Chapter 526 What a Good Place
"Xin'er, come up, big brother will carry you."

After leaving the alley, Ye Xusheng squatted directly on the ground.

"Haha, good."

Putting the burden on her back, He Xiner unceremoniously climbed onto Ye Xusheng's back, her face full of joy.

"Big brother, how far can you fly?"

"Big brother, if you're tired, tell me, I'll come down and walk by myself."

He Xiner was so excited that she kept chattering non-stop.

With the little girl on his back, Ye Xusheng walked steadily, and said with a soft smile, "How far can you fly, you are a big brother like a bird?"

"Huh? Big brother Zhang can fly. You learned martial arts from Uncle Zhang. Didn't you learn light work?"

"I only started practicing martial arts at this age, and I can't compare to Dong Qiang who started elementary school."

"Oh, it's all right. The big hall brother is not going to go to the rivers and lakes. You don't need to compare with the top masters. You should be tired from studying, and you can keep your body alive and strengthen your muscles. How good it is."

He Xiner comforted him solemnly, and even patted him on the shoulder, like an adult.

Is this because he is afraid of losing him?

Ye Xusheng laughed lightly, "Brother's qualifications for practicing martial arts are worse than others, but he will work hard, and he will definitely become the kind of martial arts master Xiner said. Protect Xiner well."

"Hey, big brother is the best!"

The eldest brother said to protect her, He Xiner's heart was warm.

As he spoke, he unknowingly arrived at the foot of the mountain.

"Hold Xin'er tightly, brother is about to run."

"Okay, okay..."

When He Xiner hugged him tightly, Ye Xusheng suddenly exerted his strength and quickly ran towards the deep mountains. The rocks and shrubs did not affect him at all, as if walking on flat ground, the wind was blowing under his feet.

"Ah~ so fast!"

"Haha, brother hall is amazing..."

"Wow, the wind blows over my cheek, itchy, cluck..."

He Xiner screamed happily all the way, it was so exciting~
It turns out that the big brother is so powerful, yet he is always so humble.

He Xiner's eyes stared at little stars, she adores the lobby brother so much~
"Aren't we going to Sapphire Lake?"

After walking halfway, He Xiner realized that it was not the road to Sapphire Lake.

"The hot spring is connected to Sapphire Lake, but you have to swim deep to find it. I found a path and went directly to the hot spring."

"How did the hall brother find it?"

"After swimming from Sapphire Lake, I spent some time there and finally found my way out."

"Hey, is that place very secret?"


"Haha, great, we have another secret base."

Even though Ye Xusheng was fast, he had to run for half an hour before arriving at the destination.

Looking at the rocks in front of her, He Xiner was a little dumbfounded, where is the hot spring that she agreed on?

"It looks like there is no way here, but there is actually a small cave inside. Pass through the cave and you will arrive."

While talking, Ye Xusheng put down He Xiner, took her hand and walked slowly inside.

"There is no moonlight inside, it is rather dark, so be careful under your feet."


After walking in the dark for 5 minutes, when I reached the end of the cave, my eyes suddenly opened up.

"Wow, I feel hot~"

There is a natural super large hot spring in front of you, and the water vapor rises up, like fog but not fog, like smoke but not smoke, and it looks like a fairyland under the moonlight.

Even the air you breathe is moist, and the cool autumn wind blows, making it warm.

What a place!

"Haha, Brother Hall, I like this place so much!"


Excitedly ran forward a few steps, He Xiner suddenly ran back.

"what happened?"

"Brother Hall, I suddenly remembered something. It's warm and humid here. Will there be snakes?"

He Xiner was about to cry, she was really afraid of that thing, in this natural environment, it was hard to guarantee that one would not escape.

If, if so, the whole body is soaking comfortably in the warm water to moisturize, and suddenly a slippery thing appears to take a bath with her, she must be so scared that she will lose her little life!
 Ask for a ticket~
  I hope you guys will support me a lot~
(End of this chapter)

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