The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 596 How Many Times Has My Father-In-Law Asked?

Chapter 596 How Many Times Has My Father-In-Law Asked?
He Xiner silently praised her grandma, the old lady is awesome!

In fact, their second room still had some money to make a few jackets, but it had nothing to do with whether they had money or not.

Her grandma is right, what does it have to do with her mother whether your old Wang's children are dressed well?
You are still a mother, so it shouldn't be your business whether your child dresses well or not?
Fortunately, I don't have to deal with this kind of person every day, otherwise it wouldn't be annoying enough.

Alas, forget it, it is also poor.

Hopefully, with the business of selling bean sprouts, her grandma's life will be easier.

On this side, Mrs. Wang scolded her daughter-in-law so hard that she couldn’t lift her head. In the East Wing, the old Wang’s head was shaking with excitement, "This, is this true? Can those worthless beans be exchanged for silver?"

The sweet potatoes and beans planted by other people's houses are saved to feed the pigs in winter when pigweed is not available. His family is so poor that he doesn't even have the money to buy a piglet, so the beans he grows are eaten by his own family.

The thing is ground and steamed with corn flour. It is edible, but it is extra hard. If it is not for people who are living in a tight family, they don’t like to eat this thing.

The Li family obviously made tofu, but they used a lot of beans. The old Wang Tou also made up his mind to sell some to the eldest daughter's family, but the eldest son-in-law refused to let go, and said that the beans they grew at home were enough.

Beans are coarse grains and worthless, and no one bothers to sell them in the town, so it's better to eat them with the help of them, and save some corn for more money.

It's just that his family has few fields and a large population. The food grown in the fields is coincidentally enough to fill one's stomach, and there is almost no extra corn to exchange for money.

In addition to the third child in the family who went to work in the town to earn two pennies, that is, the eggs laid by the old hens could be exchanged for oil and salt money.

To be honest, these days are really not ordinary embarrassment.

Now the second son-in-law suddenly told him that those worthless beans can be made into a kind of food called bean sprouts, and it is not a problem to sell them for three or five liters...

The old Wangtou felt like he was dreaming. One thousand and ten thousand couldn't believe it, but he couldn't help but hope that it was true.

Therefore, he could no longer hold back his airs as a family member, and asked repeatedly, 'Is this true?This is real? '

The corners of Ye Laiyin's mouth twitched.

How many times is this father-in-law asking?

Uncle Wang often went to the town to work, and his brain was active. Hearing Ye Laiyin's words, the general's eyes lit up with excitement, and he was eager to try it out.

"Father, second brother-in-law can still lie to us? I'll dig some beans in a while and soak them in warm water."

Ye Laiyin naturally knew the method of sprouting bean sprouts, and he taught it to the Wang family brothers.

"Xin'er has said that the beans must be picked clean. There are those bugs biting, small and bad ones are not allowed, only the big ones that are round and plump with a shiny surface."

"Hey, hey, I wrote down what the second brother-in-law said."

Uncle Wang was a little excited.

Uncle Wang and Uncle Wang are still in a daze just like their father.

It wasn't all because of the rare event of sprouting bean sprouts, but because of Ye Laiyin's attitude.

This, what's the situation?
This, this is a way to make money, so teach them like this?
This, this is too surprising!
"Oh, by the way, it doesn't cost much to grow beans by yourself, but you need to prepare some wooden boxes and clean white cotton cloths, and you have to clean them up when you eat them."

Third Uncle Wang nodded frequently with an educated expression on his face.

"It's not convenient to go to the town from our Wangjiazhuang. In the future, this business will be done for a long time. After all, it's harder to carry things on your back. It's more convenient to push it with a wooden cart."

Old Wang's brows couldn't help but twitch, the wooden cart is not a small item, not to mention that there is no sun-dried wood at home, even if there is wood, it will cost money to hire a carpenter to make it.

(End of this chapter)

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