The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 813 Is that kind of lucky person?

Chapter 813 Is that kind of lucky person?

When Ye Xusheng went to the county seat to take the exam, He Xiner seemed to have lost her soul, and couldn't cheer up whatever she did.

Little Wang Jinling saw that she was lacking in interest, so she teased her in various ways. He Xiner had to force her spirits and joked with her. When she was alone, she often lost her mind.

I don't know how the big brother did in the exam?

The house was full of people every day, and He Xiner was not in a good mood. She just felt that the noisy crowd made her brain hurt, but seeing that her parents were so busy that they didn't touch the floor, she couldn't be lazy and forced herself to go out. Those who come in and out follow the busy work.

Ye Laiyin has always done things neatly and never procrastinated. This time, in order to build the house earlier and tidy it up as soon as possible, it can be regarded as a big investment, and more than 100 people in the village were invited to help.

Although it is only for one lunch, it is really not easy to cook so many meals.

There are four simple earthen stoves set up in the backyard, one is specially used to heat hot water, and the fire in the stove never stops from morning to night, and the other is used to steam pasta, with a six-storey super-large cage placed on it, one head at a time I was not idle, steaming one pot after another.

Lao Ye's family invites people to eat steamed buns with three-in-one noodles, including black noodles, corn noodles, and bean noodles. Although the dark ones are not very attractive, they are softer than steamed buns, and all the men in the village don't like them.

There are also two large pots, one for pheasant soup, and the other for potatoes and rabbit meat. The two full pots are not enough to eat, so Ye Laiyin specially bought two large pots to hold the pre-cooked meat. A good dish, it is best to empty the big pot and continue cooking.

The chaotic chicken soup and rabbit meat were scooped up with a ladle, poured into a heavy and thick vat, and then covered with a thick lid, so it was not easy to let it cool.

This is Ye Laiyin's thoughtfulness.

In fact, the rough guys in the country have solid skin, even if they eat something cold, it doesn't matter. Besides, they can only eat chicken and rabbit meat.
Of course, there are so many people, so we can’t just count on eating meat, but it’s troublesome to make stir-fry dishes. Mrs. Wang followed her daughter’s advice, mixed a large bowl of shredded pickles with sesame oil and balsamic vinegar, and served it with rice.

Then peel off the dry outer skin of the cabbage that has been stored for the winter, as long as the tender leaves inside are juicy and finely cut into shreds, put it in five large pots, cut some garlic and sprinkle it on the head, and sprinkle it with crushed fine salt. A small handful, then pour some soy sauce; add oil to the hot pan, pour in a bowl of crushed dried chili and peppercorns, deep-fry them over high heat, pour them hot on the minced garlic, the sound of sizzling, and the fragrance also floats out.

The taste of this dish is crisp, spicy and salty, especially refreshing.

Bai Shi, Liu Shi, Ning Shi and others laughed and said that they cooked with Wang Shi and learned a lot of unique skills.

The men in the village praised and praised him again and again, and all of them ate with smiles on their faces.

Before noon, the smell of pheasant soup and rabbit meat was already wafting all over the yard, and everyone who worked was immediately refreshed. Ye Fuyun, the eldest son of the village who supervised the work, also yelled loudly at the right time, "Everyone is working hard!" Work harder, eat meat this noon!"

Everyone laughed loudly.

"Uncle Fuyun said it seems that eating meat is so rare!"

A kid was messing around with a playful smile, which caused Ye Fuyun to smile too, and deliberately squinted at him, "Are you tired of eating, or what?"

"No, no, I haven't eaten enough, I haven't eaten enough, and I haven't eaten enough, I won't get tired of eating every day or every meal!"

These words made everyone laugh again, teasing him in a hurry.

"You kid still want to eat every meal? You are so beautiful!"

"That's right, don't piss and take pictures of your sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks. Are you that kind of lucky person?"

"Ha ha……"

"Speaking of which, I have lived a long time, and there is no shortage of oil and water in my stomach."

"Who said not to come?"

"How about we raise a dog and go hunting in the mountains?"

"Fuck you! Do you think it's that easy?"

(End of this chapter)

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