The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 503 Look at how juicy these two girls are

Chapter 503 Look at how juicy these two girls are

The three pairs of mother and daughter were chatting lively, not caring about other people.

He hated Ning's four sisters-in-law and Yuanyuan's cousins ​​to the point of indignation.

Ye Hexiu and her cousins ​​were obediently standing behind their mother, just waiting for their mother to take some good things from their aunt.

Ever since the three of He Xin'er entered the door, Ye Hexiu and the others just stared straight at her, not for anything else, just envious of them wearing new clothes!

He Xiner was wearing a water-red long dress with a slanted collar and wide sleeves. The twin buns were covered with glittering bead flowers, which caught the eye. Her small face was white and tender, round and round, like a lucky doll.

Guan Cuizhi was wearing a light pink cross-collar short jacket with a light yellow pleated skirt, and also a pair of glittering beaded flowers, which further enhanced her temperament, and her beautiful little face was even more beautiful.

Ye Yuanyuan is wearing a light green cross-neck Ru skirt, with bows of the same color tied on her buns. She is gorgeous and elegant, with delicate features and graceful features.

The three of them inadvertently compared all the girls in the room to the dust.

Ning's sisters-in-law suddenly had teeth ache.

Look at the girls, they all look like snow balls, even if Yuanyuan is a little darker than those two girls, compared to her cousins, she is already several shades paler.

Let's take a look at the clothes worn by the girls, let's not talk about whether they are new or not, they are all exquisite in workmanship, at first glance they look like tailor-made clothes from an embroidery shop, dressed like this, how can they look like country girls?
It is not an exaggeration to say that she is the eldest lady of the landlord's family.

The girl from the Guan family and the girl from Ye Laiyin's family, they can't control them, but they are all a family, so why can the girl from the big house dress so well?
Ning's four sisters-in-law sat around a square table, facing each other, so it was very convenient for them to give a wink or something.

No, the four of them are constantly flirting with each other, secretly communicating countless times,

Ye Hexiu was even more aggrieved and kept pulling at her mother's sleeves, pouted and gave her mother a wink, which meant; look at what other people are wearing, and what I am wearing.

Needless to say, her mother was so sour that she was about to lose her teeth.

"Heck... look at how juicy these two girls are!"

"Whoever doesn't tell me, I have never seen anyone who is more beautiful than these two from all over the world."

"Oh, look at how blessed Er Yatou's little face looks, it's the same as the doll in the painting that year."

"That's right, just looking at it is a blessing."

He Xiner and Guan Cuizhi finally managed to coax Ye Yuanyuan, and when they were a little relieved, a few middle-aged women suddenly came up and chatted, and pulled her affectionately Little hand, don't mention how hot it is~
what's the situation?
do we know each other?
He Xiner frowned. What annoyed her the most was that strangers held her hand and had something to say. If they didn't hold hands, they wouldn't be able to speak?
What's wrong with this?
With a cleverness, he pulled out his hand and wiped it behind his back, but he still couldn't cope.

Guan Cuizhi didn't feel much better, she was also full of shock, but she couldn't wipe her face away, unlike He Xiner who said she would slap her hand.

Wang Shi and Liu Shi looked at each other, neither of them wanted to talk much.

Ning Shi, who was holding He Xiner's hand, felt that her hand was empty, and immediately froze.

What do you mean little girl?
His face immediately became ugly.

But Bai's face turned cold earlier, none of these sisters-in-law can rest easy.

It's just that in front of Wang Shi and Liu Shi, it's not easy to make it too ugly.

Taking a deep breath, Bai smiled and said, "I'm fine here, you all go back, the girls are tired, go back and have a good rest."

"Auntie, then I'll go back and bring you delicious food tonight."

Hurry up and leave, if she doesn't leave, she is afraid of being entangled again, He Xiner won't be able to stay any longer.

Guan Cuizhi also hurriedly smiled and said, "I'm going back."

That means, still not letting go?

Ding was resentful, and said with a half smile, "Let my girl send you off".

"I'll just send it."

Ye Yuanyuan rolled her eyes directly.

(End of this chapter)

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