The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 269 If She Doesn't Want It Too Much, I Wouldn't Give It

Chapter 269 If She Doesn't Want It Too Much, I Wouldn't Give It
Seeing that he had walked half the distance and would enter the village in at most two quarters of an hour, Ye Xusheng's eyes flickered, and he asked in a low voice, "It's okay for sister Guan to buy things with her own money. Did the whole family talk?"

He looked at the yawning He Xin'er again, "Have you told your second uncle? You bought so many things, my grandma must be impatient!"

In the town, he saw that He Xiner's shopping was booming, so he kept silent all the time, but he was going home soon, so of course he had to remind her, and he had to figure out what to say when he got home.

Ye Yuanyuan, who was looking at the scenery, turned around when she heard the sound, and said with a smile, "I told Dad anyway, but he didn't believe it, and seeing me take back things and money, I can only be happy.

Besides, I bought a wooden hairpin for my grandmother with the money I earned. If she doesn't want it, I'm not willing to give it to her.

If my grandma wants money, tell her to ask my dad to go! "

Hearing this, He Xiner tilted her hair for a couple of seconds, and said with a smile, "I forgot to tell Dad. I'll explain it to Dad when I go back, and I'll bring out the things."

"Well, Yuanyuan, have you ever thought about it, if your grandma or your grandfather, your uncle, or your aunt asked how you earned the money, what would you say?"

Ye Yuanyuan blinked and blinked, "Just talk about the wild fruits I went to pick on the mountain!"

"Then they insist on asking what kind of fruit and what price, how do you answer?"

"Hey, why did I explain it so clearly to them? Anyway, there are fruits in the mountains, if you want to make money, let them pick them by themselves!"

Both He Xiner and Guan Cuizhi burst out laughing, Yuanyuan is so cute~
"Big brother, how much money do I have left?"

"110 Copper Plates"

"Yo ho, I thought I only had a few copper plates, but I didn't expect there to be more than 100?"

Then he clapped his hands excitedly, "I forgot to buy a storybook!"

Ye Xusheng, Guan Cuizhi, and Ye Yuanyuan were very speechless. They really planned to spend all of it, and they seemed unhappy with the remaining 100 articles~
After thinking about it, it was a little funny, Ye Xusheng said with a smile, "I haven't given you the money for renting an ox cart yet."

"Oh, there are still ninety essays."

He didn't know what to say about her, Ye Xusheng almost rolled his eyes.

"Xin'er can't take the money for the bullock cart alone, we all ride, and each of us pays five cents."

The oxcart ride in the morning and the wontons that I ate were all paid for by Big Brother Ye. Guan Cuizhi would feel very sorry if Xiner took the money for the oxcart that came back. Per capita share.

"Cuizhi is right, Brother Datang and Xin'er don't stop them, they should get the money together if they sit together in the ox cart."

He Xiner waved her little hand, "They're all my own people, why are you so calculated?"

"If you don't let me take the money, I'll be embarrassed to go to the town together next time!"

"Yes, yes!"

"I'm afraid of you guys. If you're worried that the money won't go out, just give it to me. I like shopping the most!"

"The bad girl made a wrong idea, I won't be fooled by you, I have to take it home to make my parents happy!"

"Hehe, you little mouth, you can make fun of people"

A few people chatted and laughed, and the ox cart entered the village quickly. Since He Xiner was too late to buy things, plus the time on the road, it was already past noon, and it was already the end of the day. It was the time when the sun was at its hottest. It is rare that there is no one under the big locust tree.

He Xiner let out a sigh of relief. She was really afraid of meeting those gossip women. The most important thing was the second grandma. She couldn't see that their family was any better. If she saw the pile of things she bought, it would be worse. Last time, he rushed forward crazily.

The cloth clothes bought by Ye Yuanyuan and Guan Cuizhi were packed by the proprietress in a coarse cloth bag, which was light and easy to carry, and there was no need to send the ox cart home. Ye Xusheng directly let the ox cart turn into the alley of his house.

"It's here, brother, please stop"

After the bullock cart was parked, Ye Xusheng jumped down first, helped He Xiner and Ye Yuanyuan get out of the cart, and Guan Cuizhi got off the bullock cart steadily with the help of He Xiner and Ye Yuanyuan.

Ye Xusheng got on the bullock cart again, and took things down one by one.

"Yuanyuan, your burden."

"Thank you big brother!"

"Sister Guan's burden."

"Thank you, Brother Ye!"

In the end, Ye Xusheng put all the fabrics that He Xiner bought on the back basket, stacked them high, and with the help of the driver, he moved the ox cart with great effort and put it on the side of the road.

He got into the car again, and handed the rice and fine noodles in two fine linen bags, as well as the big jar containing ten catties of oil, to the man and put them on the side of the road.

The pork and ribs were placed on a piece of greased paper and tied with straw ropes to avoid soiling the contents of the basket. Ye Xusheng jumped off the cart with the pork in one hand and the ribs in the other.

(End of this chapter)

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