Chapter 507

The thing is that she provoked it. If the eldest brother is really thinking about joining the army, it's okay if he doesn't study hard. Speaking of which, the eldest brother is the only seedling in the entire Lao Ye family, and her master will never agree to him to join the army.

I don't know what the official uniforms of this dynasty look like, but no matter what they look like, He Xiner thinks that they don't match handsome, and the official uniforms should be calm and majestic.

"When the hall brother wins the first prize in the exam, and wears a red wedding dress, rides a horse and praises officials and parades through the streets, he will definitely be more handsome, even more handsome than any military uniform!"

Putting her smile back, He Xiner spoke seriously, nodded heavily, and patted Ye Xusheng's shoulder like a little adult, of course she did it on tiptoe.

"Come on, big brother, I am optimistic about you, you will definitely be the number one in the exam."

Mischief again~
Ye Xusheng laughed.

The topic just passed away, and neither of them brought it up again.

The big yellow ox was full of food and drink, Ye Xusheng led the ox, and the two walked home at a leisurely pace.

"Brother Hall, wasn't that person just now our elder? How come seeing you is like a mouse seeing a cat?"

Will meet a middle-aged man, He Xiner doesn't know him, but his age is there, she is still waiting for the big brother to call him, so she can follow suit.

Unexpectedly, that person greeted the lobby brother first.

He Xiner said she couldn't understand this operation.

Although she knew that her eldest brother was learning kung fu, He Xiner didn't think that Ye Xusheng would use violence to control violence.

Her lobby is gentle and gentle, and when things go wrong, she can only reason with others, not the kind who uses force.

When Ye Xusheng picked them up, he only said that the group of people had been persuaded to go back by the village chief.

The little girl is still naive. If those people were really reasonable, they wouldn't make such a fuss.

"He's the one who made a fuss at noon, and he's afraid of being cleaned up by Brother Mancang."

Ye Xusheng didn't say anything about himself, and put the credit on Ye Mancang.

"Hmph, bullying villain, what kind of elder, ah bah!"

Thinking of the scene at noon, He Xiner was still aggrieved, "They are all from the same village, and they are still an old ancestor. I don't want to bully people like this. When the hall brother wins the first prize in the exam, shake off the official prestige and scare these grandchildren to death." !"

Ye Xusheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, co-author Guanwei is used in this way?
But he couldn't see her getting angry, so he raised his hand and patted He Xiner's head, "Don't worry, Xiner, no one will dare to bully you again!"

"Well, Brother Mancang is the most powerful, a roar can scare their courage~"

Ye Xusheng smiled lightly.

There is a glowing red cloud in the sky, a handsome boy and an innocent girl lead a big yellow ox for a walk under the sunset, the picture is beautiful and the years are peaceful.

For dinner, Mrs. Wang really steamed white flour steamed buns, full of steamed buns, all of which were white, fat and steaming, which looked rare.

Lao Yetou and Lao Qian, who were sitting at the top, suddenly looked at the big steamed buns with pure white noodles, almost blinking their eyes.

Yo ho, this one looks like a cotton ball, it looks white and soft.

Yoho, the fresh scent of wheat is really good!

Oops, take a bite, it’s so chewy~
Mmm, delicious~
Thick white rice porridge and hot white steamed buns are delicious even without vegetables.

What's more, Mrs. Wang fried a large pot of hot and sour potato shreds, which were refreshing and crunchy, very smooth to the mouth.

Of course, the old man's dish is indispensable, the favorite tiger skin pepper.

Oops, one pepper can eat two steamed buns.

Old Qian gulped down two bowls of porridge, and added two big steamed buns, hiccupping.

After eating and drinking enough, my brain started to turn normally, but I thought of one thing, "Huh? Why is there no meat today?"

He Xiner bought a lot of meat every time she went to town, old Qian was used to it, and liked it.

(End of this chapter)

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