The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 556 Who is in charge of this family?

Chapter 556 Who is in charge of this family?

Ye Laiyin, who circled the bullock cart countless times, and Ye Laijin, who was following the old Yetou, both sighed deeply.

What is all this called?

There is no time to stop day by day.

Their men are so busy that their feet don't touch the ground every day, and his mother doesn't do anything, but is still tossing every day, it's no wonder his father is not popular.

"One more curse, you old man, I will divorce my wife now!"

As soon as He Xiner ran to the gate, she heard her grandfather's roar.

The old man is awesome!

Just one sentence is more effective than a hundred curses.

Old Qian was swearing and thumping on the ground, and was suddenly shocked by the roar, and the curse words were choked in her throat, and she couldn't get up or down, which made her roll her eyes.

"Second, what's going on?"

Seeing that she was stuck and didn't continue to curse, Old Ye Tou snorted heavily, and turned to ask Ye Laiyin.

He Xiner stood ten feet away, only watching the excitement and never going forward.

Ye Laiyin had already spotted her daughter, seeing that she didn't intend to come over, her eyes twinkled, and she wanted to laugh.

The slightly hooked corners of his lips tightened again when he looked at his father, and said in a deep voice, "I don't know what's going on, but as soon as I entered the house with the ox cart, my mother scolded and beat me."

Then, with a sad face.

Ye Laijin glanced at him, but said nothing.

After listening to his son's words, Lao Yetou narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked coldly at Lao Qian on the ground.

Before he could open his mouth to question, Old Qian suddenly got up from the ground swiftly, this time he didn't scold or yell, but his tone was not very good, as if he had eaten gunpowder, full of gunpowder:
"You still don't know what's wrong? Let me ask you, where did you get the money?"

In fact, Ye Laiyin had already guessed that this was the case, and he was just pretending to be stupid.

Without waiting for him to speak, old Qian gritted his teeth and let out word by word, "Who is in charge of this family?"

"I am the master!"

As soon as her words fell, Lao Yetou said something unceremoniously.

Old Qian fell on his back in anger!

"You old..."

Just as he was about to curse, he saw Lao Yetou narrowing his eyes dangerously and staring at her coldly, so frightened that she swallowed the words behind her again.

Old man, the older he gets, the less he is a thing!
Cursing angrily in his heart, old Qian swallowed the breath sullenly, he could only be reasonable if he could not be beaten.

"I won't tell you what the three of you are planting in the vegetable garden. But what does it mean to sell the money and not hand it over to the public?"

"and also……"

Old Qian pointed at the brand-new carriage with his paws like dead bark, and said bitterly, "How much money does this cost? He doesn't talk to me about such a big matter. This unfilial son simply didn't treat his father Mother put it in her eyes.

What's wrong with me hitting him? "

While talking, he stared at Ye Laiyin fiercely, as if he would pounce on him at any time and tear him apart.

"I asked my second brother to install the carriage, and I gave him the money."

Lao Yetou spoke in a gloomy voice, and Lao Qian's scalp tingled with a low voice.

But when it comes to important matters related to money, even if she is afraid, she will never back down.

Panting for a few breaths, old Qian's voice was hoarse and trembling, and he said angrily, "I have always been in charge of the money in the public, no matter what you plant, the money you sell should be handed over.

How can there be any reason to buy this and buy that by yourself? "

She thought it was unassailable.

She didn't play tricks this time, so she was reasonable, right?

Is the old man wronged?
Hurry up and obediently hand over all the money!

But things are always beyond her expectations.

"The work in the field is done by me with the boss and the second child. The money earned is divided into three parts. The first house and the second house get one part, and the public only keeps one part."


Old Qian jumped up and screamed!

He Xin'er, who was ten feet away, felt her ears hurt. She felt sorry for her father, and she wondered if her ears were deaf?
 Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket~~
(End of this chapter)

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