The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 512 Where's the White Flour Mantou from Yesterday?

Chapter 512 Where's the White Flour Mantou from Yesterday?

"Your father said, after dinner, I will go up the mountain to pick fruits with your uncle."

"Oh, then I'll call Yuanyuan and Cuizhi."

"It's enough to have your father, two uncles and a full warehouse. You just wait at home."

"Yesterday, when Uncle Guan was entertaining guests, he said that he was embarrassed, saying that there are many families in our family, and they only have Cuizhi and his wife, so he took advantage of it.

If picking fruit is not called Cuizhi, will Uncle Guan and Aunt Liu feel sorry again. "

"They're all from our own family, and it's too polite, so the three of you are the ones waiting for the fruit to come back?"

"Mother said yes, then I won't call them two, just rest at home."

"That's right, I'm still a half-grown child. It's too hard to be so busy. Let your father and the other gentlemen do the work of picking fruit."

He Xiner smiled from ear to ear, her mother is really tough now!
Hey, she likes it!

After combing their hair, the couple chatted and laughed and entered the main room with the dishes and chopsticks.

The whole family stared at the food on the table, a little dazed.

Old Qian was even more dumbfounded, "Where's the white flour steamed bun from yesterday?"

"Oh, I sent them to my aunt last night."

He Xiner blinked her big clear eyes, and turned back simply.

Well, yesterday I not only gave white fungus soup, but also white flour steamed buns.

The eldest aunt has suffered such a big loss, of course she has to eat some fine grains to make up for it, there is nothing wrong with it!

Old Qian's breath was blocked in his throat, and he wanted to curse.

I just heard Lao Ye's hair say, "The second girl is doing the right thing, all right, let's all eat."

Therefore, old Qian could only swallow back the curse word bitterly.

Now, the dead old man has become more and more left-sided, and he contradicts himself every day. She doesn't dare to make a fuss easily. In front of her children and grandchildren, if the dead old man makes a move again, she won't be the one who will be ashamed?

Old Yetou didn't think much about it, he was competing with old Qian's, and he didn't think the second daughter-in-law's cooking was wrong, but he just asked the dead old woman to take a good look at it. What day is it? See if she will be careless about everything in the future?
After taking a bite of pancakes, Lao Yetou missed white flour steamed buns a little.

Hey, I just ate a meal of fine grains, and I can't stand the rough pancakes.

If it is replaced by a steamed bun that is as hard as a stone egg...

Lao Ye shook his head, threw out the thoughts in his head, and continued to eat.

After taking a sip of the muddled porridge, Lao Ye frowned slightly, but didn't say anything, but looked at Ye Xusheng, "I was so busy yesterday that I forgot to ask, where did you learn Kung Fu?"

Everyone raised their heads and looked at Ye Xusheng in unison.

"Uncle Zhang taught it, I don't have time to practice, it's just a show, used to bluff people."

Putting down the bowl in his hand, Ye Xusheng spoke nonsense in a serious manner.

Hearing what the eldest grandson said, the old Ye Tou made up his mind to make friends with Ye Shitian's family. If there is something wrong, it is good to have a helper.

"Your Uncle Zhang taught you all his skills, so it's time for you to formally become a teacher."

In Ye Laijin's view, even after learning other people's skills, he should be a serious apprentice. As the saying goes, he will be a teacher for a day and a father for a lifetime, so why should he not be filial to his master in the future?

Ye Laiyin nodded, "Brother is right, that's the reason."

Ye Xusheng straightly said that Uncle Zhang didn't care about the form.

Old Qian doesn't care who he learns martial arts from, he counts the skills he acquires as his own, which kind of teacher he worships, and with the status of master and apprentice, those who celebrate the New Year have to donate things, so why spend that money?

Thinking of the agile skills of his elder grandson yesterday, old Qian’s eyes suddenly lit up, "My grandson has this ability, what kind of rabbits and pheasants are he hunting, he can hunt big ones, um, come back with the black and blind first, tigers are also fine, haha , that thing is worth money..."

He Xiner cursed in her heart: Damn it!
Ye Laijin's face darkened immediately, "Sheng'er is not that capable."

"Hey, didn't he learn Kung Fu?"

(End of this chapter)

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