The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 504 I Want To Fly I Want To Fly

Chapter 504 I Want To Fly I Want To Fly
Wang Shi and Liu Shi also greeted each other, oh, I didn't forget to say hello to Ning Shi's sisters-in-law.

Ye Yuanyuan sent them out.

Ye Dahu was no longer in the yard.

When they got to the door, they saw Ye Xusheng standing straight beside the ox cart.

"Big brother, are father and uncle still inside?"

"Well, Ye Dahu's grandfather and father are here, and they are all inside."

"Hmph, don't let him off lightly!"

He Xiner expressed her anger.

Guan Cuizhi also nodded fiercely.

Wang Shi and Liu Shi chuckled, "Little girl, everyone, don't worry about those bad things."

"Aunt Liu and Sister Guan get in the car, and I'll take you back home."

"No, no, a few steps are not worth the trip. Our mother and I will be home in a while."

The few people didn't show any politeness anymore, they took away the things Guan Cuizhi bought, and Mrs. Liu led her daughter away.

"Let's take Yuanyuan's things to our house first, her aunts are all like black corns, there is no need for them to snatch them away."

Ye Xusheng led the bullock cart and walked unhurriedly, while He Xiner followed behind holding her mother's hand.

"Well, that's right."

Mrs. Wang responded casually, but said in a breathless voice, "Oh, what's all this?"

Not wanting her mother to worry anymore, He Xiner tilted her head and thought for a while, and said, "I can't pick any fruits today, I want to steam some white flour steamed buns, and give some to my aunt."

"We don't have old faces in our family, but we can't make faces."

He Xiner nodded, she only thought that there was no yeast in this era, so she forgot about it.

"Hey, we don't have any at home. Your Aunt Liu's family has appointed one. Xin'er and Xu Sheng will go home first, and I'll go to Guan's house."

After finishing speaking, she patted He Xiner's little hand, and Mrs. Wang hurried away.

"Hey, why is my mother so impatient now?"

Her mother was not like this in the past, He Xiner said she couldn't understand, but she liked whatever her mother had become.

He jumped two steps, and walked home side by side with Ye Xusheng.

"Big Brother, when did you learn Kung Fu?"

"It's been a while."

He Xiner blinked her big eyes, and stared at Ye Xusheng's face brightly, with little stars in her eyes.

"Brother Datang can fly now? The kind that flies far away with a swish? Like Brother Zhang, whoa, whoa, whoa! Wow, handsome and cool!"

Ye Xusheng felt a little frustrated.

He didn't want to talk to her, but he didn't want to leave her alone, so he coughed lightly and said slowly, "I'm better than Dong."

more heartbroken...

"It's okay, I am optimistic about the big brother, and one day he will fly far away like Brother Zhang!"

He Xiner smiled brightly, was full of vigor, and was giggling. It made people feel happy just looking at it.

"Brother will live up to your expectations."

A smile flashed across his eyes, Ye Xusheng looked at He Xiner gently with his dark eyes, and joked with her half-truly.

"Okay! I want to fly too, I want to fly too, the hall brother wants to carry me."

He Xiner looked impatient.


"Haha, big brother is the best!"

Ye Xusheng couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips.

"By the way, isn't Uncle Zhang very powerful? The kind of super master?"

Having said that, He Xiner looked around treacherously, and lowered her voice and said in a low voice, "Brother, do you think Uncle Zhang is the kind of martial arts hero, the kind who is so awesome, and finally tired of being in the arena?" On a bloody day, did you go back to your hometown to live in seclusion?"

Ye Xusheng wanted to say, 'You think too much. '

"Well, Uncle Zhang is not a martial artist, he has learned martial arts from the army for more than ten years."

"Oh, so?"

He Xiner's martial arts hero story script could not be written any longer.

Suddenly thought of one more thing, He Xiner looked around viciously again, but there was no one on the North and South Streets, oh, except for the two of them.

He poked Ye Xusheng and motioned him to lower his head.

He Xiner leaned against his ear, "Brother Dao, how could Uncle Zhang give birth to such a good-looking son with his big and thick appearance?"

(End of this chapter)

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