The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 802 Let's Go to the Lantern

Chapter 802 Let's Go to the Lantern

Just like that, Ye Xusheng taught He Xiner a self-defense technique every day, and then deduced it with her until she was able to use it proficiently to escape smoothly.

He Xiner became more and more interested, Zhiyou said that she is also a person with kung fu now, maybe one day she will go to the rivers and lakes with a sword, Ye Xusheng couldn't help laughing at it.

Next, Ye Xusheng wrote about the fighting scenes. When one person is difficult to deduce, the two people will make gestures in a decent manner.

"Brother, is Guo Jing born?"

Gestures belonged to gestures, but He Xiner didn't pay close attention to the big brother's writing. She knew that when a person is concentrating on one thing, the most annoying thing is to be interrupted by others.

Especially when writing something, I am thinking about the character of the characters, considering the appropriate vocabulary, designing how to fight, and being interrupted by people abruptly is very annoying.

So, Ye Xusheng had been writing for several days, but He Xiner couldn't bear to read a single word.

Not only was she afraid of disturbing the big brother, she was even more afraid that she would become addicted after reading it, so she had to wait for the big brother to finish writing it before reading, so that she could enjoy it all at once.

"The previous few fights were very brilliant, I only wrote a rough outline, and I still need to polish it."

"That means Brother Jing hasn't been born yet? Oh, poor Brother Jing~"

Ye Xusheng felt uncomfortable when he heard her call Lao Shi Zijing brother.

He didn't answer her at the moment, and lowered his head pretending to be in thought.

He Xiner didn't bother him when she saw this, she took a book and read it by herself.

Life was leisurely and carefree, but He Xiner didn't think about playing around.

At dinner this evening, I heard her father say, "It's the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, and the shops and shops in the town are about to open."

I can't say why, but in front of Ye Laicai, Ye Laiyin was very reluctant to mention the family business, hum, it's strange that this kid is still not in a hurry to leave after staying at home for more than ten days.

Old Yetou understood the second son's words in seconds, hey, after resting for more than ten days, it's time to earn money.

He Xiner, who was whispering to Ye Xusheng, first heard what her father said about the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, and her first reaction was that the days passed so fast, she hadn't had enough fun with the big brother, and she was about to school starts.

Oh, boring~
My cousin won't be able to come until the first lunar month.

No, I seem to have forgotten an important thing.

He Xiner tilted her head and thought carefully.

Looking at the man who was still eloquently fascinated, Ye Xusheng pursed his lips lightly, his eyes twinkled slightly, and remained silent.

"Hey, I remembered. Isn't there a Lantern Festival in the county town on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month? Father, mother, let's go see the lanterns?"

Finally remembering this most important thing, He Xiner's face was filled with surprise, her dark eyes looked at her father's sparkle, and her white face smiled like a flower.

Seeing that Ye Laiyin's heart softened, just as he was about to respond, a sharp scolding sound directly overturned the main room of Lao Ye's family, "You are not allowed to go to the county town with your hooves!"

The person who made everyone's eardrums buzzing was naturally old Qian.

She had just finished a bowl of rice porridge, and was about to fill another bowl, when she heard what He Xiner said about going to the county seat, she screamed like a cat with its tail burnt, and because she was so excited, she jumped up and down at the same time , without any hassle, smashed the bowl in his hand towards He Xiner's face!

"Ah, Xin'er!"

Wang was frightened out of her wits, screamed hoarsely, and was on the verge of falling...

At the same time, Ye Laiyin also yelled in shock, "Girl, run away!"

The smile on He Xiner's face hadn't faded away when she saw a big bowl rushing towards her with the sound of wind whistling...

What the hell!

The dead old godmother wants to disfigure the baby!

All this happened so fast that even Ye Laicai, who had always been active in his thoughts, and old Ye Tou, who was deep in thought, didn't even realize that the ceramic bowl was about to hit He Xiner's face.

(End of this chapter)

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