The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 429 Isn't this the daughter-in-law of the wolf grandma?

Chapter 429 Isn't this the daughter-in-law of the wolf grandma?
This made sense, but she was speechless.

He Xiner rubbed her nose embarrassingly, and changed the conversation, "Let's rent a car, we can go home earlier and have a rest before going up the mountain."

"Hey, my dad said that he will go pick fruit with us in the next half an hour."

Ye Yuanyuan's almond eyes were shining, her little face was also flushed, and she was rubbing her little hands happily while talking.

"My mother also said that I have time in the next half hour."

The Guan family has little land, and the Liu family hired short-term laborers. The wheat was planted earlier than other families with more strong laborers, so she was not completely free. She worked alone outside the house, which was enough for her.

But the girls wanted to go up the mountain to pick fruits again, so she naturally put other things aside and made an agreement with Guan Cuizhi in the morning, and she would help in picking fruits in the future.

"Haha, that's going to be fun."

A few people chatted and laughed and rented an ox cart to go back. There were few things to buy today, and they were all bought at the market. It didn't take much effort. to noon.

After the sowing is over, it can be regarded as entering the slack season, and there are many people gathered under the old locust tree, all of whom like to gather and gossip.

The eldest daughter-in-law of the second house, Mrs. Zhang, also got into the crowd, gossiping and talking nonsense, so she was not at ease.

It is said that there is no mother-in-law pressing on it, it is comfortable, before this, she was ordered around by her mother-in-law every day, how could she have time to knock her teeth blindly.

In this group of people, she and Chen Dawang's Yang family are younger, and the others are grandmas. They have a daughter-in-law who does work at home, so they gather together when they have nothing to do.

Mrs. Zhang was talking so frothy, she just felt that someone was poking her, and subconsciously turned her head to see it was Mrs. Yang, and suddenly became a little impatient, "Why are you poking me so hard?"

Yang Shi didn't say a word and just kept winking at her. Zhang Shi was full of suspicion, following Yang's eyes, it happened that He Xiner and the others' ox cart came to the front.

Another bullock cart!

No matter where the bullock cart came from, she saw He Xiner sitting in the cart wearing a brand new dress, and Mrs. Zhang poured acid water first.

He glared at He Xiner, and then, Zhang frowned and stared at the two bamboo baskets on the bullock cart with bright eyes. Although there was a layer of hay on them, they were not stupid. Packed full of things.

Zhang's pupils shrank suddenly, and he jumped up without thinking, "Stop! Stop!"

Before the words finished, the whole person rushed to the bullock cart, startled the man who was driving the cart, and hurriedly grabbed the rein to pull the bull back, "You, what are you doing?"

Ye Dahe's family has become the richest man in Yejia Village because of buying a bullock cart. Zhang's anger has long been unsatisfactory. Unfortunately, his parents-in-law had accidents one after another, and the husband-in-law also seemed to be hit. The stubble of money.

No matter what outsiders say about how rich Ye Dahe's family is, her family's husband and second child seem to be dumb, and they won't release a single one.

Mrs. Zhang is really in a hurry!

They are all from the same ancestor, so why is that family living so well?
According to her, they should go to Ye Dahe's house and force him to share half of the money no matter what.

But no one at home listened to her.

She had met old Qian's a few times, but she didn't dare to move forward. As far as her mother-in-law's level of combat power had never been taken advantage of by old Qian's, she would have been tortured.

In fact, it was Mrs. Zhang who looked at old Mrs. Qian with fear from the bottom of her heart.

He Xiner and the others were chatting and laughing when the ox cart that was pulled suddenly flashed, and they were all shocked.

"Ouch, I'm startled, what's wrong?"

The words were spoken by Ye Yuanyuan, and both He Xiner and Guan Cuizhi were unhappy.

"There is someone blocking the car ahead."

Ye Mancang looked at Zhang Shi who was blocking the middle of the road with his arms outstretched, "Second Aunt, what do you mean?"

The three little girls also looked over subconsciously, He Xiner's face was tense: Isn't this the daughter-in-law of that wolf grandma?
(End of this chapter)

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