The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 428 I didn't spend much today, less than 12 silver

Chapter 428 I didn't spend much today, less than a tael of silver

The days passed quickly, and the old Yetou masters took advantage of the softness of the ground after the rain to hurry up and sow the seeds. After three or four days of busy work, the masters finally planted them all.

It can be regarded as a breather.

He Xiner thought that when she planted wheat, she would enter the slack period, and her father would not have to work so hard.

Unexpectedly, she didn't know until two days later that the wheat seeds need to be fertilized. Naturally, it is pure natural fertilizer, er, it is from the latrine...

Her father and uncle were busy drying manure and fertilizing for several days.

Can we take a break next time?
It is said that it is possible.

During this period of time, the adults were too busy to take care of the little girls, so the Bai family sent Ye Mancang to accompany them in picking the fruits. There were not many fruits picked, and they dried quickly. Although it rained and delayed for two days, but It is better to dry it before the second market day.

The adults were busy in the fields, and Ye Xusheng was going to school again, so he had to ask Ye Mancang to accompany a few girls to the town, but Ye Mancang was overjoyed.

Good to go to town!
Better than staying in the field.

Knowing that He Xiner was going to town, Ye Laijin specifically asked her to buy some wine and meat, and he wanted to treat Zhang Tieniu to dinner.

He Xin'er readily agreed, even if her uncle didn't tell her to buy it, but since she was inviting guests, she naturally had to prepare a few extra hard dishes.

At this moment, Ye Mancang finally looked like a big brother, leading the three little girls into the Hall of Rejuvenation, and took the initiative to say hello to Doctor Dou as the big brother.

Yo ho, Doctor Dou thought to himself that it wasn't wood, and it looked quite clever.

The main reason is that He Xiner and the girls are too young. Doctor Dou is really worried that it is not safe for them to hold the money. Having such a smart young man with him makes people feel more at ease.

After paying the bill, the total amount was five taels of silver.

"Doctor Dou, goodbye."

"Well, be careful on the road."


I happily bid farewell to Doctor Dou and left Huichun Hall.

"Xin'er, what do you want to buy now?
After walking a few steps, Ye Mancang couldn't help asking.

"Well, let's go to the market, I want to buy a fish."

"it is good"

Several people didn't disagree. Although they were reluctant to spend the hard-earned money, watching Xin'er shopping was quite enjoyable.

He Xiner didn't disappoint them either. After walking around the market, she bought two bamboo baskets full of things, and one of the bamboo baskets was given to her when she saw that she bought too much.

Ye Mancang was carrying a bamboo basket on his back, filled with all kinds of meat, in his right hand was holding a bamboo basket filled with various dried fruits, and in his left hand was holding a big fish. He was so tired that he was sweating, his whole face Wrinkled, don't mention how hard it is.

Oh, life is hard~
"Xin'er has bought everything, shall we go back?"

Ye Yuanyuan, who had gotten into the eyes of money, was only thinking about picking fruits, and when she saw that the purchase was almost done, she urged He Xiner.

"Don't you two buy anything?"

"Hey, who like you buys so much every time."

"Yuanyuan said that she has never seen such a good spender."

"Hey, isn't money earned and spent?"

He Xin'er spoke confidently, and then said, "I don't spend much today, it's less than a tael of silver."

Today, I hold the silver by myself, and I know how much money I have in my hand.

Without squinting at Ye Mancang, who was striding ahead, he suddenly staggered and nearly fell down. After steadying his mind, Ye Mancang kept shouting in his heart: What do you mean it is less than a tael of silver?Make it sound like a tael of silver is very little?
Afraid of being laughed at by a few little girls for his ignorance, Ye Mancang pursed his lips, fearing that he couldn't help but blurt out what was in his heart.

It's hard for him to be able to bear it~
"Tut, tut, tut..."

Ye Yuanyuan pouted her mouth and shook her head, "Look at the words 'it's less than a tael of silver'! If my grandma hears this, she will be frightened crazy!"

(End of this chapter)

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