The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 270 Don't delay your time, just move in

Chapter 270 Don't delay your time, just move in

He Xiner hurried to pick it up, Ye Xusheng turned slightly to avoid "Xiner don't touch your hands"

As he spoke, he passed the meat from his left hand to his right, and reached into his pocket with his left hand, took out twenty Wen coins and handed it to the driver, "Brother, take the money."

"Okay, little brother, come find me next time you use the car!"

"Okay, big brother, go slowly!"

"Yeah, goodbye little brother!
The man driving the car flicked a whip, and there was a crisp sound, and the big yellow ox lifted its hooves and walked away unhurriedly. He Xiner stretched her head to look at the house, and said with a smile, "Maybe they are all taking a nap, no?" People heard the movement."

Ye Yuanyuan whispered, "It's a pity that I didn't meet anyone on the road. If someone sees these things, you will be so shocked that your eyes will roll out!"

"Don't delay your work, just move in directly!"

Guan Cuizhi looked around and urged in a low voice.

Ye Xusheng couldn't get anything else with the meat and ribs, so he just said, "You guys can't move it, just wait here, I'll take the meat in first, and call the second uncle along the way."

"Okay, brother, please speak softly."

"Do not worry!"

He Xiner gently opened the fence door of Old Ye's house. Ye Xusheng quietly entered the yard without making any noise. When he reached the door of the west wing, he knocked lightly on the door, "Second Uncle, Second Uncle!"

Ye Laiyin, who was resting in the room with his eyes closed, opened his eyes when he heard the voice, and sat up.

Mrs. Wang, who was sewing clothes, put down her work when she heard the voice, and opened the door, "Sheng'er is back?"

As soon as the door opened, Ye Xusheng stepped in, "Second Uncle, Xin'er bought a bunch of things, hurry up and move them in, it's too eye-catching at the door."

Just as Ye Laiyin stretched her feet to put on her shoes, she suddenly saw the meat and ribs in Ye Xusheng's hands, and her eyes widened in surprise, "Where did you get the meat?"

Ye Xusheng didn't know where to put it for a while, so he simply handed it to Mrs. Wang, and said in a low voice, "Second Aunt, take the meat, and Second Uncle and I will go get it."

So much meat!

Wang's face was full of shock, and she opened her mouth wide to ask, when Ye Xusheng said again, "Second uncle and aunt, don't ask, we will talk about it later, it's important to get things first."

Wang's mouth was a little too big to hold back, the words stuck in her throat, unable to speak, she turned to look at Ye Laiyin.

Ye Laiyin reacted quickly, and whispered, "Don't go out from the house!"

After finishing speaking, he went out with Ye Xusheng and closed the door by the way.

The two of them tried their best to keep their footsteps as light as possible, but their speed wasn't too slow. They arrived at the door very quickly. Ye Laiyin glanced at his daughter first, and He Xiner blinked at his father, then stretched out her little finger to point at something on the ground.

Ye Laiyin's eyes widened again, with a serious expression on his face, he quickly glanced around, without saying a word, he directly picked up the basket and hugged the oil jar along with it.

Ye Xusheng bent down and hugged the grain in his arms. The weight of twenty catties was no problem for him.

The three little girls stood at the door, and they breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Ye Laiyin and Ye Xusheng had entered the west wing.

He Xiner said, "Are you two tired? Do you want to rest before going up the mountain?"

"No need, I'm full of strength, go home and put down my food, we can go up the mountain"

"Well, me too, let's make an appointment."

He Xiner blinked her eyes and thought for a while, but she still didn't understand the time, so she said vaguely, "How about meeting at the bottom of the mountain in half an hour?"

"Okay, let's go then!"

"Well, be careful on the road!"

"Do not worry"

Ye Yuanyuan and Guan Cuizhi waved small hands with He Xiner, carried their burdens and left, until the two of them turned the corner and disappeared, He Xiner turned back to the old Ye's house, and gently closed the door, He tiptoed into the west wing.

At this time, the alley was quiet, without any movement, Ye Dahai slowly walked out from the east wall of the old Ye's house with a dark face~
Ye Dahai, who has always been deep in thought, witnessed Dafang's generosity with his own eyes, and couldn't hold back anymore, the sour water in his heart almost drowned him.

He was so full of anger that his seven orifices were smoking, his eyes were faintly glowing red, his hands trembled slightly, and he gritted his teeth with hatred: Ye Dahe, how much money have you hidden!

(End of this chapter)

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