The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 506 How Prestigious to Be a General

Chapter 506 How Prestigious to Be a General

"Master, my cousin and I are going to herd cattle. I haven't let the cattle go yet, ha ha."

He Xiner smiled with her big clear eyes, she was very cute.

"Haha, let's go."


Ye Xusheng led the big yellow ox, and He Xiner followed happily, bouncing and jumping, very happy.

Lao Yetou watched the two of them leave the courtyard, and then slowly turned back to the main room.

The little girl was grinning all day long, she just looked like she was playing tricks, but she was capable.

Thinking of what Mrs. Liu said, Lao Yetou secretly smacked his tongue, thinking that drying a few wild fruits would be an extremely easy task, but he didn't expect it to be so meticulous.

Let’s just say, money is so easy to earn~
If you want him to say that the second girl is a good one, she has worked hard to earn some money, and she doesn't say that she hides it. She is willing to buy everything at home, not to mention the expensive food, but to say that she bought it specially for him. Wine and tea are not something ordinary people can part with.

In order to make tea look good, she specially bought a whole set of tea sets, as well as individual high-quality fine porcelain teacups. In her words, a whole set of small teacups is used for visitors, and a large teacup is used for drinking by herself.

After living for a long time, when have you been so particular about it?
Old Yetou squinted his eyes and secretly laughed, his granddaughter is capable and filial, and now the life of the family is not worse than that of the local rich man. The eldest grandson is both civil and military, and his future is limitless. Cheng~
Hey, how many people in Ye Family Village are so lucky to have him?

I don't know when did Lao Yetou stop thinking about the grandson in He's house, and he didn't want to get the property of He's family as much as before.

Now I feel content~
Autumn is deep, and the reed flowers by the river are in full bloom. When the breeze blows, the fan-shaped flowers are like crane feathers dancing with the wind, which outlines the scene of snow falling on the reed flowers, which is too beautiful to behold.

He Xiner picked two reed flowers and held them in her hand to play with. She squinted her eyes happily. Autumn is really a good season. The sky is clear and the weather is pleasant. It is the most suitable for playing outside.

The big yellow ox flicked its tail and gnawed the grass unhurriedly. Ye Xusheng stood upright by the river, listening to He Xiner's nagging quietly.

"Hey, let me tell you, Brother Hall, we don't stand in a military posture, you always stand so straight, aren't you tired?"

"Uncle Zhang asked to stand like this, I'm used to it."

"Hey, don't tell me, the big hall brother has a bit of momentum when he stands like this, um, like a young general, with a heroic appearance and a brilliant look."

Ye Xusheng wanted to say that although he taught Xin'er how to read, he didn't seem to have taught so many idioms~
Hmm, is Xiner praising me?
With a sudden joy in his heart, Ye Xusheng had already put the general idea behind his head.

"Xin'er likes the general?"

"I like it! How majestic it is to be a general! Hehe, the main reason is that men must be very handsome in military uniforms!"

Ye Xusheng...

Since when did Xiner talk about being handsome every day?
"Huh? What's the matter, Brother Hall?"

He Xiner suddenly found that Ye Xusheng was silent.

"Oh, it's nothing, I'm thinking about whether to join the army, to see if I can earn a general."

Ye Xusheng spoke seriously.

"Ha ha……"

He Xiner's magic voice reappeared, pinching her waist and laughing so hard she couldn't breathe~
"Ouch, Ouch, brother hall is so funny, what kind of general do you want to be, isn't it just to look handsome?"

Ye Xusheng chuckled, "Don't you want to see Brother Dao in military uniform?"

"Don't, don't, don't, if my master finds out that I'm pushing you to join the army, he'll have to tear me apart. You should study hard, brother hall. In the future, it will be more prestigious to wear an official uniform."

What He Xiner said made her laugh again, she couldn't stop laughing.

Who knows that Ye Xusheng is very stubborn, "I don't want to be prestige, I want to be handsome!"

It's rare to see the big hall brother still have such a childish side, He Xiner was taken aback for a while, and then laughed violently, "Haha... Ouch ~ big hall brother, you are so funny!"

(End of this chapter)

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