The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 278 Isn't this too troublesome?

Chapter 278 Isn't this too troublesome?
It is indeed extremely difficult to find this place, surrounded by a large area of ​​thorny bushes, no one will come here, and to enter the forest, one must pass through a narrow stone cave, which is really extremely secretive.

Mrs. Liu said with a smile, "I think ordinary people don't know what it is good for even after seeing this berry, let alone exchange it for silver!"

Everyone felt the same, and Ye Shitian was even more impressed, "The brothers and sisters of the Guan family are right. When a rough man like me sees this thing, he will find it annoying to pick and eat it. How could he know that he can exchange it for money."

Bai Shi was angry and smiled again, pinching his waist and scolding him, "Are you still annoying now?"

"Oh, how can I be bothered now, I wish I could confess it as my ancestor, so that it can bear fruit vigorously!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's teeth almost fell out of laughter. He Xiner happily poked Ye Yuanyuan, "Yuanyuan, your father is so funny!"

Ye Yuanyuan shook her head coquettishly, "Hmph, he didn't believe me at first. I went home at noon and took out the money and slapped it on the table. His eyeballs almost didn't fall out."

"Haha, it feels good, doesn't it?"

"of course!"

"My mother did the same. She stared at Yinzi and asked several times before she believed it."

"Hehe, my mother cried when she saw that I bought a lot of things, and she thought I was stealing money!"

"Huh? Your mother really knows how to think."

"Who said it wasn't coming? I wanted to surprise her, but it turned out to be frightening!"

"Haha, no one will dare to underestimate us in the future!"

The three talked lively, and Ye Laiyin, Ye Shitian and the others had already started picking, only to hear Ye Mancang bluffing, "This fruit is too small, my fingers are thick, and it crumbled before I squeezed it hard. black juice"

He Xiner suddenly remembered, did she forget something?

Ye Xusheng's clear voice sounded, "I'm afraid the lobby brother has picked ripe fruit. This fruit is very delicate. If it's too ripe, you can't take it. It's easy to crush."

He Xiner patted her little head, stood up quickly, and said, "Everyone, pay attention when picking, first put some thick leaves under the baskets, baskets, and bamboo baskets."

"When picking, you must bring the handle together, try to choose large grains, and they will be ripe when they are almost ripe, not too ripe, nor raw.

If there are too many fruits in the basket, spread another layer of leaves. The fresh fruits cannot be crushed or broken.

Moreover, this fruit is afraid of the tide, so you can’t pick it too early or too late when there is dew.”

Everyone nodded and picked the leaves first to lay the bottom. Ye Shitian said in a rough voice, "This is really a fine job!"

Bai scolded him with a smile, "Are you really kidding me? I heard from Yuanyuan that when they were drying, they turned the fruit one by one, so that they would not dry evenly."

Ye Mancang, who was passionate about getting rich, couldn't help crying after hearing his mother's words, "Mother, this is too troublesome, right? Only a little girl has that patience!"

"put pi"

Bai's son was so angry that she pinched her waist and scolded, "A little girl can do a job, but a young man like you can't do it. How can you say that!"

"Besides, your sister and the other half-grown children have to go to the mountains to pick them, and they have to dry them at home. After the sun is done, they will run to the town before dawn. As a brother, you know how to lie on the kang and sleep late. You are so kind!
Let me tell you, the silver earned by your sister is her own private money, the future dowry money, if you want to marry a wife, you have to help your sister, otherwise, a penny won’t be spent on you!

Boy Xu wants to study. On weekdays, when your three younger sisters go up the mountain, you have to accompany them, one protects them, and the other helps carry things. The three female dolls are like flower bones. You come and get it! "

Ye Mancang was dumbfounded, "Mother, I just said a word, why are you so stubborn?"

"I'm not happy if you don't talk, who told you to sleep late in the morning?

A few little girls are going to the town before dawn, you don't say you are worried about your sister, you also make sarcastic remarks, and she knows how to play around when you make jokes, is she just playing?

You also give me back a tael of silver, let me see! "

"Oh, why are you still talking about this? I'm not talking, right? I'm working!"

After being scolded by his mother, Ye Mancang didn't dare to speak anymore, and walked away in two or three steps, afraid of being caught by her mother again.

Guan Mingwei didn't say anything all the time, since he was brought here by his mother, he should try his best to do some work. Anyway, he has to study on weekdays, and it's only about this afternoon, and Renren will pass.

(End of this chapter)

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