The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 527 Who Will Come to the Mountains in the Middle of the Night?

Chapter 527 Who would come to the mountains in the middle of the night?
He Xiner pulled Ye Xusheng's sleeve and shook it, her face turned pale, as if she had already seen that thing~
Seeing that she was really scared, Ye Xusheng didn't make fun of her, so he raised his hand and patted her on the head, comforting her softly, "Don't worry, I've searched all over the place, and there is no such thing."

To bring Xin'er here, Ye Xusheng was very careful, he was afraid that there might be something dangerous, so he checked carefully several times.


He Xiner patted her chest and let out a long breath.

"That's fine, that's fine."

Suddenly he smiled again, "Should we give this place a name as well?"

Ye Xusheng laughed, why is this girl so keen on naming her?
"What does Xin'er want to be called?"

"Hey, I really can't figure it out. Sapphire Lake is my name. Let the name here be given to the big brother, haha."

The big eyes twinkle and twinkle, as if filled with stars, pure and agile.

"Brother, think about it carefully."

"Hey, go into the water."

The spring water is surrounded by natural stones, He Xiner put down her burden, turned around and asked Ye Xusheng, "Brother, is the water deep?"

"There are big rocks by the spring, you can sit on the rocks and soak, and the water is deeper in it."

"Haha, someone built this place on purpose, right?"

If it was a natural spring, would it be so considerate, there just happens to be a big rock for you to sit and soak?
Ye Xusheng pondered for a while, this matter is not impossible, if someone hits Xin'er and a girl into the water, it will be bad.

"Big brother, what are you thinking?"

"I'm afraid someone will come."

"Hey, who would come to the mountains in the middle of the night?"

"makes sense."

So, He Xiner began to untie her belt, took off her jacket and pleated skirt on the large rock, and only put on a snow-white undershirt, ready to go into the water.

Ye Xusheng looked at the distance very unnaturally.

If he was not worried that Xin'er would be in danger of drowning again, he would not have brought her into the water.

After all, men and women are different.

"Big brother, come quickly, I'm afraid alone."

Stretching out her little feet and playing in the water for a while, He Xiner suddenly found that her eldest brother was still standing eight feet away.

Hearing Xin'er calling him, Ye Xusheng didn't hesitate anymore, they were already here, there was nothing awkward about it.

Xin'er has learned the skills, and being able to protect herself is the most important thing.

Never let her have an accident again. .

Having made up his mind, Ye Xusheng walked slowly to the shore, and took off his coat too. The snow-white coat inside was just made for him by his second aunt.

His mother hardly asked him about his daily life.

Even after repeated psychological training for himself, Ye Xusheng was still a little embarrassed, the tips of his ears were red as if he had applied a layer of rouge, his handsome eyes flashed lightly, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

"Brother Hall, the water is so hot, haha..."

He Xiner was already sitting on the shore, her legs kept paddling the spring water, having a great time playing, she would smile coquettishly from time to time, her crisp laughter was as pure and clear as the spring water in this mountain stream~
Influenced by her, Ye Xusheng unknowingly relaxed, walked over and sat side by side with He Xiner, watching her play in the water.

"Brother Datang is too powerful. You have found the essence of the mountain, first the Sapphire Lake, and then the hot spring pool."

"Oh, there is also a black wolfberry forest, haha, people in the village can't find that place even after eight laps around it. Haha..."

Thinking of the happy place, the magic sound magical power erupted again, filling Ye Xusheng's ears.

The smile in Ye Xusheng's eyes was about to overflow, and the corners of his lips could not stop rising.

If the little girl is happy, she will laugh so recklessly~
He likes to see her bright and bright smile, and listens to her wanton laughter. She is like a happy elf in the mountains, cute, simple, beautiful, and kind...

Ye Xusheng's heart was full, and it flowed like a pool of hot spring. The warm spring water flowed through his limbs and bones, nourishing his whole body.

(End of this chapter)

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