The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 279 Of course she has to protect her

Chapter 279 Of course she has to protect her

Ye Mancang is her big brother, he must be ashamed to be scolded in front of so many people, He Xiner dare not laugh for fear of embarrassing him, but seeing Jiang Mancang running away in despair, He Xiner couldn't help it anymore, Suddenly laughed out loud.

Ye Yuanyuan laughed even more, "Haha, I didn't expect him to have today~"

Even Guan Cuizhi and his wife couldn't help laughing, covering their mouths and giggling, and the others also grinned silently.

Seeing that everyone was laughing, Mrs. Bai, who is always upright, was embarrassed for a second, and smiled at Mrs. Liu, "That kid is not a worry-free person. He will feel uncomfortable if he doesn't get scolded every day!"

Mrs. Liu cast a squinting glance at her son, "I'm still a caring girl who never makes people angry."

"Why don't we all say that my daughter is a caring little padded jacket!"

"Haha, who said not to come!"

Guan Mingwei stayed away from his mother silently. If he was a scholar who was scolded by his mother in public, he would not be thrown to death!
Ye Shitian patiently picked the fruits one by one, looked up at the sun in the sky from time to time, and muttered in his mouth, "The sun will hang in the sky more, let me pick for a while!"

Ye Laiyin, who was closest to him, couldn't help chuckling, "Boss, what are you muttering about?"

"I let the sun go down later."

"Haha, I don't pick much today, I will pick them next time. What are you in a hurry for?"

"I didn't mean to think that if I could pick more today, I would pick more. Tomorrow, my mother and I won't be able to get help. Alas, I didn't know it was easy for my daughters until I picked them myself. This job is so trivial! "

"It's quite labor-intensive, unlike our quick work in the field."

"By the way, when it comes to the work in the field, I am worried. The ground in the field is as hard as a rock. How can it be turned over?"

"That's right, my dad wants to rent cattle to plow the land."

"That's great, save effort. I'll discuss it with my father later."

"By the way, sweet potatoes grown in your second-class field this year?"

"It's sweet potatoes, the beans planted last year."

"Well, Xin'er said she wants to eat sweet potatoes, I'll go to your house tomorrow to get two."

"Hey, you don't need to go get it. I will ask Mancang to send you some tomorrow. I have some grown at home. Girl Xin likes to eat, so take more!"

"You can't eat too much, but you can eat less."

"Girl Xin brings Yuanyuan to earn money. Her mother and I are so happy, but we can't even bring out a decent gift. It's rare that a girl likes to eat, and she doesn't need to spend money. She can eat as much as she can!"

"Haha, then I will thank you for Xin'er!"

"Which of our brothers is with whom?"

Suddenly thought of something, Ye Shitian moved closer to Ye Laiyin, lowered his voice and said in a low voice, "Second brother, the child has earned money, does the family know?"

Just as she was grabbing a branch to pick fruit, Ye Laiyin paused and shook her head, "Xin'er and the others are in a hurry to go up the mountain, so they haven't said anything yet."

Ye Shitian said meaningfully, "Our children are all grown up, and it's time to make plans for our own children. My family has many brothers and nephews, all of whom have grown up, and all of them are waiting to marry a wife, but there is no one in the family. I can’t take it out, alas!”

Ye Laiyin suddenly remembered what Xiaoqian said, why he wanted to be her cow and horse, and why he wanted to drive their family out. Although Xiaoqian was divorced now, the thorn had already penetrated into the bottom of his heart, how could he Can you forget?
Moreover, the daughter grew up slowly, and the wealthy family started to save dowry since the child was young, but they didn't have a single child. They couldn't let the daughter marry empty-handed, and they couldn't be ridiculed to death by the mother-in-law!
With his mother's temperament, all the silver in her hand might be buried in the bottom of the box by sweet-scented osmanthus, and the daughter can't get any dowry.

The most important thing is that the way to earn money was figured out by the girl, so naturally she had to keep it as a dowry.

A little girl earns some private money by herself, so he, as a father, of course has to be protected by her!

Ye Laiyin's swarthy face was full of determination, and he said in a deep voice, "Brother Hall is right, girls have to earn some private money, and they have to save it for dowry.

The matter of raising a family is naturally for old men like us, so we have the nerve to ask for money from our children. "

"Yo ho, ever since you grew up, you haven't called out big brother, you've always been 'boss, boss', if you don't know, you still think we are bandits!"

"Fuck you, hurry to work!"

(End of this chapter)

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