Chapter 701
Originally, the life of the big guys is similar, but suddenly there is a family in the early years, and the rest of the people naturally feel uncomfortable, envious, jealous, jealous, and even have some injustices, obviously they are all the same poor family, How can your family become rich?

Our family can only eat two meals a day, why can you eat three meals?
Before, people in the village had such a thoughtful attitude towards Ye Dahe's family. While they were envious and jealous, they were also faintly resentful. How could a family with a meager population live better than the prosperous family of their children and grandchildren? ?

Especially Ye Laiyin from the second room, who doesn't even have a son, not to mention that he feels three points short when he sees people, but he still looks high-spirited, driving an ox cart to the town like the sky.

The family didn't feel ashamed because they didn't have a son, and they lived a lot better than them. Look at the clothes on their body. From top to bottom, there is not a single old one, let alone a brand new jacket. A farmer's man is actually wearing a big cloak, and he looks very imposing, and those who don't know him think he is some kind of local rich man.

But why?

Why can he live so well?

Hmph, so what if you have a good life, don't you still have no son?
Some people are like this, they are unhappy in their own hearts, and insist on finding out some faults in others to comfort their petty eyes that are about to go crazy with jealousy.

But suddenly one day, they discovered that the gap with others is not the distance between two meals and three meals. Dogs raised by others are not rare to eat steamed chicken. Is this still a normal distance?
They didn't take a chance on them, they raised a mountain for them, so high that they could only look up to them.

Then you are jealous!

It's too late to curry favor!

After recovering their senses, a group of gossiping women flocked to Lao Ye's house, eager to flatter Lao Qian.As a result, they were surprised to find that Mrs. Qian actually picked beans at home.

Well, just choose beans.

Good guy, the two of you are guarding a big sieve, it doesn't look like a joke, because there are still a few sacks on the ground, and I don't know which ones have been selected and which have not been selected.

No, life is so easy for her family, and she doesn't point to eating this, why choose so many beans?

There is absolutely no need to choose so carefully when feeding pigs.

Mrs. Lin of Ye Changsheng's family narrowed her eyes slightly, and looked at the brand-new cotton curtain at the entrance of the main room, the brazier in the main room, and the brand-new quilt on the old Qian's kang...

As expected of the richest man in the village, look at how life is going, tsk, tsk, it's really enviable!
As a result, a group of people became more enthusiastic, with a tone of respect, and praised the old Qian's family from top to bottom, and by the way, they also praised the sweet-scented osmanthus, so that there is nothing in the sky and the earth, and the sweet-scented osmanthus is so beautiful As if drunk, if not for his weight, he would almost be floating!
And old Qian once again enjoyed the feeling of returning to the stars and holding the moon, and he couldn't help feeling nervous, he pretended to be arrogant and raised his chin to talk to people, drooping his triangular old eyes, as if he didn't care much about people, Lin and the others were so out of breath that they crooked their noses.

But they are all very old, and they are all smart, but they can hold their breath. Isn't this old guy very cute, doesn't he like to show off?
Then coax her a few more words, just to catch up with her when she is proud.

The matter of the vegetable garden is not expected to lead to anything, and everyone's thoughts are turned to the beans selected by the old Qian and his wife.

Well, if you don’t ask, you don’t know. If you ask, you will be shocked.

It's no wonder that Ye Laiyin gets [-] to [-] yuan every day. It turns out that his daughter is very powerful, and she came up with a way to make money for her family.

Mrs. Lin and the gossiping women met eyes secretly, which means that Mrs. Wang is living so comfortably and comfortably. Her mother-in-law was doing chores at home, but she went to the town to play...

(End of this chapter)

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