The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 698 A group of people are dumbfounded

Chapter 698

Hey, little ancestor, you are so arrogant, does your mother know?

Before Ye Xusheng and He Xiner arrived, the little girl's unreasonable and domineering voice filled his ears.

Cousin is doing great!
Sister gives you a thumbs up!

The corners of He Xin'er's mouth were raised high, her mood was high, she didn't feel that there was anything wrong with her little ancestor's words, she slowed down, and stood quite leisurely on the periphery of the crowd to watch the little girl quarrel with others.

With just one movement and one look of hers, Ye Xusheng guessed all kinds of things. He couldn't help being amused, and didn't urge her. Feeling cold, he subconsciously shut his mouth.

Mother, why did you forget about the King of Hades?

"Cousin, who scolded Xin'er?"

The cold voice had no warmth, it was cold and indifferent, but it hit everyone's hearts hard, and they all felt a little guilty, so she didn't swear just now, right?

Um, um, no scolding, no scolding.

"Here, that's the one who scolded Miss Xin'er."

Little Wang Jinling wasn't afraid of these people at all, but now that the big cousin came, he had a backbone, and he spoke bluntly, with a sense of elation.

Hey, you didn't suffer from the beginning, okay?

Now you look like someone is calling the shots, do you want the King of Hades to misunderstand that we bullied you, or what?

"This matter will not be left alone. When the second uncle comes back, I will definitely ask Mrs. Ye Zhang to give Xin'er an explanation."

A group of people didn't know what to say, Ye Zhang was frightened by your big dog and fainted in the mud, and he didn't know how he was frozen, and he couldn't stop talking, it was really overbearing.

It's just that no one dared to say this, a big dog is scary enough, and there is an even scarier King of Hades, all of them are very cruel, why do they stand up for Mrs Zhang and take things on themselves?
As the leader of the Gossip Women's Group, Mrs. Lin insisted on her own identity, and felt that it would be shameless not to say a few words, as if she was frightened by a brat.

So, with the corners of his mouth open, he heheed twice dryly before saying, "Boy Sheng, anyway, Mrs. Zhang was fainted by your big dog. It's not right to just lie in the mud soup like this in the world of ice and snow." This is a matter, if you freeze the person out for good or bad, in the end you still have to rely on your family for medical expenses, you should send him back."

"Only by suffering a little loss can you remember the lesson, so that you won't be able to control your mouth in the future."

His clear eyes glanced around lightly, "If there are still people who can't control their mouths, it's not a bad thing..."

A group of people were dumbfounded. This kid was not like this before. When did a thin and weak scholar become a cold-faced Hades?
Ye Xusheng didn't care about what happened to them, he had to speak clearly enough, if someone dared to trick Xin'er in the future, don't blame him for being cruel!

After calling the little girl home, Ye Xusheng turned around and walked towards He Xiner who was outside the crowd. His eyes were clear, his face was gentle, his lips were smiling, and his tone was as soft as a spring breeze, "Come back, I have to go to town in the afternoon, I don't have to worry about these things." The bad things delayed the work."

"Well, I listen to the eldest brother."

He Xin'er smiled sweetly, with her eldest brother and little cousin protecting her, she wouldn't get needlessly idle~
A certain person didn't think it would be shameful to be protected by a little girl, on the contrary, she was a little shy. As expected of her family's little ancestor, it was so cute to protect her shortcomings.

After Ye Xusheng and his party walked away, Ye Changsheng's family called to move Mrs. Zhang to a dry place on the ground, and asked someone to tell Ye Laibao.

In the cold weather, you can't just watch her freeze to death in the mud, right?

(End of this chapter)

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