Chapter 595
The corners of He Xin'er's mouth twitched. This second concubine is really talking nonsense with her eyes open. Which cousin is she calling aunt?


That's not the point!
The point is that her mother can do it for whoever she wants, and it's her turn to dictate?

In the past years, when Mrs. Wang went back to her natal home, she always met Aunt Wang. The first wife and two sisters-in-law were busy trying to curry favor with Aunt Wang. It's hard to say anything in front of the eldest daughter.

She knew exactly what the old man and his two sons were up to, and even though she didn't agree with it, she couldn't dismantle them.

The eldest daughter is also a domineering one. She has always bullied the second daughter since she was a child. If she protects her tightly, the eldest daughter will definitely not follow her.

Therefore, even if the old lady loves her little girl, she can only turn a blind eye.

But now, my daughter came to see her with great difficulty, and this short-sighted thing jumped out to run on my heart and soul again, it was simply incompetent!

"Why didn't my old lady hear Xiangxi and Xiangbei calling Second Gu?"

Mrs. Wang's eyesight is not good, so she can't stare at people sharply, but this gloomy voice also makes Feng Shi and Jiang Shi feel cold in their hearts.

The mother-in-law doesn't get angry easily and doesn't scold others. In the past, she used to run on the sister-in-law in front of her, but she didn't protect her. What's the matter today?
Bought her with just a jacket?
"There is only Ling Yatou in the family, and she is the youngest. Her second aunt is rare, and she makes clothes to coax the children. You just ask for things with red eyes, and your eyelids are so shallow?"

What he said, he didn't even save a trace of face.

The old lady said "you", which naturally included Feng's family.

As a result, neither Feng nor Jiang had a good look on their faces.

What is a piece of clothing to coax a child?
That jacket is not a small thing, even though I haven't touched it, it looks fluffy and soft, it must be made of brand new cotton, I don't say whether the style is good-looking or how good the fabric is, just referring to the new cotton, Enough to make people jealous.

A little girl, how can she wear a new jacket, they are about their age, and they haven't worn a jacket made of new cotton yet.

"Mother, look at what you said. Isn't this a joke with the second sister? Besides, the daughter-in-law is right. All the young men in the family are dressed like beggars, and the girl Biling is dressed like a beggar." She looks like a young lady, and it doesn't look good for outsiders to look at her."

Jiang's face turned red, blue, and white, which was wonderful.

Being reprimanded by the mother-in-law is shameless, but the problem is that I have already lost face, so I don't care, and I still get some benefits.

In her opinion, Mrs. Wang has a naughty temperament, which is easy to handle. Even if she can't sneer at the run now, but with her temperament, a few words are still useful.

I don't believe that when she mentioned this, she was ashamed to say that she would not make a new jacket for her son.

"To shut up!"

Mrs. Wang was furious!
"Whether the descendants of the Wang family dress well, what does it have to do with Lao Ye's family? Huijuan is now a member of Lao Ye's family. You want her to be someone else's daughter-in-law, and blatantly go to her mother's house to pull things. Why do you want her to be here?" Standing in front of mother-in-law?"

Think this jacket doesn't cost money?

No matter how good the life of Lao Ye's family is, and there is no separation, how can the daughter have any say?
For these things, the son-in-law must have nodded in agreement.

Not to mention the jacket that honors her, there is only one girl doll in the family, and daughters are rarer, so it is enough to make a jacket.

But the grandson is five!
How much money will it cost to make new jackets for all?

Couldn't it be that the money from Lao Ye's family was blown by a strong wind?

Her mother-in-law was the first to spare her daughter.

Besides, if the son-in-law is offended, the life of the daughter will be difficult.

It's not easy for my daughter to live a good life, and she will never allow these shallow-sighted things to be disturbed.

(End of this chapter)

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