The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 513 Having Fun Every Day

Chapter 513 Having Fun Every Day
After the people in the village made such a fuss, Ye Laiyin said nothing to let the three girls go up the mountain, lest someone follow them and collide and hurt them.

Brothers Ye Laiyin and Ye Laijin, Ye Shitian and Ye Mancang, the four of them hurried up the mountain very quickly. Without women and children to follow, the four of them were faster than before, and they pretended to be in less than an hour. Full of brought tools.

He Xiner and Guan Cuizhi went to see Bai Shi first, but Bai Shi repeatedly said that she was fine and did not need the company of her three little girls at home.

The three of them went to He Xiner's house.

Before the fruit was picked, He Xiner made tea, took out the thousand-character text, and taught the two little friends how to read. The three of them were laughing and laughing while drinking tea and eating snacks.

In the main room, Ye Guihua pouted her lips and kept complaining about her mother. She didn't put the door on her mouth, which caused so many things and angered her father. Clothes, she is going to be a young mistress, how can she do such rough work, what should I do if my hands are rough?
Old Qian was complained by his daughter, he was ashamed and embarrassed, and he didn't want to teach his daughter a lesson, he had nowhere to vent his anger, he jumped on his feet and scolded those who made troubles, scolded in a dirty manner in the morning, and in his heart It's finally more comfortable.

I ate a pancake in the morning, and I was hungry before noon. Lao Qian and Ye Guihua were a little bit gluttonous, but the next market day was still a few days away, so I asked the second child to go to the town to buy meat. Thinking about it, he would not agree.

Wait, wait until the next episode before eating meat.

"If you don't have pork to eat, you can have pheasants and rabbits. Mother told your grandson to run more in the mountains."

So, old Qian ordered Ye Xusheng to go hunting in the mountains at noon.

Ye Xusheng said that he was busy with his studies and had no time.

With old Ye Tou and Ye Laijin watching, it's not easy for old Qian to scold him. Besides, she still expects to enjoy the blessing of her eldest grandson, so she can't do too much.

Old Qian had no choice but to give up resentfully.

After a good time, there are braised pork, pork ribs, or white flour dumplings, roast chicken, and roast rabbits. He Xiner sees the sky changing and making delicious ones. Old Qian's mouth is already hungry .

This cold daily vegetarian dish, even though it is full of oil and salt, it still can't dispel the gluttons churning in her stomach.

It's just that no one is used to her.

Ever since she scolded He Xiner, Ye Xusheng never took game from home.

Not to mention Ye Laiyin, he never bought pork again, nor did he even buy white flour and white rice.

Once again, I went to the town to deliver fruit, and it was Ye Laiyin and Ye Shitian who went there. After changing the money, I rushed back without buying anything.

Ye Yuanyuan and Guan Cuizhi seemed to have opened the door to a new world since they learned how to read and write, they were very curious and excited.

To catch some free time is to read and write.

With such two hard-working students, He Xiner's teaching became more and more vigorous, and she felt a sense of accomplishment. Every day, she happily watched the two of them draw on the paper.

Often when the two of them were not paying attention, they would smear people's face with ink, causing Yuanyuan and Cuizhi to chase and beat her, and she would run around the room screaming strangely.

Have a great time every day.

Therefore, He Xiner said that if she didn't go to the town, she wouldn't go. She had nothing to buy.

The original custom-made furniture is finished.

Now her house is full of walnut wood furniture, Eight Immortals table, dressing table, washstand, oh, and a big wooden cabinet for clothes.

There is a luxurious large bathtub in the corner.

Although the house is old, the furnishings are exquisite. The stove, tea set, and snacks are all available. He Xiner is very satisfied with her current life.

She is not lacking in makeup, clothes, cotton-padded clothes, quilts, etc., reading books and drinking tea happily in the house with her girlfriends, not to mention how comfortable it is.

As for, if there is no meat to eat, there will be no meat.

Her mother drinks white fungus soup every day, so she can keep her white and tender~
(End of this chapter)

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