The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 584 No wonder her mother is so happy

Chapter 584 No wonder her mother is so happy

It's not plagiarism...

It's not about borrowing from others~
Cough, cough, there is no other way, there are too few books in ancient times, and they are too general, and she did this not only for herself, but also for the welfare of those people who have no books to read like her...

Well, well, that's it.

no problem~
After some psychological construction, I finally felt less guilty.

It's just that He Xiner knows how many catties she weighs.

At her level, it is impossible to write any good books.

That's why she wanted to cooperate with the big cousin.

Ye Xusheng didn't interrupt her when he saw that she was thinking deeply.

"Brother Hall, what do you think of this idea? I will design the skeleton, Brother Hall will fill in the flesh and blood, and we will cooperate with each other. Hey, it's all working together."

He Xiner really wanted to applaud her witty self!
This idea is perfect~
Haha ...

The corners of Ye Xusheng's mouth twitched, what is this all about?
"Big brother, do you think it's okay?"

"Brother didn't write these, I was afraid of disappointing you."

"I believe in the big brother, it will be done!"

There is no reason, He Xiner just believes that Ye Xusheng, the lobby brother is both civil and military, can do everything, writing such a little thing is not a trivial matter.

What can Ye Xusheng do?
Of course I should.

But he said, "It's too late today, go to bed first, these things are not in a hurry."


The lobby brother has to go to school tomorrow, so no matter how excited He Xiner is, it's not easy to drag him to chat endlessly.

Obediently agreed.

It's a pity that although the big brother left, her excitement still couldn't subside. She lay in the warm bed, opened her eyes wide in the dark, but couldn't fall asleep.

Since I can't sleep, I simply think about novels.

Hey, six meridians divine sword, eighteen dragon subduing palms...

Just thinking about it like this, her eyelids became heavier and heavier, she yawned, and He Xiner fell into a deep sleep.

In the early morning of the second day, He Xin'er got up a little late, and when she washed up and went to her mother to comb her hair, Mrs. Wang made breakfast.

When He Xiner went to the kitchen, she saw Wang was busy with a smile, the corners of her mouth were raised high, and her face was full of joy.

"Mom, why are you so happy?"

Hey, mother, you are in a good mood, look how you are smiling?
He Xiner made fun of her mother seriously.


Mrs. Wang scolded her coquettishly, and combed her hair swiftly.

"Hey, if Mom tells you something happy, I'm happy too."

Originally, she didn't intend to hide it from her daughter, so Wang smiled lightly and said, "Your father said that after lunch, he drove to your grandma's house."

Oh, it turned out to be like this, no wonder her mother was so happy.

"Is the jacket that mother made for grandma ready?"

"Well, not only your grandma's, but also your grandpa's. My mother even made a new jacket for Jinling. The little girl's family's, you can't live in the cold..."

He Xiner was silent, her mother is fast enough!

"In a while, Dad will go to the town to deliver vegetables to the uncle's house. Let Dad cut some meat and buy some fine grains. Grandma is getting old, so it's time for her to eat some fine grains to nourish her body."

When He Xiner said this, Wang became even happier, the corners of her mouth curled up, and the joy in her eyes almost turned into substance.

"Your father brought money on purpose, just thinking of buying some food to send to your grandma."

"Well, father is still thoughtful."

Wang's heart was warm, she pursed her lips lightly and did not speak.

As usual, he combed He Xiner into a double bun, tied a bow with the ribbon she brought, and looked around, there was nothing wrong with it.

Wang sneered, "Girl Jinling is very happy to see you."

Rubbing her chin, He Xiner tilted her head and remembered, what gift should I bring her little cousin?
The little girl likes to eat desserts, and her father buys them. If she wants to express her affection as a cousin, she must make them herself.

(End of this chapter)

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