The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 555 Hurry up and save my dad

Chapter 555 Hurry up and save my dad
He Xiner was in a hurry, pulling on his father's sleeve and about to run outside.

"It's okay, I..."

"I beat you to death, you prodigal son!"

Ye Laiyin hadn't finished speaking when old Qian rushed out of the main room with a broomstick, cursing as he ran.


He Xiner wanted to scold her, ah!

Scold milk!

Damn old godmother, acting like a demon again, see if my master can't beat you to death!
"Father, don't stand there stupidly."

He couldn't wait for his father to speak, so he hurriedly gave some instructions, and He Xiner let go of her feet and ran out, followed by her mother's scolding voices, He Xiner gritted her teeth with hatred!
Although the vegetable garden is just behind the old Ye's house, it is not very close if you run across the front yard and then run around the east wall.

He Xiner was impatient and wished she could fly over twice, but the road under her feet was uneven, stumbling, and she couldn't run steadily in a hurry, and almost fell twice.

After running and panting all the way, she finally arrived at the vegetable garden. Before she saw her grandfather, she opened her mouth and shouted, "Grandpa, please go home and have a look, my grandma is going to kill my dad!"

"Grandpa, uncle, hurry up and save my father!"

"Master, woo woo, my father is going to be beaten to death by my grandma!"

In the vegetable shed, Lao Yetou and Ye Dajin were waving their hoes to loosen the soil. In the cold weather, they were so hot that they were sweating profusely.

Suddenly hearing He Xiner's shrill cry, Lao Yetou almost hit his foot with the hoe he swung high.

"Father, it's Xin'er."

In the same way, Ye Laijin heard it too. His little niece is always smiling and never rash. What's the matter?
The father and father quickly looked at each other, threw away the hoe, and strode out. Just about to pick up the jacket on the ground, He Xiner heard He Xiner crying, saying that her father was going to be beaten to death by her milk.

The father and father were both startled, they didn't bother to wear jackets, they just rushed out wearing only a layer of middle clothes, sweating profusely, "Second girl, don't cry, what's going on?"

He Xiner rushed over like a small cannonball, almost hitting someone, but Ye Laijin grabbed his shoulder quickly, "Don't worry, uncle will go and have a look."

"Well, hurry, hurry up and take a look, I, my father just entered the house, and he didn't drink any water, and my grandma was about to beat someone..."

He Xiner was panting heavily, tears were rolling in her eyes, as if she couldn't get rid of them.

Old Ye Tou snorted coldly, and strode home, Ye Laijin hurriedly comforted him, "Xin'er take a breath, don't worry."

Before the words were finished, Ye Laijin had already quickly chased after his father.

Although the two of them didn't run, they walked very fast and turned into the alley in two or three minutes.

Not seeing anyone anymore, He Xiner raised her hand to wipe her eyes, giggled, and trotted again, she had to go back to watch the excitement, how could she rest?

Besides, I don't know if her father suffered a loss just now, the dead old godmother is simply a lunatic!

Every day I don’t do any personnel work, except to eat and sleep, oh, and swearing.

How could there be such a mother in this world?
All his sons were beaten.

Hey, she wants to see if her father can let her beat his son!

He Xin'er wanted to laugh a little, no matter how fierce the old godmother is, she can't be as fierce as her father, this is really one thing, one thing, some tofu in marinade.

Haha ...

When the old Yetou rushed home in stride, he saw the dead old woman holding a broomstick, shouting and cursing aggressively, forcing the second child to circle the bullock cart.


With a loud roar, the movements of Lao Yetou's feet became faster, because the dead old woman was still yelling and cursing, and she just ignored his words.

"Are you crazy, old man?"

A few strides rushed to the front of the bullock cart, and Lao Yetou kicked with a sullen face, kicking the unprepared old Qian Shi to the ground, and fell to the ground.

"Oh, the old bastard hit me again..."

(End of this chapter)

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