The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 554 I will beat you to death today

Chapter 554 I will beat you to death today

He Xiner lay on the table, a little sleepy, squinted her eyes, muttered, and yawned, then fell asleep like that.

Ye Xusheng couldn't laugh or cry.

I remembered that she said that she wanted to be a cat that only eats and sleeps, and eats while sleeping.

Isn't it just like a sleepy little milk cat~
First go to the inner room to lay out the quilt, then lightly carry the little person onto the kang, then take off her shoes and cover her with the quilt, so that she can sleep comfortably.

Seeing her sleeping soundly, Ye Xusheng's heart softened, and he tucked in the quilt again, then cleaned up the dishes, read a book, and went to school, the little milk cat was still sound asleep.

When He Xiner woke up, she was still a little dazed. She blinked her big eyes and looked around, only to realize that she was in the hall brother's room.

"Lord Brother~"

No one agreed, must have gone to school.

Lazily crawling out of the quilt, and tidying up the quilt, he unhurriedly got off the kang.

The iron kettle on the small stove outside was still steaming. He Xiner poured herself a cup of hot water and drank it slowly, only then did she feel that her body was no longer cold.

The hall brother is the most careful, because he is afraid that she will be cold when she wakes up, so he deliberately left the hot water that was boiled before.

He Xiner put down the cup with a smile.

After closing the door, He Xiner walked out of Dongkua courtyard unhurriedly, thinking whether to go and play with Yuanyuan and Cuizhi, when she heard her grandma swearing again in the front yard.

Subconsciously disgusted, He Xiner frowned slightly.

"You unfilial son, I call you a prodigal, I will kill you today!"

What kind of madness has the old godmother gone?

He Xiner speeded up, turned into the front garden, and saw her father walking in the direction of the back yard with a cold face leading the big ox.

It seemed that her father had just entered the house, and the ox cart hadn't been unloaded yet. The newly installed carriage was the same color as the carriage frame, a darker maroon color, and there was some distance between them, and there were no grain patterns.

There is a thick red quilted curtain hanging on the door of the carriage, which is used to keep out the wind, and it looks pretty.


He Xin'er trotted up to meet her, but she could hear clearly that her grandma was going to beat someone, but she didn't see anyone this time, could it be that she has copied her pimples?

At this time, there were not many people in the family, and the old Yetou took Ye Laijin to the vegetable garden to prepare the ground, wanting to loosen the ground quickly and plant a crop of garlic yellow.

Mrs. Wang went to wash clothes by the river, and Mrs. Qian and Mrs. Qian were not at home.

Ye Guihua hid in the house and took a nap, but she still hasn't woken up.

Old Qian was depressed for a long time by himself, and was really hungry, so he touched two eggs and planned to go to the kitchen to make them to fill his stomach.

As a result, when he left the main room, he happened to see Ye Laiyin coming back with the ox cart.

The brand-new carriage immediately pierced old Qian's eyes, and he cursed loudly, wanting to throw the egg in his hand on his son's face.

After all, she is reluctant to part with her precious eggs, isn't it? Now people have hurried to put the eggs in the house, and went to pick up the pimples by the way.

Ye Laiyin, who was scolded for being unfilial, remained silent.

What can he say?
In the early morning, the whole family was so noisy that he didn't eat. He talked about it for a long time on an empty stomach, but he was still too hungry, so he spent two copper coins to buy two plain steamed buns to eat.

He rushed back from the town in a cold haha, just entered the house, didn't drink any water, his mother rushed up and scolded.

He saw it clearly, his mother's hand was raised, as for why it didn't fall, it was naturally because of the egg in her hand.

Ye Laiyin's heart was cold, and he was indescribably depressed.

At this time, he heard his daughter's sweet cry, and a "daddy" directly soothed his tired heart.

"My daughter, run slowly, don't knock."

Ye Laiyin grinned widely, smiling heartily.

"Father, my grandma must have gone to pick up the pimples. Daddy, don't just stand around and go to the vegetable garden to find my grandfather."

(End of this chapter)

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