Chapter 575 I Trust Big Brother
"Brother got a new pure white rabbit, and I made you a rabbit fur cloak."

While talking, Ye Xusheng opened the cloak.

The red color is very beautiful, very beautiful and amazing, and there is a pure white rabbit rusted on the lower right corner, it is small and exquisite and very cute.

The hat is inlaid with a circle of white rabbit fur, which is moist and smooth, and looks warm.

He Xiner's smiling face froze.

This was exactly the same as in her dream!
"Xin'er, what's the matter? Don't you like it?"

Seeing her tight face, Ye Xusheng was a little at a loss, he thought she would like it.


With a dry voice, He Xiner felt uneasy for no reason.

Now, Ye Xusheng was really anxious, put the cloak on the table, gently supported He Xiner's arm, looked down into her eyes, and said softly:

"If Xin'er doesn't like it, we don't want it. Tell the elder brother what you like, and the elder brother will make it for you."

He Xiner was going to be a little dazed, and her reaction was a bit slow. When she came back to her senses, she saw the anxious look on the eldest brother's face and the care of her company.


He Xiner was immediately happy.

"Don't lie to my cousin, I really like this cloak."


Ye Xusheng couldn't turn the corner, the little girl was still tense and her face was very serious, why did she smile so brightly all of a sudden?

Seeing the look of disbelief written all over the hall brother's face, He Xiner felt a little embarrassed.

Stretching out his little hands to scratch his hair, he giggled silly, "Don't be like this~"

"Then tell the hall brother, what happened just now?"

"Oh, it's nothing, I just thought of a dream."

"Dream? What dream?"

Ye Xusheng was a little puzzled as his handsome eyes stared at her for a moment.

Blinking and wide-eyed, He Xiner said eagerly, "I had a dream a few days ago. The white rabbit fur cloak that the hall brother made for me was exactly the same as this one. It was also embroidered with a cute little white rabbit. The hat A week trimmed with white fluffy rabbit fur..."

Ye Xusheng didn't expect this to be the case, and he thought about it seriously, "This is just a coincidence. Earlier, my elder brother told you to make a rabbit fur cloak. As the saying goes, you think about it every day and dream at night, so it's not surprising to have such a dream.

But the eldest brother thought that you would like the little white rabbit, so he asked someone to embroider it on purpose. "

But He Xiner still felt weird in her heart, and somewhat rejected this cloak.


"what happened?"

Hey, it's just a dream, why bother.

Seeing Brother Shang's concerned gaze, He Xiner suddenly thought about it.

Besides this cloak, she really likes it, it's just to protect against that dream, but the dream is all fake, how can it be taken seriously.

"In my dream, it snowed heavily, and there was a vast expanse of whiteness everywhere. I was wearing a cloak exactly like this one, and I was walking in the snow, but I couldn't find the big brother everywhere. I called for a long, long time, but I didn't see the big brother. That's when I woke up."

After thinking about it, He Xiner had nothing to shy away from.

Ye Xusheng was stunned, feeling a little uneasy.

"I had already forgotten it. If it wasn't for the fact that this cloak is exactly the same as the one in the dream, I really couldn't remember it."

He Xiner raised her head lightly, and looked at Ye Xusheng fixedly, "Brother Datang won't leave me alone in the snow, will he?"

"Brother will never leave Xin'er behind."

Without even thinking about it, Ye Xusheng blurted out the words.

"Well, I believe in the eldest brother."

He Xiner blinked and smiled brightly, "So that's just a dream, there's nothing to avoid."

Then he clapped his hands suddenly, and laughed loudly, "Ah, I have a tacit understanding with the big brother, the cloak we thought of is exactly the same, without the slightest deviation. Haha..."

The magic sound pierced the ears again.

Hearing this familiar devilish laughter, Ye Xusheng felt at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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