The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 804 Good Life Comforts the Child

Chapter 804 Good Life Comforts the Child
Old Qian, who was worried about running out of meat, suddenly heard Ye Laiyin say that he wanted to separate the family, and immediately became furious, even forgetting the old Ye Tou's warning eyes.

"I'm still panting. If you are an unfilial son, you dare to make a fuss about breaking up the family. I will kill you, an unfilial thing!"

After scolding, I was about to copy the pimples, but I was overwhelmed by Lao Yetou's roar, "Shut up for me, if you say another word, I will divorce you, old man!"

Old Qian's eyes widened in disbelief, pointed at Ye Laiyin tremblingly with his skinny paws, and said, "He's about to break up the family, and you don't care about it, and you're still here to scold me?"

"One more word, get out now!"

With a gloomy tone, every word seemed to be squeezed out from between the teeth, revealing a chill.

Old Yetou was so angry that his brows twitched wildly, and he stared at Old Qian with a frosty face. It was the first time that Old Qian had seen such a cruel expression, and he became timid involuntarily, no matter how unwilling he was. He dared to speak again, but felt that he couldn't hold back his old face, so he went into the room and hid in annoyance.

"The second daughter-in-law, please take Xin'er back to the house, so as to comfort and comfort the child, don't be scared."

Suppressing his irritable mood, Lao Yetou tried his best to keep his tone as light as possible.


When the father-in-law spoke, Wang didn't dare not listen, and she didn't want to stay here to sulk anymore.

He Xiner pursed her lips and did not speak. Judging by his master's attitude, the separation of the family might not be possible.

Her father has always been filial, if it wasn't for the old godmother being a demon, her father would never propose a separation, but if her father is emotional and persuasive, her father may not force it.

When Wang's wife left the main room, Lao Yetou quickly made some arrangements, Ye Guihua swept the floor, Xiaoqian's wife cleaned up the table and washed the dishes, then ignored others and dragged the eldest son and second son out of the house .

Second Monk Ye Laicai was puzzled as to what his father was going to do.

And Ye Xusheng knew in his heart that his master took his second uncle to the back garden to persuade him.

After leaving the main room, Ye Xusheng stood in the yard with his hands behind his back, looking up at the black-cloth-like night sky, without even a single moonlight or starlight, it was so dark that it was depressing, and it was so dark that it was hard to breathe.

The raging cold wind tore the bare branches forcefully, whimpering, roaring like an angry beast~
A dull pain in the bottom of my heart, pulling and pulling.

It is full of love for He Xiner~
Ye Xusheng's eyes were dim, and he stood quietly in the darkness until he heard the footsteps of his father and the others. Then he turned around and left the courtyard from the outer wall of the east courtyard, and went to the back mountain.

Sure enough, as He Xiner expected, his father was no more stubborn than his father. After the father and son talked about it, his father never mentioned the separation of the family.

But he said with a clear attitude that no matter whether the family is separated or not, he will not let his daughter be wronged.

He Xiner shrugged indifferently, but Wang Shi secretly sighed.

Ye Laiyin was naturally very annoyed by his mother, but his father's heartfelt and painstaking efforts to appease him were very low-key, trying to persuade him not to separate the family. As a child, how could he have the heart to embarrass his old father?
But his father belongs to his father, and his mother belongs to his mother.

He will never forgive his mother for insulting his daughter for no reason, and beating her like crazy.

Therefore, Ye Laiyin did not disappoint his mother, and unceremoniously cut off the meat at home.

Whether it was a pheasant, a rabbit, or a goat that Dabai occasionally hunted, all of them were sold without leaving a hair.

He wanted to spend all the money he got in exchange for his daughter. Because Dabai was too capable, the money he exchanged was not old or young, and He Xiner didn't need much. He had already saved three or forty taels in his hand, so he didn't want any more. Let his father keep it all.

Ever since this scene broke out, old Mrs. Qian has never had a bite of meat. Even the dinner table on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month was filled with clear water and mixed cabbage.

 ask for a ticket~~
  Thank you in advance~~
(End of this chapter)

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