Chapter 615
Hey, I'm short tempered!
He Xiner patted her chest, let out a few breaths, and decided not to be as knowledgeable as it was.

"It's really raising an ancestor!"

Muttering something out of his mouth, he opened the door and led Dabai out.

Afraid that the little girl would wake up suddenly, she deliberately didn't blow out the candle.

In the dark night, the cold wind scraped the knife on her body like she didn't want money. He Xiner trembled subconsciously, and then exclaimed, "When the moon is dark and the wind is high, when you kill and set fire! Ah, Dabai, you have to protect sister!"

The noble and elegant big white dog turned his head away to ignore her, the master has so much to do.

Then, it sped up its pace nimbly, throwing the prank master behind its buttocks.

"Oh, Dabai, wait for sister!"

He Xiner laughed and followed behind, and trotted to Dongkua courtyard.

Of course, when they turned into the front yard, each person and dog subconsciously lowered their footsteps without making any movement.

Hearing footsteps, Ye Xusheng hastily put down the book in his hand, got up and opened the door.

"come on in."

One person and one dog all squeezed in.

Ye Xusheng stared at him speechlessly.

Then, a bully dog ​​paused and let its master enter the house.

"Huh, it's really cold outside."

Although there is no brazier in the big hall brother's room, the iron kettle on the small stove is gurgling and steaming, which also adds a little warmth to the room.

"Sit down and have a cup of hot water."

Ye Xusheng reached out to help He Xiner take off the cloak, hung it on the simple clothes hanger specially made on the wall, and then hurriedly poured her a cup of hot water.

He Xiner didn't sit down, she played the last one first, um, the big brother's room is the same as hers, it's all compacted earth, her Dabai ancestor has no place to lie down.

And a certain dog's eyes were floating on the kang in the middle, but he was a little timid and didn't dare to provoke someone.

Looking at its appearance, what does Ye Xusheng not understand?

With a cold tone, Dabai immediately retracted his gaze.

Ye Xusheng went into the inner room, opened the kang cabinet, and found an old mattress.

Now the quilts he uses are all newly made by his second aunt, so there is no need to put away the original ones, but they are just right for this delicate dog.

Hey, whose dog do you think is so proud?
If he didn't want to let it protect Xin'er, Ye Xusheng really wanted to send it back to Dong Qiang.

Simply folded the mattress and spread it at the door, Ye Xusheng looked at the big white dog, "Come here yet?"

Dabai glanced at him, walked over slowly, lay down on the not-so-comfortable mattress, closed his eyes and pretended to be dead.

"Haha, Brother Dabai, Dabai seems to be a little afraid of you, but when you brought him back, he wasn't like that?"


"Well, the name I gave it, does it sound good?"

He Xiner blinked her eyes with a small face.

Ye Xusheng was a little speechless, such a simple name, and asked him if it sounds good?

Then it didn't show on his face, he nodded and smiled lightly, "It sounds good."

"Hey, hall brother, do you think it is a male dog?"

He Xiner suddenly leaned forward and poked Ye Xusheng's arm, with a gossiping smile on her face.

Dabai folded his ears with a swish.

But Ye Xusheng blushed, his eyes flickered and he didn't look at her.

This girl is really...

From He Xiner's point of view, this question is normal, and it's not something to be ashamed of, is it?

Why is the hall brother blushing?

But she didn't care too much, and continued to say with a smirk, "I just named it Baixue, Baishuang, Baibing or something. This ancestor almost turned on me!'s so funny... "

Immediately, her unique magical laughter filled the whole room~
No one is speechless.

Dabai's face is even more hopeless, his master has lost all his face, he doesn't want to live anymore!
(End of this chapter)

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