The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 803 It's Not Insanity

Chapter 803 It's Not Insanity

Seeing that she was going to suffer, He Xiner hurriedly raised her head to hide, but due to excessive force, her body lost her balance, and her whole body was overturned even with the square bench and fell backwards.

rely on it~
This time I'm going to have a concussion!
In the blink of an eye, Ye Xusheng swayed his body and shot quickly, his right hand firmly supported He Xiner from under her body, and his left hand hurriedly grabbed the ceramic bowl that rushed to him.

The earthen ceramic bowl is quite heavy, and old Qian threw it out with all his might in a rage. If He Xiner was hit hard, it would not only be as simple as having a bruised nose and swollen face, but the bridge of her nose might be broken.

He Xin'er flashed out of desperation, and didn't take care of everything, thanks to Ye Xusheng's sharp eyes and hands, he quickly caught the windy Ruo Da concealed weapon, otherwise Wang would probably hit him right.

"Mother got lost and insane?"

"Bang! Crash~"

Ye Laiyin was furious, staring fiercely at old Qian with red eyes, panting heavily, his fists clenched and creaking, like a wild beast ready to pounce and tear at any time.

After all, it was his own mother, who couldn't do anything, and was so angry that he slapped the table shaking for a long time. He stretched out his hand and pulled it, and he threw the ceramic basin closest to him to the ground, including the chopsticks and bowls in front of him. Broken all over the place.

This burst of sound was not small, and Ye Feifeng, Ye Guihua, and Xiaoqian were all frightened and screamed.

Yes, the thick-skinned Little Qian is also there.

And Mrs. Wang had already cried to the point of tears, and hugged He Xiner from Ye Xusheng's hands with trembling hands, hugged her tightly in her arms and did not let go, shaking with anger.

"You unfilial son who calls you crazy!"

"Beating my own granddaughter so viciously, isn't it crazy or something?"

At this time, Ye Laiyin's energy and blood kept surging, his head was roaring, and his head was swollen and painful as if it was about to explode. If he hadn't clenched his fists with all his strength and tried his best to maintain the last sliver of reason, he might have died. Old Qian was beaten away by him long ago.

And old Qian didn't have any consciousness at all, being stared at by his own son hatefully like an enemy, he was so stimulated that he lost all his reason, jumping on his feet and scolding screamingly:

"Bullshit! That trampled hoof is not my old lady..."



Ye Xusheng looked at his grandfather with a dark face and slapped his breasts coldly. He didn't know whether he should be thankful that his grandfather stopped his breasts in time. What he said next, he felt like a big stone was pressed on his chest, and he was depressed. I can't breathe.

"It's Chinese New Year, you old man is scolding and beating, I think you are full!"

Old Yetou squinted his eyes slightly, stared at Old Qian with a sullen face, and successfully forced the other party back when he was about to yell again.

Ye Laicai, who was watching from the sidelines, always felt that something was wrong with his mother, but he couldn't think of a reason for being in a mess right now.

"Father, I want to separate!"

Ye Laiyin's categorical words made old Ye tremble in shock, and even Ye Laijin called out to him in astonishment, "Second brother, don't act rashly!"

Wang Shi, who was hugging her daughter, froze, and felt a little joy in her heart, the separation is good, and the daughter will not have to be wronged anymore.

He Xiner, who was being hugged by Wang Shiqiang, was stunned when she heard this, her father is really straightforward, um, my daughter supports you!

She silently gave her father a thumbs up in her heart, and continued to pat her mother's shoulder softly to comfort her.

Well, Mrs. Wang originally wanted to comfort her daughter, but she was crying like a tearful person, and her whole body was tense and trembling. She couldn't speak, but He Xiner looked calm. comfort her.

Old Qian, who was suppressed by Old Yetou's fierce gaze, was also a little annoyed. She and her daughter would have to deduct money from this dead girl to buy jewelry.

Besides, with this move, I'm afraid that the stubborn second child will never let her take advantage of it again, wouldn't he have no more meat to eat?
(End of this chapter)

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