiaheng's reading very much, and listened to it very seriously every time. Everyone was surprised and surprised. Ye Dahe and Ye Laijin even more I'm so happy, I don't know how to thank He Jiaheng.

Then with their strong support, Xiao Xuyang became more and more attached to He Jiaheng.

Xiao Xuyang, who was entrusted with a heavy responsibility, rushed out, and Erha immediately followed up. He Jiaheng looked at the back of a person and a dog going away, his eyes were full of reluctance.

In the evening, Ye Yuanyuan went to the river alone, and He Jiaheng was already waiting.


Ye Yuanyuan frowned, "Well, why do you say sorry?"

Facing the girl's clear eyes, He Jiaheng got stuck all of a sudden, and completely forgot all the excuses he had prepared.

"Could it be that you regret it? Feel ashamed to be a son-in-law?"

Ye Yuanyuan's tone was calm and indifferent, but it frightened He Jiaheng. He hurriedly explained, "No, no! How could I regret it!"

God knows how happy he was at that time, if he was not afraid of scaring his future father-in-law and mother-in-law, he would have jumped up to hug her!
Seeing that he was really in a hurry, Ye Yuanyuan couldn't help but raised the corners of her lips, "Don't apologize casually, you haven't done anything wrong."

One sentence instantly soothed He Jiaheng's heart. At this moment, he suddenly had great courage. For more than 20 years, he has never fought for anything for himself, and has always passively accepted other people's arrangements, but now he wants to fight for himself. Fight for it once, otherwise, he will regret it for the rest of his life.

He Jiaheng took a step forward and pulled the girl into his arms, "Yuanyuan, do you trust Brother He?"

Ye Yuanyuan was a little dazed, but she felt her cheeks were burning hot after realizing it, and one of them was jumping wildly, making her flustered and flustered, but her tone was still very calm, but there was a sense of firmness ,"I believe."

He Jiaheng's eyes were slightly red, and he blinked vigorously, "Yuanyuan, thank you, meeting you in this life is my greatest blessing."

Sensing his emotional fluctuations, Ye Yuanyuan gently wrapped his arms around his waist, silently embracing him.

Today Ye Shitian and Ye Mancang father and son seldom went home for dinner, Mrs. Bai tried to make Mrs. Zeng add two dishes, and brought some wine for the father and son, so that they could drink something to relieve their fatigue.

"It's getting dark today, why hasn't Yuanyuan come back?"

"Perhaps Xu Yang is pestering her. Let's not wait any longer. It's already this hour. Your uncle will definitely let her eat before coming back."

While talking, Bai tied a bib on Xiaoshishi, and then put the steamed egg with minced meat and millet porridge specially prepared for him in front of him, "Eat slowly, don't knock over the bowl again."

This kid got bigger and skinier, jumping up and down, there was no time for him to be quiet, he was fighting a war even after eating, it was everywhere, it was really a headache.

Bai often lamented that if his father dared to do this when he was a child, he would have been beaten eight times a day earlier, that is to say, she is old and has no temper now, otherwise he would suffer from flesh pain.

In fact, although Bai is a grandmother, she is not really an old man. Forty years old is the age of strength and strength, how can she be called old, but it is true that her temper is getting better and better.

All the fields in the family are rented out, there is no endless farm work, and we live separately from the old house, and we no longer have to do housework, let alone listen to mother-in-law's nagging and endless complaints from sister-in-law. Life is going well, and her state of mind is naturally different from before, so she has become more and more patient when she is calm.

Isn't it normal for a child to be naughty? He's not a puppet on a string.Besides, it's not a big deal to get your clothes dirty from eating, the big deal is just to wash them a few more times. Now she has a lot of kung fu.

Bai felt that she was just a temperless little old woman now. Not only could she hold back her grandson when she was mischievous, but she could also try to reason with him, which was simply not too kind.

Definitely the best grandmother in the world.

Hey, if this trend continues, she must be the best grandmother in the world.

Yes, she had discussed it with Ye Shitian. Although He Jiaheng was willing to marry, his child would still follow his surname, and there was no need to change his surname to Ye.

So that's the grandson.

Bai Shi thought happily, with the appearance of He Jiaheng and Ye Yuanyuan, the children born in the future must be very good-looking.

(End of this chapter)

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