Chapter 574

"Brother Mancang, the door is open!"

He Xiner shouted at the top of her voice, her crisp voice cut through the silent night.

Ye Xusheng behind him pursed his lips lightly, his eyes soft, the little girl is so energetic and carefree every day~
"Sister Xin'er, Xu Sheng, it's so cold at night, you still don't sleep under the covers, what are you doing here?"

Obviously with a look of surprise on his face, but still saying such things, how can the two of them not see it?

Ye Mancang was really happy to see the two of them.

It's boring to watch the night alone, okay?

Before the two could speak, Ye Mancang grinned and said, "Come in, come in."

"what is this?"

"Oh, this is because I want to send out some bean sprouts to eat, but it's too cold in the kitchen, so I'll trouble the hall brother to move here."

"Bean sprouts?"

Ye Mancang was a little surprised, and then immediately became excited, "Xin'er made a new food?"

"That's right."

"Haha, Xin'er is smart, she can think of any way."

Ye Mancang laughed.

Feeling guilty, He Xiner changed the topic, "Are you hungry, brother? I brought steamed buns and salt and pepper. If Brother is hungry, you can set the steamed buns on the fire and roast them, so you can make do with them."

"Hey, it's okay to have white flour steamed buns to eat?"

With that said, both of them laughed.

And Ye Xusheng went into the vegetable shed, first put the ceramic pots away, and then busily filled the braziers with firewood.

Seeing him turn around and come back, Ye Mancang hurried away, "It's too late, you two should go back quickly,"

"Brother Mancang is alone at night, it's hard work."

"What's the hard work, it's warm inside, not to mention how comfortable it is."

Obviously the words of concern for He Xiner were very useful, but she still joked carelessly.

In fact, Ye Mancang was a little embarrassed, no one had ever talked to him like this before, and he was not used to it.

He Xiner waved her little hand to say goodbye to him with a smile, turned around and followed Ye Xusheng, bouncing back.

Ye Mancang sent the two of them away eagerly, then turned around and muttered: "Yuanyuan is a bad girl who knows to sue him all day long, how can there be sister Xin'er."

Ouch, why isn't Xin'er his own sister?

She wanted to be his bad girl as a younger sister, and torment him if she had nothing to do.

Oops, life is hard!

The first thing Ye Xusheng did when he came back to the house was to turn on the stove. He was used to doing it, but it was very fast.

"Is Xin'er cold?"

"I'm not cold, if you don't believe me, give it a try."

He Xiner's face was narrowed, she giggled, and suddenly stretched out her small hands to put Ye Xusheng's face, as if she was holding his face from one side to the other.

Ye Xusheng was startled.


Just after coming back from outside, He Xiner's little hands were as cold as ice, and Ye Xusheng frowned suddenly.

But it's not too much.

"Why are your hands so cold? Hurry up and warm up."

Holding her little hand, and putting it on the stove to roast, Ye Xusheng didn't know what to say about her, "It's all like this, why don't you say it's not cold?"

"Hey, isn't it warmed by roasting?"

A trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes, the little girl is too skinny, she is really a child at heart.

"I haven't gone to the hot springs in the mountains for a few days, I really want to go."

Sitting at the table, smiling and enjoying the fire, He Xiner was only thinking about how to play.

"Big Brother will accompany you to the mountains tomorrow."

"Okay! Brother Datang is the best!"

Ye Xusheng couldn't laugh or cry.

"Drink some hot water to keep warm, and be careful not to burn yourself."

"Well, thank you big brother."

Ye Xusheng turned around and went inside, and came out with two bundles.

"what is this?"

He Xiner hurriedly put down the cup in her hand, stood up, and moved closer to her curiously.

The two packages were placed on the table, and Ye Xusheng opened them one by one.

One of them is a rabbit fur mattress.

The other was a scarlet cloak.

 Ask for a ticket~
  Reed, thank you in advance~~
(End of this chapter)

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