The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 430 It's up to you to care about this and that

Chapter 430 It's up to you to care about this and that
Mrs. Zhang was also impulsive. The acid water in her stomach was about to kill her. When she saw something, her eyes were red. In addition, several people were half-grown children. She didn't take them seriously at all. .

It's just a few hairy kids, isn't it easy to handle?

It's just that now, whether it's the people in the bullock cart or the people under the tree, they all stared at her in unison. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, she suddenly lost the courage to rush forward to grab something. Of course she wanted something, just How?

Zhang just stood there motionless, but her mind was not idle, all kinds of excuses and reasons were spinning rapidly in her mind.

Who has time to wait for her?Ye Mancang impatiently urged the man driving the car, "Spare her, let's go."

After the words fell, Mrs. Zhang immediately woke up, "Don't leave."

"Oh, Second Aunt is so majestic!"

He Xiner kept a stern face and didn't speak, Yuanyuan and Cuizhi were equally silent, saying that her mother asked her elder brother to follow, isn't it to protect them?
"You don't care if I'm majestic or not, let me ask you, what's the matter with this bullock cart?"

"What's going on? Does it have anything to do with you?"

Ye Mancang raised his thick eyebrows, and spoke in a leisurely manner.

"Hey, do you have any rules, kid? How do you talk to elders?"

Oh, elder?

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, we have to rush home, get out of the way."

What the hell is an elder?

Can you eat?
Except for his parents, no one wants to use his seniority to suppress him!
Ye Mancang is not easy to talk to.

Jiang Jiang was on the side of the bullock cart, and Mrs. Zhang only saw two bamboo baskets, and the big fish placed on a handful of hay was completely blocked, so she didn't see a single bit.

Now looking at the cart from the front of the cart, Mrs. Zhang saw the big fish clearly, my God, this fish is really big!
It is estimated that it weighs at least five or six catties!

Ah, she has never eaten such a big fish!
Such a big fish is used to fill a pot of soup, and the taste must be fresh and delicious!

"Give me that fish!"

Fascinated by the fish soup for a while, Mrs. Zhang didn't even want to lose face, and she said it so confidently.

Everyone was stunned.

Ye Mancang almost laughed angrily at her, "Second Aunt, is she insane? You want other people's things, how can you have the face?"

"What's the matter with you, dead boy?"

"Hey, I said, is Second Aunt blind? Didn't you see that we are together?"

"So what if they're together? Is that fish your family's? It's up to you to take care of this!"

Mrs. Zhang bet that the fish did not belong to Ye Mancang's family. How could their family afford a big fish?
The ox cart froze and couldn't move forward.

The man driving the car wrinkled his face in embarrassment, and discussed with Ye Mancang in a deep voice, "You can't leave even if someone stops you, why don't you get off the car here and walk back by yourself."


Ye Mancang refused, and then quickly jumped off the shaft of the car, walked up to Mrs. Zhang in two steps, and said with sideways eyes, "Do you want to go away by yourself, or let me drag you away?"

"Hey, you son of a bitch, I want to see if you have the guts!"

There are still many ways for a country shrew to face a young man, but Zhang just put her hips on her hips and straightened her chest, glaring at Ye Mancang arrogantly, hum, a brat still wants to scare her?
Unless it was a last resort, Ye Mancang didn't want to do anything, after all, men and women were different, and he didn't really care about elders or not.

"Hey, second aunt doesn't want any face?"

Seeing that Ye Mancang didn't dare to do anything, Mrs. Zhang looked terrified, "This is about our house and the eldest house, go away!"

Mrs. Zhang deliberately took a big step forward with her chest out, Ye Mancang subconsciously backed away, but Mrs. Zhang took advantage of the gap, and rushed onto the bullock cart with a "snag".

"Ah! Meat! So much meat!"

 Ask for a ticket~
  la la la ~~
(End of this chapter)

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