The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 616 Why Does It Think That This Kid Has Harmful Means?

Chapter 616 Why Does It Think That This Kid Has Harmful Means?
Ye Xusheng couldn't laugh or cry.

This girl can really do anything...

He squinted at Dabai, and said casually, "It's not bad to be called 'Bai Xue', it suits it very well."

Dabai's ears pricked up again, and he raised his head and glared at him angrily.

Ye Xusheng snorted coldly, Dabai immediately covered his ears and lay down to pretend to be dead.

"Haha, brother hall, this dog is so fun..."

He Xiner couldn't stop being so happy.

Ye Xusheng looked at her with gentle eyes, and smiled lightly, "Just as long as you like it."

Dongqiang finally did a good deed, and I have to thank him in return.

Just as Ye Xusheng was thinking about this, He Xiner came closer and muttered in a low voice, "Brother Zhang is so generous, doesn't he...? Well, Brother Datang, you understand~"

After speaking, he winked.

Ye Xusheng raised his eyebrows secretly.

"No matter what, Dongqiang will not harm me..."

He was absolutely sure of this.

Xu Dongqiang also knew that he had doubts about his identity, so he simply stopped keeping a low profile. He was such a giant when he made a move, and he was not afraid of blinding the eyes of the villagers!
This is a bet that the people in the village are ignorant and don't understand the market of dogs, right?

In fact, he didn't understand either, but he just knew that this dog was worth a lot of money.

Thinking of this, Ye Xusheng looked at Dabai on the ground with clear eyes, looking up, down, left, and right.

Inexplicably, Dabai wants to blow his hair, why does he think that this kid has malicious intentions and wants to sell him by the catty?

Hmph, what a beautiful idea!
So, the proud and arrogant turned around angrily, and gave Ye Xusheng a round buttocks.


Cold snort.

Dabai covered his ears, didn't hear, didn't hear...

He Xiner was a little confused, what kind of crazy did this ancestor smoke?

Knowing this ancestor's temperament somewhat, He Xiner didn't care about it, she lay down on the table like a boneless "Oh, there are a lot of things every day, and the matter of martial arts novels, I haven't figured it out yet, okay?" Annoying..."

"Everything is difficult at the beginning, don't worry."

"Well, yes, I originally wrote it because I was bored, but now I have something to do, and my life is fulfilling, haha~"

Ye Xusheng smiled lightly.

"My little cousin just came to our house, so I need to spend more time with her, or think about it at night, um, I have to take it easy."

"it is good."

Ye Xusheng naturally did not disobey her.

Glancing at the books on the desk, some thoughts flashed through He Xiner's mind, but before she could catch them, they disappeared without a trace.

I tilted my head and thought about it, but I couldn't figure out why.

Simply don't think about it anymore.

After chatting for a while, thinking that it was getting late, He Xiner was going to take her ancestors back to the house to sleep.

Ye Xusheng quickly took her cloak, wrapped her tightly, and tied a beautiful bow, ready to send her back.

"Dabai is with you, please don't give it away, brother, it's so cold outside."

Glancing at the big white dog who was pretending to be stupid, Ye Xusheng said coldly, "Take care of your master!"

The corners of He Xiner's mouth twitched.

Why does she feel that the big hall brother is a bit childish...

Dabai shook his fluffy head, then turned his head away, arrogantly ignoring him, but Ye Xusheng grabbed his ears, "If you don't understand human speech, you don't need to keep these dog ears..."

Dabai suddenly frowned, did its pair of handsome and majestic big ears provoke him?
Wanting to kill you again and again?

Originally, this kid was a good guy, but he turned out to be a big villain with a black heart!

He Xiner was stunned for a moment, then suddenly she looked up to the sky and burst out laughing, Brother Hall is so funny...

Not to mention, after being violently threatened by Ye Xusheng, Dabai was really a lot more well-behaved, and he didn't dare to show his temper anymore, and accompanied his master back to the Xikua courtyard.

 Ask for a ticket~
  Thank you~~
(End of this chapter)

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