The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 700 Dabai hasn't eaten bones for some time

Chapter 700 Dabai hasn't eaten bones for some time

In the afternoon, the long-tongued woman knew the power of the big white lion's roar. They pretended to be concerned and went to see Mrs. Zhang, and they saw the person who was talking non-stop an hour ago, and said nothing like a fool. No matter how they ask, they will not respond with a single word.

As a result, the whole Ye family village spread the word that the girl of Ye Laiyin's family had a ferocious dog, which must not be provoked.

A group of people were chattering non-stop under the big locust tree, seeing a bullock cart turning out of the alley of Ye Dahe's house, everyone immediately shut up.

Ye Xusheng was driving the car, Dabai was sitting majestically on the shaft of the car, He Xiner and her cousin were laughing and making noise around Mrs. Wang.

Mrs. Wang didn't know about Mrs. Zhang's scolding of He Xiner. The little girl was very shrewd. She was afraid that her second aunt would be angry, so she was looking for Ye Laiyin behind her back.

"Ah, there are still a lot of things at home, mother should not go?"

Mrs. Wang was in a dilemma. She hadn't heard any news before, but she was suddenly pulled into the bullock cart by her daughter. She was surprised and happy, but at the same time, she was a little uneasy.

As a daughter-in-law, she doesn't stay at home and do her work, and she goes to the town with the children to play. It's really, really outrageous~
"I've said it all, just leave those things to Dad, and Mother just have fun today."

"Yeah, Second Aunt, I haven't been to the town yet, so just keep me company, okay?"

"Ouch, don't pout, be careful, can't the second aunt go?"

"Haha, mother should have done this long ago."

"I'm so happy, let's play!"

"My cousin brought enough money today, just tell me what you like, and she will buy it for you."

"Good! Sister Xin'er is the best!"

"Dabai hasn't eaten bones for a while, should I buy some when I come back?"

Speaking of money, Mrs. Wang also thought that it was all due to Dabai, but these days her husband was holding back his anger, and he didn't even buy a piece of nail meat from home. Although some steamed chicken was brought home, the daughter and niece only Eat two chicken legs, and give the rest to Dabai.

But Wang Shi saw that Dabai didn't like to eat very much, so she felt that he had treated Dabai very badly.

It's not that she's going to the town, she just wants to buy some bones and come back to reward Dabai, the meaty bones on the left and right are not worth much, why bother to be short of Dabai's food just to get some relief.

"Don't tell me, I almost forgot. The weather is cool enough to hold it. I will buy more meat and bones for Dabai to eat slowly. That ancestor doesn't seem to like steamed chicken very much."

He Xiner nodded frantically with a heartbroken look, but Wang grabbed the conversation right away, and said very displeasedly, "What nonsense are you talking about, kid?"

what did she say?

He Xiner was astonished.

"Haha, Sister Xin'er is so funny, she said that I was the ancestor back then, and now she says that Dabai is the ancestor, ouch, it's so funny..."

The little girl Wang Jinling laughed so hard that she fell backwards and forwards, and finally rolled into Wang's arms, she couldn't stop being so happy.

Ye Xusheng, who was driving outside, gave Dabai a sideways look, feeling very upset.

Dabai raised his head proudly and ignored him.

And He Xiner finally knew what happened, touched her nose embarrassingly, and said with a smile, "Just kidding~"

Wang Shi hugged the little girl in her arms, and couldn't help laughing, "When you grow up, you have to be more careful when you speak."

"Oh, I see."

He Xiner hugged Wang's arm and smiled flatteringly, "New Year's is coming soon, mother should get some new clothes, and I'll have to choose a few carefully later."

"Mother has a lot of clothes, and there are still some shirtless. You and girl Ling bought two more. You are at the age of flowers, so you should dress brighter."

"Well, let's buy both."


The bullock cart walked away slowly, and a group of gossiping women under the big locust tree were all deeply shocked, and they all looked distraught~
 Ask for a ticket~
  ah ah~~
(End of this chapter)

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