The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 427 Little girl is fighting with chickens?

Chapter 427 Little girl is fighting with chickens?

Candles were lit in the kitchen in the backyard. Mrs. Wang had already washed the dishes and helped He Xiner. Ye Xusheng squatted in front of the oven to light the fire.

"No wonder you want to make a fuss about making an oven. It's really convenient to have this oven."

"Is it? Doesn't the baked food taste extraordinarily good?"

When Wang praised her, He Xiner felt a little embarrassed.

"Does it matter? Just smelling it can kill a person."

"Haha, I will study the seasoning again in the next two days to see if I can improve it to the next level."

Mrs. Wang squinted her eyes happily, "I don't know who I followed, I love to delve into cooking and eating so much."

"Hey, I'm smart~"

"Puchi, is there still such a boast?"

In Wang's eyes, her daughter is of course extremely smart, but she still couldn't help laughing at her proud appearance.

"Haha, I'm not being honest."

Let alone Wang's now, even Ye Xusheng couldn't help laughing.

It was late at night, and everyone in Lao Ye's family had fallen into a dream, but Ye Xusheng took out a hot roast chicken from the oven and went up the mountain. There was no suitable home for the oily roast chicken, so he directly connected it to the iron. The plate is on.

Even if he ran at the fastest speed, he couldn't stand the low temperature in the mountains. When he reached the bank of Sapphire Lake, the roast chicken was already cold.

"Dongqiang, have you been here for a long time?"

A crescent moon hangs high in the sky, and the view in the mountains is not very good, but Ye Xusheng has long been used to walking in the dark, so this person greeted Zhang Dongqiang before he arrived.

"What are you holding?"

"Roast chicken, but it's cold, wait a minute, I'll build a platform with some stones, and heat it up with a fire."

Even though the chicken was completely cooled, the taste was still very strong, Zhang Dongqiang sniffed it calmly, um, not bad.

Ye Xusheng was quite quick at work, and he made a simple stove in a short while, carefully placed the iron plate on it, and lit the fire to heat it up.

The iron plate makes a sizzling sound soon after being heated, which is very attractive.

"Xin'er made this in an oven."

While talking, he turned over with a dagger inserted into the chicken, "The temperature in the oven is still even, and the top and bottom can be heated."

"A special stove?"

"Yes, Xin'er asked Dad to make it. Since it's done in the stove, it's never been idle, hehe."

"By the way, Xin'er not only made roast chicken, but also roasted a spicy rabbit. The skin is crispy and the meat is spicy and delicious. It tastes very good."

Originally, this taste was already attractive, but Zhang Dongqiang couldn't stand the silly boy talking about spicy rabbits.

Fortunately, the chicken was heated up quickly, and Zhang Dongqiang started eating the chicken leg that Ye Xusheng handed him without saying a word.

It wasn't until the whole chicken was stuffed into his stomach that Zhang Dongqiang let out a long sigh of satisfaction.

"The taste is no worse than beggar's chicken."

"Xin'er said that if there are lotus leaves, it can be made into lotus chicken."

Zhang Dongqiang raised his eyebrows, is the little girl on the fence?

"You can try it, I will try to find the lotus leaf."

"Eh? The lotus leaves of this season?"

"It's just an experiment~"

"That's right."

"Go into the water."

"You'd better stay on the shore after you ate. I'll swim by myself."

Originally, Dong Qiang was just accompanying him.

"Well, I'll wait for you here."

At first, Zhang Dongqiang just looked at the figure in the lake indifferently, but when he felt something was wrong, Ye Xusheng had already swam far away.

Under the faint moonlight, the shadowy reflections of trees, rocks and rocks could not be seen clearly in the lake. Even Zhang Dongqiang's eyesight was excellent, so he couldn't see Ye Xusheng's figure.

Suddenly nervous.

"Dongqiang, Dongqiang..."

Ye Xusheng's excited shouts came from afar, Zhang Dongqiang was very upset, why are you so excited?

"Hot spring, hot spring, Dongqiang, I found the hot spring, just behind the mountain"!
Ye Xusheng swam back extremely fast, and he bluffed happily before he got to him.


Zhang Dongqiang wanted to cry...

(End of this chapter)

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