Chapter 697 Is This Unclean?
"Dabai bites her!"

There was a sound of milky shouting, and everyone saw a snow-white figure jumping up, and a big dog with a fierce face had arrived in front of them in a few breaths. Everyone was so frightened that they froze and ran around in a hurry, "Mother! Help!"

The daughter-in-law of Ye Dahai's parents, Mrs. Zhang, was the one who scolded He Xiner just now. She stared helplessly at the big dog that looked like a calf. Its eyes were glowing with faint green light, and its wide mouth was open with sharp teeth that gleamed coldly. She came rushing towards her face, she was terrified to the extreme, her body was so stiff that she couldn't move, at last she rolled her eyes and fell into the snow water with a thump and passed out.

Dabai paused, and cast a disgusted glance at Mrs. Zhang, who was covered in mud, disappointed.

Those running around felt safe, so they gathered in a group to watch the fun, seeing that the dog just stunned Mrs. Zhang and didn't bite anyone, and stood obediently beside the little girl, neither yelling nor barking. , while he was relieved, he became annoyed again.

"Where did the girl dare to play wild in Yejia Village?"

"That's right, if you don't learn well at a young age, you will bully people just because you have a dog."

"My old lady was so frightened, she had to talk to Ye Laiyin, no matter what, I have to pay my old lady some eggs to eat, it's so frightening!"

"It is! It is!"

"What do you guys say about my sister Xin'er behind your back? If I didn't hear it? If that person wasn't covered in mud and Dabai despised being too dirty, Dabai would have given her a mouthful just because of what she scolded! "

The little girl pinched her waist and yelled aggressively at a group of gossip women, without any stage fright, her tits were fierce.

Everyone was choked up!

What does Dabai despise dirty?
If your big dog wants to bite someone, others have to wait for it to bite?

What are you thinking?

Is this something unclean?I was really taken aback by this damn girl's film!

The Lin family of Ye Changsheng's family had a sullen face in the crowd, staring fixedly at Wang Jinling's cloak, following the little girl's excited waving of her arms, she could clearly see the brand new red jacket and navy blue cotton trousers inside.

Look at the cotton shoes on her feet. Although the soles of her feet are covered with muddy water, they can still be seen to be newly made and brand new.

Due to wearing a lot and the weather was warm, the little girl was already running hot, so she didn't wear the cloak hat, and the two bright beaded flowers on the double bun dangled with her little head, and followed her trembling. Shaking, twinkling, it's really beautiful.

Look at the little girl with a fat face, round like a silver plate, how many good things did she eat to make her look like this?

Lin's heart is so sore, she lowered her figure several times to get close to old Qian's, but she didn't get any benefits at all, but this damn girl is said to be the niece of Wang's natal family, with a little relationship, she can rely on her It's really unfair that Ye Dahe's family has good food and drink!
No, I have to find a way to get involved with Ye Dahe's family.

Although the two families are not close, they belong to the same ancestor. In-laws are not acceptable. If a child of a relative's family marries Ye Dahe's family, it will be one level away. I am afraid that it will be used as a wedding dress for others for nothing, and nothing will be gained. arrive.

Not to mention, the niece of her mother's family and the niece of her younger sister's family are about the same age as Ye Laicai, but she is as clear as a mirror in her heart.

It's really not reconciled to think that there is such a big piece of fat that can't be eaten.

Ye Xusheng and He Xiner entered the village, and they heard Wang Jinling's immature angrily scolding from a long distance away, and a group of people were chattering for some reason. They looked at each other, and strode towards the old locust tree. go.

"It deserves it, I let the dog bite someone, what's the matter? If you dare to scold me, Sister Xin'er, it's her luck that she didn't kill her!"

(End of this chapter)

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