The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 511 Her Mother Has Really Changed Her Temperament

Chapter 511 Her Mother Has Really Changed Her Temperament
Bai smiled and watched the two girls busy with their work, hey, my daughter is good, look at how caring she is, hey, it would be even better if Xiner girl is also her daughter.

Hehe, the more she thought about it, the happier she became, as if she had two daughters in the first place.

"I'll feed my mother."

It wasn't until Yuanyuan brought the bowl in front of her that Bai came back to her senses.

"Mother is fine, come by yourself."

After the bowl, Bai said again, "Have Xin'er and Xu Sheng eaten?"

"There is still a pot at home, let's go back and eat."

He Xiner was scooping for Yuanyuan, and hurriedly responded after hearing Bai's words.

"That's good."

While Bai Shi was talking, Ye Shitian couldn't help but took a sip from the bowl, "Ah, this is delicious, sweet."

It made several people laugh.

"There is nothing wrong with Xin'er's cooking."

"Haha, Yuanyuan is right."

After being praised, He Xiner squinted her eyes with joy.

Several people happily finished eating, and kept praising it, Bai said straightly that it was thanks to Xin'er's blessing that she was able to eat such a precious meal.

Look at the many good things in it, let alone eat them, she has never heard of them.

He Xiner smiled and said, "As long as Auntie likes it, I'll give it to you tomorrow. Tremella soup is the most nourishing. Auntie eat more, it's good for your body."

"Oh, don't tell me, just eat it once. It's so troublesome to send it back and forth every day."

How could He Xin'er care about such a small matter, she felt uncomfortable for her aunt to suffer such a big loss, but it was her heart to make up for her aunt.

This delivery lasted for ten days, and she didn't give up until Mrs. Bai said nothing to let her give it away again.

Drinking the nourishing white fungus soup every day, Bai's complexion really changed a lot. Her thin, sallow face in the past has become rounder, her complexion has become much fairer, her cheeks are rosy and shiny, and her gray eyes are clear. There is a god, don't mention too much spirit.

Her sisters-in-law almost didn't die of sour~
Of course, this is something.

In other words, after a few people finished eating and chatted and laughed for a while, He Xiner and Ye Xusheng said goodbye.

The Ye Mancang brothers and sisters went all the way to the alley before returning.

"What are you mumbling about, Brother Mancang?"

"It's nothing, just talking about Ye Dahu."

"Hey, how did it work?"

"According to my uncle's idea, I want to sue the officials, but his grandfather is so old, he begged hard, and my uncle wiped his face first, so it didn't work."

"Hmph, that can't be cheap for him."

"His father and his grandfather are still reasonable, and they beat him ten boards, and his family pays for the medicine."

"It's almost there."

The sky is full of stars, and a crescent moon hangs high.

He Xiner looked up at the sky, and sighed faintly, "I really want to go to Sapphire Lake, but it's too far away. It will take me half of the night to go up there, and my mother is still waiting at home."

"Next time you take a rest, let's go together."

"Hey, yes, let's call Brother Zhang, Yuanyuan and Cuizhi. There will be more people and it will be lively."

Subconsciously, He Xiner left Ye Mancang behind, she always felt that Big Brother Zhang didn't like dealing with strangers.

As for her, Yuanyuan and Cuizhi?
Hey, they're all so cute, who wouldn't like it?

When the two returned home, they first went to the West Wing to talk. Ye Laiyin had already returned to the house, and Mrs. Wang hurriedly greeted her to drink tremella soup.

No one asked about old Qian's, so there was no one to answer.

After drinking the nourishing white fungus soup, Mrs. Wang hurried away, "I'm tired after a busy day, so go back to the house and have a rest."

He Xiner laughed, her mother really changed her temper~
Silent all night.

The breakfast the next day was still made by Mrs. Wang.

Cornmeal porridge, stir-fried Chinese cabbage, cornmeal pancakes.

After a tossing day yesterday, He Xin'er was really tired. She got up late in the morning, and when she lingered to wash up and went to Mrs. Wang to comb her hair, the food was ready.

Taking a quick look, He Xiner almost burst out laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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