The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 508 Can't let others have a good meal?

Chapter 508 Can't let others have a good meal?
It's just a matter of wiping your mouth clean!

Do you deserve it?
If it's not for your parents to eat better, who cares which pickle you are?
He Xiner was speechless.

Ye Laiyin was also a little disgusted, and said lightly, "The pork I bought is for the uncle's boys to add food."


The scream nearly knocked the roof off.

Knowing this was the case, He Xiner was mentally prepared, but she was upset by her shouting.

Ye Xusheng frowned, feeling displeased.

"What is the ghost called?"

Old Yetou scolded angrily with a sullen face.

Can't let others have a good meal?
"Second brother, you are a loser, so you can give away precious things as soon as you say, ouch, I am so mad at you!"

When it came to food, old Qian didn't even listen to the old man's words, and ran to the back of the door angrily, and wanted to beat Ye Laiyin.

She was so frightened that Mrs. Wang trembled, and wanted to go up to intercede, but Ye Laiyin quickly pulled her back.

There was no way to eat this meal, she started to make noise when she was full, and He Xiner wanted to curse.

"If you dare to move the second finger, I will divorce you."

This roar is not at all lower than that of old Qian's, loud and deep, and more lethal.

Old Yetou was furious, the dead old woman wanted to rebel!

The whole family remained silent.

There is nothing to say, old Qian is not a reasonable person.

After all, he didn't completely lose his mind. Old Qian's raised hand froze in mid-air and didn't come down for a long time. His old face turned blue and blue, which was extremely ugly.

His chest heaved violently, and he was also very angry.

Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin had gloomy faces, they were no better than old Ye Tou.

Ordinarily, Ye Guihua should take the initiative to stand up and persuade her mother to give her a step down, but she is shrugging her shoulders and pretending to be dead.

Wang looked carefully at her mother-in-law, moved her mouth, but did not make a sound.

He Xiner sneered silently, she didn't want to talk to the old godmother.

I don't even think about what caused the trouble?
Originally, she and Yuanyuan Cuizhi quietly picked some fruits, but no one knew.

But her old man was uncomfortable with idleness, grinning all over her mouth, saying what she didn't and what she didn't say, which attracted groups of people to come to the house to pester her.

She was already bored.

Besides, there was so much commotion at noon, people from the village almost came out, and those people were crazy, as if they were going to swallow the entire old Ye's family alive, she didn't have any clues?

There are only three elders in the whole family plus the eldest brother and one and a half young men. If the uncle and the eldest brother Mancang did not stand up for their righteousness, their family would be trampled to the ground with one foot.

Besides, she earned the money, she bought the meat, and it's not something from the public. Her father can give it to whoever he wants. How the hell are you crazy?
The old Qian who held his hands high stood still and didn't move. Could it be that he was angry or shameless.

A pair of dizzy eyeballs rolled around, trying to find a way to go down the stairs, but she was a little unwilling, why couldn't she beat her ass crawling out of her intestines?
The older the old man, the more unreasonable he gets.

After waiting for a while, no one came up to persuade him, and finally his arms were sore. Old Qian had no choice but to throw the broomstick on the ground angrily.

Just like this, the old Qian always felt that he had lost face and was unwilling.

Well, the son is the treasure of the dead old man, so isn't the dead girl?

Therefore, old Qian pointed the finger at He Xiner.

"The dead girl is a troublemaker. If you don't do your homework well, you can make such a mess. What kind of wild fruit do you pick? Are you just being lazy and slippery..."

Old Qian was cursing and swearing, but she didn't say a word, a large bowl suddenly rushed towards her with the sound of the wind, which made her fall to the ground with a "slap" in fright.

 Ask for a ticket~
  ah ah~~
(End of this chapter)

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