The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 812 Why Are You Standing Here Blowing the Cold Wind

Chapter 812 Why Are You Standing Here Blowing the Cold Wind

Even Lao Yetou and Ye Laiyin didn't like her tone, they frowned subconsciously.

Old Qian has the same temperament as Little Qian, grinning happily and giggling, "I'm going to be an old lady too, haha..."

He Xiner was speechless and dumbfounded.

She shouldn't have been pestering the eldest brother to write Nao Shizi's novel, and delayed the eldest brother's study.

Old Yetou, Ye Laijin, and Grandpa Ye Laiyin were excited and worried, explaining all the things they thought of over and over again, while all the female relatives were beaming, just waiting to be the old lady and head of the official family. Mother, the eldest lady of the official family...

Old Qian and Little Qian couldn't wait any longer, and asked Ye Xusheng again and again to get the honor in the exam. Although the old Ye family disliked their way of speaking, they couldn't tell Ye Xusheng not to take the exam, could they?

Yes, didn't say anything.

And Ye Guihua, who is too lazy to care about people on weekdays, also enthusiastically told her that she still wants to be a lady of the official family, so how could she not say something?
The atmosphere in the whole main room was warm and fiery, even Ye Feifeng, who was full of opinions on her own brother, also timidly expressed her blessings.

The little girl Wang Jinling kept applauding cheerfully, making the whole atmosphere extraordinarily warm.

To say that the quietest ones are Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Wang was both excited and worried, her mood was agitated, but she was too embarrassed to say anything. She only planned to finish clearing the table and make something edible for her eldest nephew. Good morning with.

But He Xiner was so guilty that she couldn't lift her head up.

Even the boy's exam, which can't be regarded as a fame, is still a big difficulty for scholars. How many people have taken the exam again and again...

Oh, I really want to give myself two slaps!

Ye Xusheng could feel her mood fluctuating slightly. Seeing her drooping head, she was already anxious. After finally dealing with the enthusiastic crowd, she was about to go back to the room to read a book. Old Ye Tou just waved her hand away. passed him.

At this time, Mrs. Wang had already cleared the table and went to the kitchen to prepare meals for her elder nephew. But as Ye Xusheng's mother, she didn't worry about what her son would eat or drink when he went out. He felt that his face was bright, and he was so dragged that he was about to walk sideways. He put on a shelf and asked his daughter to help him back to the east wing to sleep.

He Xiner sent Dabai to bed with her little cousin who had been busy all day, and went to the kitchen to teach her mother how to cook pancakes and dried barbecue before going to Dongkua courtyard.

The yard was in a mess, and the soil dug out for the foundation was piled up in several places. Although bricks, tiles, wood, stones and other materials were placed neatly against the base of the wall, there were also a lot of soil, broken stones, wood chips and other things on the ground.

Although there was a carpenter in the family, Ye Laicai, he disappeared long ago, and the old Ye Tou didn't bother to look for him, so he invited a carpenter from a neighboring village to build the doors and windows. After the foundation was completed, the door frame was about to be erected for the brick wall. , so this job is quite rushed.

There was a semicircular bright moon in the sky, the clear light shrouded the earth, the messy things in the yard were clearly illuminated, the early spring breeze was still cold, He Xiner stood in the yard and tightened her thin jacket tightly, I hesitated for a while.

The wooden door opened with a creak, and Ye Xusheng strode over in the cold moonlight. Seeing her blinking her black and clear eyes and only looking at him without speaking, he couldn't help reaching out and rubbing her head.

"Why are you standing here blowing the cold wind?"

The deep voice flowing like a clear spring is very pleasant.

"Big Brother, I'm sorry..."

Before she finished speaking, her mouth was covered by a hand with sharp knuckles. He Xiner raised her small face, blinked her big eyes, and looked at the other party puzzled.

"Brother said, you didn't apologize to anyone, never say sorry."

 Ask for a ticket~
  Thank you in advance~~
(End of this chapter)

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