The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 563 Mom can eat some spicy food now, right?

Chapter 563 Mom can eat some spicy food now, right?
Ye Xusheng left school and went to the deep mountains first.

Without He Xiner following him, he ran back and forth as fast as he could, but he didn't waste much time.

When I came home with two pheasants, it was just getting dark.

It was quiet in the front yard, Ye Xusheng didn't think much, and went directly to the back yard.

He Xiner and her mother are cooking by the fire.

"Big brother, are you back?"

Seeing Ye Xusheng come in, He Xiner raised her face and greeted her with a smile.

"Second Aunt"

"Xin Er"

"Wow, two pheasants."

"Well, one is for Dong Qiang and Uncle Zhang."

"it is good."

Wang smiled and said, "Do you still want to make roast chicken? I'll light up the oven."

"No, no, change the way of eating today."

Waving her little hand, He Xiner smiled like a little fox, squinted her eyes slightly and asked her mother, "Mother can eat some spicy food now, right?"

"Are you going to use spicy fried chicken nuggets? Mom can eat some spicy food now, but your grandma doesn't eat any spicy food."

"Hmph, no matter what she is, she hit my father with a pimple, so I'm not in the mood to make delicious food for her~"

Ye Xusheng on the side raised his eyebrows, but didn't ask.


Wang sighed.

It's not that she really cares about her mother-in-law, but she is afraid that her daughter will get angry and provoke her mother-in-law, so it won't be worthwhile.

"Mom, don't sigh, it's okay."

Hehe, with her grandfather, it's useless even if her grandma wants to blow up her hair.

He Xiner expressed that she was not worried.

Wang also had to follow her.

Ye Xusheng was about to clean up the pheasants, but was driven back to study in the east courtyard by Mrs. Wang.Before leaving, he said that the two chickens were cooked together, and he would send them to Uncle Zhang and his wife soon.

Now he doesn't swim with Dong Qiang at night, so if he has something to eat, he will take it directly to his house.

To clean up the pheasants, Wang did it by herself, without He Xiner reaching out.

He Xiner was on the sidelines directing, "Mother, chop the chicken into small pieces."

"How is this?"

"Smaller, bigger than your thumb."

"it is good"

The days are short in winter, and in just a short while, it was completely dark outside, and the mother and wife were busy busy with burning candles.

"Xin'er, what's the next step?"

"Mother cut some dried red peppers, cut more, um, let's have a bowl."

Mrs. Wang was taken aback, "It takes so much? How spicy is that?"

"Hehe, the spicy chicken needs to be spicy to be delicious."


The girl is in high spirits, so it's not easy for Mrs. Wang to hit her.

The seasoning is not complete, everything can only make do.

The minced chicken filled a pot full. He Xiner added some soy sauce, salt, pepper, and two egg whites. After thinking about it, she added a little spirits if she didn't have cooking wine. A little flour.

Then let it soak for a quarter of an hour.

Hard firewood was added under the stove, and half a pot of rapeseed oil was poured into the pot.

"Xin'er wants fried chicken nuggets?"

"Hey, my mother is smart."

Didn't He Xiner cook fried vegetables once, and Wang Shi was used to it long ago, so she didn't make a fuss about it.

The oil pan was bubbling, and He Xiner poured all the chicken into it without hesitation.

Hehe, who made this pot big~
The oil pan is boiling, and the "Zi Zi la la" is cheerful.

Wait until the chicken pieces are fried until golden, take out with a strainer and set aside.

Naturally, the fried oil cannot be wasted, and it can also be used to fry chili oil.

Wang Shi was afraid that He Xiner would get burned, so she didn't need her, and carefully scooped the oil into a clean oil jar by herself.

Naturally, He Xiner is still in charge.

Wash the pot again and dry it, scoop three tablespoons of oil, sauté ginger slices, garlic slices, Chinese prickly ash, and dried chili until fragrant, then pour in the fried chicken nuggets, stir fry for a few minutes, add salt, sugar, and a handful of white Sesame seeds, sprinkle a layer of chopped green onion on the surface after serving.

Prosperous, oily and attractive.

The whole kitchen is full of aromas.

"This smell is too fragrant, my mother is about to drool~"

"Haha, mother will eat more later."

(End of this chapter)

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