The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 564 Only give 1 pancakes a day?

Chapter 564 Only give four pancakes a day?
While talking, He Xiner picked up a small piece with chopsticks and brought it directly to Wang's mouth, "Mother, taste it first."


There was nothing embarrassing about my daughter, Wang ate it with a smile and praised it repeatedly.

It happened that Ye Xusheng came in, and He Xiner laughed loudly, "Brother Datang really knows how to tell the time."

"How is this made? The taste is really delicious."

Ye Xusheng's eyes were filled with amazement as he looked at the fiery red and oily spicy chicken.

"Brother Hall, try it quickly."

Taking out a pair of chopsticks again, He Xiner smiled and picked up a piece of chicken and brought it to his mouth.

"Well, it has a strong spicy taste and is delicious and refreshing."

Ye Xusheng was really amazed by this dish. Compared with the original Beggar Chicken, Roast Chicken and Lotus Chicken, Xin Er was simply too, too, too amazing!
"It won't taste good if it gets cold for a while, brother, hurry up and come back."

Mrs. Wang put the portion for Zhang's family into a large porcelain urn, and said straightly, "Although it can keep warm in it, I'm afraid that the chili and chicken will not be crispy after a while."

"It's okay, I'll run fast, I'll be there in a while."

"It's getting dark, you have to pay attention to your feet."


After telling Mrs. Wang that there is no need to wait for him to set the meal, Ye Xusheng walked out of Lao Ye's house with the big porcelain urn in his arms.

At this time, everyone who ate early has gone to bed, and the village is quiet.

So, Ye Xusheng threw off his stride and ran, and arrived at Zhang's house in five or six minutes.

Unexpectedly, he would come at this hour, Zhang Tieniu and Zhang Dongqiang were a little surprised.

"What? Did you miss me?"

Ye Xusheng rolled his eyes at Zhang Dongqiang, without saying a word, he put down the large porcelain urn and opened the lid, a strong spicy smell wafted out immediately.

"Haha, it smells good."

Zhang Tieniu, who was standing aside watching the interaction between the two, couldn't help smelling the smell, strode closer to him, and sniffed vigorously.

"what is this?"

"Spicy Chicken."

"A little girl did it again?"


Zhang Dongqiang fell silent, and the little girl really got into a fight with chicken.

Ye Xusheng was in a hurry to go home, and declined Uncle Zhang's enthusiasm to keep him, and he refused to take the big porcelain urn, saying that he would take it if he had time.

In the main room of Lao Ye's house, Mrs. Wang and He Xin'er had just prepared the meals.

Old Yetou came out from the room with his two sons.

Not looking at her milk, He Xiner was a little surprised.

She made spicy chicken to piss off her grandma on purpose. She was full of evil calculations, and her grandma must have been sour when she stared at others eating chicken.

Hey, mad old godmother!
As a result, things were beyond her expectation...

"The second one, from now on, send a pot of water and four corn pancakes to the utility room every day."

Lao Yetou, who sat at the top, had a very serious old face.

As soon as the words came out, everyone was stunned.

He Xiner raised her eyebrows, utility room?
She doesn't even know where it is.

Oh, yes, in the backyard, beside the north wall is the toilet for the pigpen and chicken coop, and later a simple cowshed was built, and there seems to be a room for leisure things and a room next to the cowshed.

Usually, every time He Xiner solves personal problems, she comes and goes in a hurry, and she doesn't care about feeding chickens, pigs, and cows, and doesn't pay much attention to what's there.

She only works in the kitchen with its back to the main room, at most she goes to the well, but the well is also very close to the kitchen, located in the southern half of the entire backyard.

The northern half is not her range of activities.

In other words, her father locked her grandma and sister-in-law in confinement?

Two people, only four pancakes a day?
What happened...

I have to say, the old man did a great job!
Haha ...

Resisting the urge to laugh violently, He Xiner lowered her head slightly so that no one could see her gloating expression.

Mrs. Wang was stunned, looking at her husband, but Ye Laiyin looked at Ye Laijin. The two brothers looked at each other and sighed silently.

(End of this chapter)

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