The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 585 This Food Is Too Extravagant

Chapter 585 This Food Is Too Extravagant
What can I do?
There are not many things available at home~
"Hey, yes, make some twist for my little cousin."

"What twist?"

"Hey, mother will know in a while."

He Xiner smiled with an inscrutable expression on her face, which made Wang lose her pen.

With an idea in mind, He Xiner couldn't wait any longer, and quickly helped her mother serve meals and dishes, and set chopsticks and bowls.

Fortunately, her grandma is relatively low-key now, and she doesn't dare to make trouble easily, and Lao Ye's family is considered to be calm now.

No one was finding fault and making trouble, and the dinner table was relatively harmonious.

Of course, I didn't want to be isolated in my heart, so I had to automatically ignore those unkind eyes.

He Xiner was very excited about making mahua, but she didn't have time to worry about others. After eating, she quickly cleared the table, and the two of them got busy.

"Xin'er, what do you need your mother to do?"

"Mother dig some flour for me, take a few eggs, and grind the rock sugar for later use. Well, do you still have old noodles at home?"

"Yes, you wait, mother goes to get things."

The method of fried mahua is relatively simple. He Xiner has seen someone make it before, so she is quite confident. She thinks that her little cousin will definitely like it.

Alas, in the days of her grandma's house, she never ate fine grains, let alone snacks.

The little cousin is still a child, eating corned buns like adults every day, it is really difficult for her.

He Xiner suddenly felt that being a cousin was very outrageous, it wasn't outrageous, it was simply too outrageous~
Well, a fried dough twist is not enough to express her heart.

Otherwise, do individual meals?

He Xiner wrinkled her face and tried hard to think.

She didn't come back to herself until Mrs. Wang brought something over.

"Xin'er, here are the things."

"Well, let's meet up first."

"Mother, just watch."

Well, her mother is so virtuous.

Mrs. Wang scooped a ladle of hot water from the pot, warmed it up, and soaked the old noodles first. These are all things she is used to, and she is very easy to use.

"Mother, dig out three bowls of white noodles, then add three eggs, fine sugar, and a little vegetable oil."

Well, He Xiner is just a hands-off shopkeeper, she only speaks with her mouth, not with her hands.

"Huh? By the way, don't you still have honey at home? Add two spoons too."

"Add so much sugar, do you want to add honey?"

Mrs. Wang was a little surprised, good guy, what did you do?
It's not a pity that I have to use so many things, but I just feel that the food is too extravagant.

After all, it’s okay to talk about rock sugar, but honey is a real precious thing.

She thought it would be sweet enough with sugar, adding honey would be a waste~
"Well, add some honey, it tastes better."

"Okay, mother will go get it later."

"Hey, Mother still has noodles, I'll go get them."

He Xiner asked for the key and quickly went to pick up the things.

Yes, in her mother's west wing room, as long as no one is there, the door must be locked.

This is her father's decision.

He Xiner very much agrees with her father's idea, her grandma and her sister-in-law can't be seen as normal people, who knows what they will do?
If one day he went crazy and ran into her mother's room and writhed, it wasn't disgusting enough.

In other words, when He Xiner searched for honey, she also found brown sugar.

Haha, I just can't think of anything else to eat, no, seeing the brown sugar, she has an idea.

The food made of brown sugar is naturally cat ears.

Oh, by the way, take a few more eggs.

Well, there is also rock sugar, so I need to get some more.

Naturally, we also need to dig some white flour. There are bowls in the parents' house, which is convenient.

I checked left and right, there is nothing else, let’s work together~
There were a lot of things, so He Xiner emptied out the basket of cakes, put the things away, and happily returned to the kitchen.

"Oh, why did you take such old things again?"

"Hey, it's all useful of course."

(End of this chapter)

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