Chapter 811
Ye Laiyin made the decision on the west side of the yard, widened the yard, built five brick and tile houses at the base of the north wall, and built three west rooms for his daughter, one for the living room, one for the bedroom, and one for her daughter. Let her decide on her own, and built a bathroom for her alone.

He Xiner's current house is not demolished, it will be used to store wild fruits in the future.

Calculated in this way, the entire Xikuayuan is the private property of Erfang. Except for Lao Yetou who occupied the land in the early years, he did not take advantage of the public at all.

Ye Laiyin was also preparing for the separation of the family in the future.

The front yard was the most troublesome. First of all, the east wing where Ye Laijin's family of three lived could not be demolished, so they had to build one and demolish the other.

According to Ye Laijin's plan, the east wing room was expanded into five brick and tile houses. After the second child moved to the west cross courtyard, the west wing room was demolished and five brick and tile houses were built.

The upper house where Lao Yetou lives is not moving for the time being.

But the entire Ye family mansion was built with high walls, and the fence gate had to be replaced with a mahogany gate with copper rings, and when the bullock carts entered and exited, they had to go through the side gate reserved at the root of the east wall in the backyard.

After such a calculation, the old Ye family's mansion will be amazing after it is built, with several neat and tidy courtyards, it really looks like a big family.

Suddenly, the whole village was in an uproar.

How rich is Ye Dahe's family?

I heard that the wages for the help are paid by Ye Laiyin, Erfang. My good guy, there are more than 100 people helping each other every day. Ten coins per person is more than one tael. Calculated as an integer, it is 30 yuan a month. Two!
Tut, tut, tut, what a rich man!
Can't do it, can't do it~
So far, the entire Ye family village has to admit that Ye Dahe's family is indeed well-off.

Come on, don't think about what you have, work hard, don't talk about anything else, lunch is chicken and rabbit, I haven't eaten it so happily when I grow up, I ate other people's food, and took it again For wages, you should do your homework well.

Besides, if you do a good job or two now, it will be considered a good deal. If something happens in the future, you will have the face to ask others for help, right?

The weather has just warmed up, the weeds in the field have just begun to wake up, the dark green wheat has not yet started to grow, and there is no important work in the field at home. It is the slack time. If there is such a job that eats well and earns money, what else? Unsatisfactory?
The whole Old Ye's family was very busy, everyone was busy with the work in hand, and they didn't forget to chat a few words, talking and laughing, but working very hard.

Ye Shitian, another family who needs to build a house, is not in a hurry, and brings his nephew to Ye Dahe's house every day to help.

He had already prepared bricks and tiles and other materials, and only waited for Ye Dahe's house to be built before his house began to break ground.

Their big house used to live in the west wing of the front yard. There were five brothers in the family, and it was packed to the brim. There was no room for expansion, so he simply spent money to buy a vacant lot on the east side of the family and built a separate yard.

When the house is built, they will have their own territory with one house. Although there is no separation, it is much more convenient.

Right and left, he didn't take advantage of the public house, and even gave up the few houses that he should have owned to his brothers. The private property he built with his own money, there is no reason for others to be greedy.

That's it, busy talking, no one knew that Ye Xusheng was going to the county seat to rush for the exam. It was not until dinner on the night of the tenth day that Ye Xusheng said that tomorrow he would rush to the county seat in advance with a few classmates to find a place to stay and prepare for the exam. The boy's test on February 14th and [-]th.

Everyone was quite surprised, and the old Yetou was stunned, while the little Qian yelled happily, "My son must pass the exam, and my mother is still waiting to become the wife of an official."

General Ye Laijin came to his senses, not knowing whether to be happy or nervous, he was so excited that he couldn't speak, but he was a little disgusted when he heard Xiao Qian's words.

(End of this chapter)

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