Chapter 594 Not so partial
But there are also people who make Joe find fault.

If it was before, not to mention other people, only Jiang Shi would have been ridiculed in a strange tone, but now it's too late for her to flatter her, so naturally she won't say anything more.

Alas, I have no choice but to secretly swallow my saliva~
With a lot of work at home, Ye Laiyin didn't have time to talk nonsense with the two uncles, so he directly said to the old man: "Father-in-law, we are here this time because we have something to talk to you about."

For some reason, Old Wang's heart, which had just calmed down, jumped up again.

He was still thinking of a way, how he turned around to ask where the old Ye's family got the money, and was a little confused by Ye Laiyin's words.

What do you mean?
Don't need him to take the trouble to accompany Bala to carefully turn around and fumble around to inquire?

Still want to borrow money from him?
Impossible, impossible, impossible...

The old Wang tried his best to suppress the uneasiness in his heart, calmed down, and said in a deep voice, "Go to the boss's room and talk."


So, a group of gentlemen all moved to the East Wing to talk about business.

Only the female relatives were left in the main room, oh, and Wang Xiangdong and his brothers, but they were relatively low-key and had almost no sense of presence.

"Little girl, look what this is?"

He Xiner teased her little cousin with a smile, and saw that she took out a small and exquisite brocade box from her pink purse.

"Haha, I came in a hurry this time, and my cousin didn't have any preparations. You can play with the beads and ribbons first. When you have time next time, my cousin will buy them for you."

From He Xiner's point of view, there is nothing wrong with these words.

But in the ears of Wang's sister-in-law, it was boiling like a frying pan!
What do you mean?
Listen to what she said, she has silver in her hand, so she can buy whatever she wants?
Although the little girl is well dressed, it only shows that her family is rich.Feng Shi and Jiang Shi never expected that such an older girl would have money at her disposal.

The Lu family is better, she doesn't care about other people's money, and she doesn't bother to inquire about it.

But Feng's and Jiang's are different, if this girl is rich, then...

The two sons of the Feng family have reached the age when they should get married, even if they have such a little thought, it is only a flash, and it is more regrettable.

But Jiang's is different, her Xiangbei family is about the same age as this girl, well, she is about two or three years older.

If, if Xiang Bei marries this girl back, wouldn't this girl's money be the same as hers...

The general is still jealous of Wang Jinling's benefits. Now that she has an idea, Jiang no longer puts her energy on this trivial matter, and only concentrates on thinking about it.

He Xiner liked this smart and well-behaved little cousin very much, she was very happy to tease her, and found out the jacket made by her mother, "Your second aunt just made you a new jacket, do you want it?" Give it a try, does it fit?"

This is a bright red straight-collared double-breasted padded jacket with a red plum embroidered on each of the two cuffs. It is small, cute and pretty.

The new fabric and new cotton are very soft and warm to the touch.

"Wow, it looks so good, I want to wear this."

The little girl Wang Jinling jumped three feet high, as if she was so happy, as if she didn't know how to express the joy in her heart, she simply threw herself into Wang's arms who was talking to the old lady, "Thank you second aunt, second aunt is the best~"

The old lady, Mrs. Lu, Mrs. Wang, and He Xiner all laughed.

Feng's and Jiang's directly soured into lemon essence.

It was really hard to endure, Jiang could no longer bear the sour water in her stomach, but she also knew not to offend others.

So, Jiang tried her best to pull the corners of her mouth, showing a smile that was uglier than crying, and said in a half-joking tone: "Second sister can't just think about my niece and ignore my nephew. It's also calling you a aunt, but don't be so partial Yes, giggling..."

The smile on Old Madam Wang's face disappeared without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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